
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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Staring at Zhuo Fan tightly, Muronglie pondered for a long time, still unable to feel at ease, and continued to ask: "Since Mr. is not a person in Zhongzhou, who are there, where do they come from, and what do they want to come to Beizhou for?"

"I just said it now, we are just a group of people, and Murong 's head need not delve into it!"

"If it's an ordinary situation, you won't be so rude in the next time, and you will find out the details of your husband. It is a pity that Beizhou is in an urgent situation now, and you have to be careful in the next, and hope Mr. forgive me!"

"But ... if I just don't want to tell?" Eyes can not help but squint slightly, Zhuo Fan stunned, and laughed lightly.

With a cold smile, Murong Lie suddenly released a strong momentum, and his eyes were full of firmness, and he did not give up: "So sorry, before confirming the background of Mr., he will never let Mr. leave here! "

"Hehehe ... Lieyang Sword God said so arrogantly!"

Unconsciously, Zhuofan refused to say anything, and then took the hand of Queer and continued to walk forward, but a soft whisper came out quietly and fell into the ears of Baiyu Yuyu: "Me and Queer Let's go first and catch up in a while! "

My eyes narrowed, and Murong Lie saw this scene, and immediately stepped forward, suddenly flew to Zhuo Fan, shouted loudly: "Sir, just go away, don't put it under your eyes. ! "


However, at this moment, a beautiful shadow flashed, and Baili Yuyu's body suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way forward.

I had already expected all this, and Muronglie was not surprised, but his body shook suddenly, and the whole sky suddenly turned into a hot cloud of fire, burning the sky and boiling the sea. The snowy, ice-drenched Beizhou land turned into a volcanic eruption. The temperature in the air instantly reached the level of magma diffusion.

The ice and snow that may have accumulated over hundreds of years have also melted into water vapor at this surging temperature and have disappeared without a trace.

It was just in the blink of an eye that the scenery of the Northland was transformed into a hellfire. The whole world has completely fallen under the control of Muronglie.

The ultimate strength of Guiyuan Pinnacle made all the creatures in this heaven and earth become things in his pocket and it was difficult to escape.

However, faced with this situation, the average person is estimated to have been scared of urine, just waiting for his hand to catch, but who is Baili Yuyu, how can he be shocked by the first person in Nanzhou?

So, her cold eyes could not help but flash a strange Leimang, and then her body shuddered, sending out a strong momentum.

In an instant, thunder and thunder bursts, and the silver light spread across the sky. But seeing the overwhelming sound of thunder, the original red hot sky turned into a silvery ocean. There was a thunderous, thunderous sword spirit flying in it, which was very turbulent, as if everything that entered under this thunderstroke would be crushed and annihilated instantly.

Seeing this scene, the bizarre scene of two halves of talent, Murongxue and the girl falling down looked terrified. Although they have long seen that this hundred miles of Yuyu is not simple, and is an opponent of the same level as her brother, but they never imagined that the two were really equal, and they did not give up.

The absolute contest of the Nine Sword King level makes the whole world tremble constantly, it is difficult to hold on to which side to stand!

"Hahaha ... The girl is indeed a rare good opponent. As far as skill is concerned, it is no wonder that the gentleman will be so confident that he can get rid of the entanglement underneath. There is a guard like a girl in the body, even underneath Fighting with the girl for three days and three nights may not necessarily lead to victory or defeat. How can you catch up with him again? "

He looked up at the clear sky, and then looked at the still calm, one step at a time, Zhuo Fan's back slowly walking away, Muronglie couldn't help but laughed immediately, nodded with admiration.

But soon, he turned his lips up and smiled evilly, "But it is a pity that you may have missed one thing. Although the girl is comparable to the strength underneath, if you really go to war, the girl may not be able to block me ten moves! "

"Cut, toad yawns, a big breath!"

Unconsciously, Baili Yuyu looked at Muronglie with disdain and disdain: "It is rumored that the head of Murong has always been old-fashioned, and now at first sight it is also an arrogant generation who is bragging about tax. Just now we are single Compared with the momentum, it is already unmatched. If you fight, unless you reach the land where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, you will be able to win or lose. Even a thousand-day battle is possible. But now Murong 's head of family is actually talking wildly. Trick to beat me? Ha ha ha ... Could it be said that the master of Murong thought that the martial arts of the little girl would not be as good as Murong 's?

Glancing at her deeply, Murong Lie shook his head slowly, his mouth suddenly revealing a mysterious smile: "The girl misunderstood, like a girl, she can raise her skills to be as good as the next master, ordinary people. Can it be achieved? It must be a generation of family learning, where can martial arts be worse? Although my Murong family has some nicknames, they are not so arrogant and arrogant to contempt for the heroes of the world! "

"Oh, since that's the case, do you still say that ten tricks beat me?" Can't help but smile, Baili Yuyu glanced at her strangely, and gave a silver bell-like mockery.

