
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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Zizizi ...

A sound of burning sound resounded throughout the world, so clear but harsh. Although Shangguan Feiyun's powerful sword qi instantly broke Zhuofan's five thunder-flame barriers, those lightning rashes also suddenly touched the sword qi at this moment, burning and tearing constantly.

When those thunder flames burned out quickly, the sword energy was suddenly burned to a quarter of the strength. Although the momentum was still strong, it was much weaker than before, and the strength was reduced a lot. .

If the previous sword was actually shot by Shangguan Feiyun, then now the strength of this sword strength is at most a sword of an ordinary Guiyuan pinnacle master.

You know, although it is also a trick of Guiyuan Peak Master, but the difference is very big, it cannot be justified!

Zhongzhou is rich in resources and talents, and there are no fewer masters in Guiyuan Peak, but only Jiujian Wang dominates because it is also a strong man, and Jiujian Wangqiang is even more incredible, very accessible!

In the palace of Feiyun, Shangguan Feiyun was able to kill more than 30 Guiyuan masters from his own guard with a sword, and Dan Qingsheng had a sword, which made it difficult for many strong officials in Shangguan to resist. !

This kind of overwhelming strength is only available to the Nine Sword Kings. If you are a general Guiyuan pinnacle master, you can deal with five Guiyuan late masters at the same time!

It can be seen that although because of the repression of Fanjie, the cultivation of many masters can only reach the peak of Guiyuan, but the nine sword kings and others are qualitatively different.

It is conceivable that these nine people would have been able to reach the holy realm if there were no such rank-order enchantment to suppress it! Its strength is not even under those holy domain masters, and it is even more than that, and it may be the monster in the eyes of those holy domain cultivators!

After all, these people are considered to be the successors of the sword emperor, how can they be the same as ordinary people?

However, it is such a move that stands at the peak of the mainland and is the pride of heaven, but after passing through the barrier of Zhuo Fan's Thunder Flame, it was instantly weakened a lot, and the power of becoming a vulgar trick is probably reduced by half. .

This couldn't help but shock everyone at the scene, the dignity in his eyes was even better, and he was even more afraid of Zhuo Fan. Although Zhuo Fan is now the beaten party, no one dares to underestimate him!

Staring closely at the sword that continued to fly, Shangguan Feiyun's eyelids tremble, and he murmured: "This black flame can even burn the old man's sword gas, and it burns so fast, it's just Against the sky, it's so unreasonable, how can there be such a world? "

When the other two heard it, they nodded slightly and sighed!

That's right, they are afraid of Zhuofan, either of his own strength, or of this extinction. Because the attribute of Thunder Flame is too domineering, it is simply not close to strangers!

Even the martial arts tricks of the practitioners can be burned, is this ridiculous? They have never seen it before!

If this is the case, as long as there is enough thunder inflammation, then the cultivator can directly say goodbye in this flame. Because the Yuanli shield ca n't be used, because it 's burned; if you want to rely on martial arts to open a way, you ca n't use it, because you 're burned; you do n't want to block it with spirit soldiers and magical treasures. No!

In short, once in contact with this Thunder Flame, it will be burned, which is basically a fire of hell, so that you can never escape. If this is known to the rest of the cultivators, it is estimated that Zhuofan can become the public enemy of the entire continent!

Mastering this Thunder Flame is similar to mastering nuclear weapons, which is too dangerous ...

Thinking of this, the three of them couldn't help but flick their eyelids together, and continued to look at Zhuo Fan, but they all had their own thoughts!

At this moment, Zhuo Fan's move was broken, and his eyes were bleeding, but he did not panic, but also showed a strange evil smile. Because just a moment later, he cut that sword energy a lot of strength, which is proof that he can deal with this trick.

So, Zhuo Fan didn't say anything, and immediately regained his spirit, ignoring the shock that the eye pupil had just received, two golden auras emerged in the right pupil, and the thunder burst in the left pupil. Going out, I just met the soaring sword that was attacking here!

Hey ... touch!

With a loud noise, Lei Yan and the Sword Jin touched fiercely, but they still passed through the power of the broken Leiyan fiercely, and rushed towards Zhuo Fan without delay.

Zhuo Fan was once again throbbed by the recoil force, and he looked up and couldn't help but spit out a red blood in his mouth again, and his face suddenly became more pale. The blood in the double pupils can't stop flowing!

But he didn't care, he endured the headache and suddenly showed a more evil smile.

Because, just in that moment, Zhuo Fan lost another one in Yuanli collision, but Lei Yan's attributes are absolutely invincible.

Then, with the power of breaking the air, it only took a moment to slam Nai Yan straight into the center of Jianqi.

Suddenly, the terrifying thunder blaze, the incomparably powerful sword gas began to turbulence from the inside, weakened for a while. When Nai Yan was completely burned and cleaned, this original sword spirit was already weakened to the strength of a cultivator who had just broken through the return home.

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Feiyun and others couldn't help being dumbfounded!

Only two weakenings have already weakened the sword power of his majestic sword king to such a degree that if the force just kicked back and caused some damage to the opponent, his sword would be basically abolished.

