
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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1026 Chs


call out!

Just like a black electric awn punctured the sky, Baili Yuyu raised his hand and grabbed it, and with a puff, he took the black sword firmly in his hand.

The black streamer exudes a strange color in the hot space, and the slightly whispering voice, like a devil's singing, makes a heart-pounding sound throughout the world.

His eyelids flicked slightly, and Baili Yuyu stared at the long sword shaking, but he was shocked. Because he has seen it, the texture and spirituality of this sword are as good as the chopping sky sword in the hands of the ancestors and the burning sky sword in Muronglie's hands.

This is the magic soldier!

But ... what is this state's magical soldier, why haven't I seen it before, or even heard it? Is there such a weird sword with black stripes among the five state warriors?

The opposite Murong Lie saw it, and he trembled his eyelids unceasingly, his eyes full of incredible colors. At the same time, the Burning Sky Sword in his hand also issued a light whisper as the black sword chanted.

As if encountering any natural enemies, exuding flames and anger!

"What's the matter, what's wrong with the Burning Sky Sword?" With a deep glance at the trembling blade in his hand, Muronglie frowned tightly, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes: Why is this Excalibur so exciting today, it is not as peaceful as usual, even if it has met with other Divine Soldiers before, such a thing has not happened, but how can it be today ... "

Muronglie was puzzled, but Zhuo Fan knew it!

The Divine Soldier was excited when he saw the magic sword. After all, although the magic sword is the body of Optimus Sword, the spirit of the sword has already changed, and it is no longer what it used to be.

The five sacred soldiers who had been successful in refining together were totally different when they met again, not to mention swords. Even ordinary people would be surprised.

This is due to the fact that the Excalibur Sword and Spirit ca n't speak, otherwise, when I saw this already changed Optimus Sword, I immediately yelled and said: "Well, where is the boy, I dare to take the magpie 's nest and take me Brother's quarters, what about my brothers? "

"Hey, hey ... dead!"

"How did you die?"

"Destroyed by my master, who told it to be disobedient ..."

Well, this should be the scene!

A strange arc traversed the corner of his mouth. Zhuo Fan listened to the swords of the two long swords, and his brain filled the conversation, but his smile was awkward.

It's a pity that although the two swords are hostile, the master of the sword doesn't know where they are, so he is confused.

"Since the Excalibur is in your hands, what are you doing stunned!"

Both of them in the air were stunned by the sound of Jianyin, motionless, Zhuo Fan still walked along, but screamed loudly, like Hong Zhong, stunned and deaf!

The body couldn't help but shake, and Baili Yuyu recovered, looking at the magic sword in his hand, and his mouth suddenly crossed an arc of excitement. At this moment, she was finally able to fight Muronglie happily, and she no longer suffered from that frustration!

Now at this moment, everyone has a sword in hand, who is afraid of whom?

Thinking this way, Baili Yuyu immediately put his whole body skills into the Excalibur, and the whisper of Qingtian Demon Sword became more intense. Finally, at the end, he rushed into the weather, and shot from the tip of the sword, and went straight out of the cloud.

Suddenly, the thunder rioted, the wind swayed, and the sky that had turned completely red with the sword gas was ripped open a bright rift from the middle again. There was a silver gleam, and the sword gas mixed with thunder was also scattered. , Shattering the clouds of fire around and turning into nothingness.

It's just a breathing effort, and it has already hit its own sky. Although this sky is very small, it is only one third of the area of ​​the fire cloud, but it is completely different from the previous one. After all, this has already shown that Baili Yuyu has the power of a battle, and it is no longer within ten strokes to let anyone slaughter.

And Muronglie is not the one who just covered the sky with one hand and is in charge of the sky!

Both of them were holding swords and confronted each other. It was impossible for this battle to end in a short time ...

The corner of his mouth crossed the evil smile, Zhuo Fan slowly waved his hand, and continued to pull the small hand of the queer, walking forward slowly, the pace is still brisk: "The two of you are fighting slowly, take the next step first, ha ha ha ... "

The face couldn't help but smoked fiercely, Muronglie looked at Zhuo Fan's back figure walking away, and there was a dark rage in his heart, but then he looked at Baili Yuyu, who stood in front of him and stood with a sword, his mouth still With a provoking evil smile, there was no other way but to sigh helplessly.

"It seems that this time, it is really difficult to finish as soon as possible ..."

"Yeah, within ten moves, you can't beat me, a hundred moves, not necessarily, hehehe ..."

With a grin, Baili Yuyu immediately stroked the sword and rushed to Muronglie: "Murong's head, this girl hasn't used the Excalibur to fight the enemy in her life. Come and accompany your aunt and grandmother two strokes, ha ha ha ... "

Hell, now I 'm a sparring partner!