Staring closely at her for a few moments, Muronglie couldn't help but sighed and shook his head helplessly: "Alas, I could have met a master like a girl today, and it was a blessing to have a hearty 3,000 rounds of battle. It's a pity. The situation is now critical, and I can't afford to ignore the safety of Beizhou because of one person's interest. I can't say ... some offend, Wang Haihan! "

With a slight fist, Muronglie was very polite, but soon, his eyes flashed, his face became extremely firm. Then, a hot golden mangwood shone in his hand, and a golden long sword with a length of seven feet and a gurgling wave all over his body suddenly appeared in his hand.

And just at the moment when this golden sword appeared, the momentum of heaven and earth reversed again!

On Muronglie 's side, the rolling clouds of fire began to wriggle up and out, sending out a strong momentum, and then, like the surging waves, they rushed towards the sky and silver awns of Baili Yuyu. Just in the blink of an eye, he suddenly engulfed the half-silver sky, even the thunderous sword energy directed by the thunder and lightning.


The vast sky became even redder, and the turbulent heat wave emitted enough temperature to burn everything, whistling between heaven and earth. The control of the power of the whole world has returned to Muronglie again, and this time, the heat wave in the world is stronger and stronger, indicating that Muronglie 's skill has been greatly improved and strengthened!

The pupils of the eyes couldn't help but shrink, Bai Yuyu couldn't help but shook his body slightly, startled: "Nanzhou Divine Soldier, Burning the Divine Sword?"


The corner of the mouth crossed a bland arc, and Murong Lie put the long sword on his chest, but shook his head with a sigh: "Girl forgive me, I know that the two sides are fighting, and suddenly the sword is taken out, which is really a victory. It does n't matter. But I also said just now, if I would like to compete with the girl at ordinary times, I will fight happily, but not now, please Haihan! "

Seeing this scene, Murong Xue and Zi'er couldn't help but light up in front of their eyes, showing a happy smile, already knowing that the warlord had won.

Although the woman's strength is indeed amazing, and can be compared with that of the family owner, but what she only lacks is the rare magical force in this world.

You should know that this magical soldier is not comparable to ordinary spirit soldiers. Once held in the hands of spirit soldiers, the stronger the person, the more powerful the terrible power.

Although the two are indifferent now, but after Muronglie took out the Burning Sword, the victory or defeat has been known. Just like Muronglie said before, Baili Yuyu is under his hands, and he can't pass the ten strokes.

Zhuo Fan wanted to leave safely, but it was impossible ...

Thinking of this, Baili Yuyu couldn't help but stare at Muronglie opposite, biting the lips of her lips, but her face was unwilling!

If you want to deal with his Burning Sky Sword, unless the ancestors gave her the Sky Sword. But Tiantianjian is the treasure of the ancestors, and he has never been away, not to mention that he is not around now, even if he is, where will he lend her?

It was just because of the flaws in the weapons that it was difficult to be hostile and had to admit defeat. There was no counterattack at all, but it made her the king of swords, feeling very useless and full of face!

Knowing her mood at this time, Muronglie, who is also a warrior, also felt the same way, nodded slightly and sighed: "Girls, please don't mind, this time it can't be considered a girl's loss, you can only say ... What a coincidence! "

A deep worship, Muronglie no longer looked at the resentful Baili Yuyu, but turned to Zhuo Fan, who was still walking in the back court behind him, smiling quietly: "Sir, this girl is now defeated , Do you still want to leave? "

"of course!"

The pace never stopped, Zhuo Fan still calm on the face: "Although she can't beat you, but it is blocking you for some time, it is more than enough. Even if I am a snail, I can still be thousands of miles away from you!"

With a frown, Murong Lie looked at Zhuofan suspiciously, but he laughed out loud: "Stop me? Only ten tricks, how long can she stop me, I want you and she to know it!"

His face was slightly calm, Baili Yuyu was silent, but his hands were clenched tightly, and he was unwilling!

"I said she can stop you, you can stop you, don't you believe it?"

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but a strange arc, Zhuo Fan couldn't help but smile with a dumb smile: "Master Murong, just now you said that Murong's family has some fame, but it will never look down upon the heroes of the world. You are indeed a bit proud of yourself, and do n't take the world 's eyes down. Do you think ... Do you think only you have a weapon in your hand? "

The pupil of the eye couldn't help but jump, Muronglie couldn't help but shake his heart, and couldn't make a channel: "What do you mean, don't you say ..."

"Yes, for the match between the two, the one who really missed it was not me, but you!"

With a sharp flash in his eyes, Zhuo Fan immediately chuckled, and then a finger snapped in his hand, buzzing, but when a black flash flickered, a strange long sword with red stripes and black stripes appeared in his hand. .

Then, without saying anything, without looking back, Zhuo Fan suddenly shook his hand and suddenly threw it at Baili Yuyu, who confronted in the air: "Take it, and teach the master of Murong's mastery ..."