If the opponent is already in the strength of Guiyuan Realm, he can easily take this trick. Where does his Shangguan Feiyun's face go?

Fortunately, Gu Yifan is only a godly scene, even if the sword power is weakened to this extent, it will not help!

Otherwise, there is no more than three things. He is a magnificent king of flying swords. He ca n't kill people with one sword, he ca n't kill people with two swords, and he ca n't kill people with the third sword.

Although the face is a divinely embellished, but the dignity of his sword king is still necessary!

But it is clear that Zhuo Fan did not intend to take his own life, but fulfilled his respect of the sword king ...

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but slightly, feeling the sword king who had weakened most of them, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but reveal a confident smile. Immediately after that, the pupil of Kong Ming Shentong issued a fourth steep.

Space vibration, thunder flame field!


Suddenly, within a thousand kilometers, the whole space began to vibrate, and the gurgling black thunder flames filled it, and with this vibration, everything around was destroyed.

That sword energy, in this vibrating space, because the energy is solid, it would not be dissipated, but under the constant burning of thunder inflammation, it quickly dissipated, and the powerful momentum is also able to perceive The speed is declining rapidly.

This ... Zhuo Fan faced this sword spirit, and the only way he didn't hit it hard was just gradually eroding it, which made him already somewhat seriously injured, which made him a lot easier.

However, it is clear that this way of killing is simply impossible to block the speed of the sword energy, so it is just a blink of an eye, that sword energy has already arrived in front of Zhuo Fan.

But fortunately, after this series of wear and tear, this sword's prestige has been reduced to the power of the five cultivators of the Soul Fusion Realm, but in this case, with Zhuofan's strength, it can already be stopped!

The corner of his mouth could not help but traverse a curved arc of victory, Zhuo Fan gently raised his right arm, bursts of red awns suddenly diverged, all eyes were endless complacency!

What about Sword King, your one move, I Zhuo Fan finally blocked ...


However, at this moment, the change is protruding, maybe even Zhuo Fan did not think that although the sword gas was worn away a lot, but the sword still passed through Zhuo Fan's arm fiercely without delay. The shot went through his entire shoulder.

The gurgling blood rushed outward like a fountain, Zhuo Fan's eyes were amazed, full of unbelievable colors, and his heart was sullied.

How could this be ... With the strength of the unicorn arm, you shouldn't be able to stop the sword of a master of melting souls!

What's going on ... Am I ... miscalculated ...


Once again spitting out a blood, Zhuofan immediately fell to the ground holding the ancient tee, banged, smashed a huge pothole, the blood could not stop flowing, and immediately dipped this piece of blood into the sand.

"Dad, daddy ..." The ancient three links were shocked, and two lines of tears suddenly appeared on the weak old face, exhaling.

The eyelids flickered slightly, Zhuo Fan gasped deeply, muttered: "Little third son, my dad seems to have some things not calculated. Although this battle will be defeated, I didn't expect to be hurt so badly. This is not good Now, even the last life-saving Long Xidan can't be thrown out ... "

"That daddy, are we going to die?" Inexplicably, the ancient three links were equally weak and asked quietly.

Touching his head gently, Zhuo Fan was unsure: "Are you afraid of death?"

"Not afraid!"

"That's good, let's take it for granted!" Took a deep breath, Zhuo Fan's eyes flashed: "Now the life and death of our father and son are in the hands of the man, I hope he remembers the original agreement ..."

Unconsciously, the ancient three links seemed to understand something, looked at him deeply, and nodded slightly!

At this time, Zhuo Fan was seriously injured, thinking that this was his biggest miscalculation. He really did not expect that the weakened sword energy would hurt him.

But in the eyes of the other three people, it was an unbelievable color, especially Shangguan Feiyun, who was shaking his eyelids incredulously and gritted his teeth: "I ca n't kill the three swords of Shangguan Feiyun, this Except for the Nine Sword King and the Undefeated Sword Sovereign, there is no one in the world! Gu Yifan, you are the first, then let the king use the fourth sword to take your life! "

Saying that, Shangguan Feiyun raised his sword finger again, and faced a figure that had been seriously injured and could not move, but it had unprecedentedly exuded the strongest killing intention, and Geng Lengmang also flashed in his eyes.

There is hatred, there is unwillingness, but more is humiliation!

That's right, it's humiliation!

Although it is Zhuo Fan who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, he felt that there was no light on the face, but it was he Shangguan Feiyun who felt the most humiliation. In the face of a divine alchemist, the three sword sword kings failed to take their lives, which was equivalent to a strong man with the power of nine cows and two tigers. He even grinded it three times, and he could not kill an ant.

People will not pay attention to the strength of ants, but will laugh at the strong and weak of the strong men!

Therefore, the last sword of Shangguan Feiyun is regarded as the most murderous sword, and it is also the most dangerous situation that was seriously injured, weak and unbearable!

Although he had expected all these things, he deviated slightly from his expectations. However, this deviation has become a real death situation, and even Zhuo Fan can no longer master the death situation ...