The corners of his mouth slightly twitched, but Muronglie smiled helplessly and shook his head straight, watching the excitement of Baili Yuyu rushing, but also sighed helplessly and rushed back.

At this moment, Muronglie knew that it was no longer difficult to leave Zhuofan, and he did not want to fight, but Baili Yuyu used the Excalibur, but it was a burst of excitement.

So, a somewhat frustrated man, met with a cheerful woman immediately, but Ding Ling battled.

Unexpectedly, there was a huge earthquake in the world, the mountains and rivers swayed, thunder and lightning flashed, and the fire burned for nine days. Originally the two of the sword king level, the sword was engaged in the battle, this station was really broken, the sea was dry, and a scene of the end of the world appeared in front of him.

Wherever the two have gone, each is a piece of anxiety and destruction, and the souls are covered with charcoal. Even if the two didn't pass through the land, only the aftermath emanated, it made everything disappear into nothingness.

This battle was so fierce that no one saw it, because no one dared to watch the battle between the two master swordsmen unless they did n't want to live.

Even Murongxue and Zier's two daughters fled in a hurry as soon as the war began, and they didn't even have the courage to glance back. Have deafened ears.

But even so, they fled so fast, they were almost caught in the earth-shattering battlefield, and the bones were gone.

As for Zhuo Fan, it disappeared into the smoldering smoke without a trace. Murong Xue wanted to keep up, but he couldn't find it.

This battle happened to cut off all the clues of Zhuofan, making Zhuofan once again a rootless person, a mysterious figure that no one could find ...


Before the billowing smoke, a car stopped abruptly, Zhuo Fan pulled the **** into the car leisurely, and then the car went away again.

The guard on the car glanced at Zhuo Fan, and then looked at the tremendous earthquake outside the car. He could not help but look horrified, and his face was puzzled and said: "My dear, sir, what the **** is going on? We were in Fengshuang Town Just after doing a good job, I met the ice cone and hurried to escape. As expected, the whole town was destroyed. We are still worried about the safety of my husband. But now it 's good. This is the collapse of the world. Is it the end of the world? Rayman Volcano, let people live? "

"No problem, continue to catch your car, Leng Yujian Wang is fighting with Murong fiercely!" Slowly waved his hand, Zhuo Fan could not help but chuckled, but his face was brushed, pale.

But the rest of them seemed to have not noticed, with a look of surprise: "What, Liyang Sword God Muronglie? Sir, how did you bother him, what happened?"

"It's nothing, I was accidentally stared at it, poo ..." Slowly waved his hand, Zhuo Fan was undecided, but suddenly his body shook, and he suddenly spit out a red blood.

Eye pupils couldn't help shrinking, everyone was shocked: "Sir, you ..."

"Father, you just ..." The eyelids shook slightly, and Queer was worried.

She smiled and waved her hand, Zhuo Fan exhaled, and took out a pill medicine from the ring. Youyou said: "No problem, I'm just a bit of a grudge, let's go on the road!"

Looking at each other, the others were unclear, so only Queer understood everything, sighed, and leaned in Zhuo Fan's arms, with pity on his face.

The earth and the earth are still shaking, and strong waves are rapidly spreading to the surroundings. The aftermath of the two master swordsmen is extending to all corners of the surroundings. No one is spared.

Only a car pulled by four or five panicked third-level spirit beasts, galloping all the way on bumpy roads ...

Ten days later!

On the snowy avenue, a beautiful shadow flashed suddenly, and then appeared in front of a non-stop car. Without saying a word, he pulled the car door and drilled in, but it was no doubt that Baili Yuyu.

The people in the car, besides Zhuo Fan's father and daughter, are a few familiar guards.

When she saw her coming back, everyone gleamed in front of her and smiled: "Yuyu girl, you are finally back. Your husband has been mentioning you before. I'm afraid what happened to you, hehehe ..."

"He's afraid I'm in trouble?"

Zhuo Fan glanced a little pale at the side, Baili Yuyu had some accidents, but he still lipped his lips and sneered: "He still takes care of himself, I think he is almost in trouble! His face is white and injured Alright? "

A faint smile crossed the corner of his mouth, Zhuo Fan was undecided: "Spirit Soul has been hurt a little, and it will be fine after about a month!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh with with with with with with a smirk, Baili Yuyu gave Zhuo Fan a deep look, and he chuckled loudly:" Who made you use the spirit to pick up Murong Xue's tricks, obviously the same skill Wouldn't it be death to release the soul? "

Laughing indifferently, Zhuo Fan didn't care about it: "I want to return her life, if I don't use her fatal point to take her trick, why talk about life?"