
Magic Emperor!

He was born as the youngest child of a poor noble family living in the backcountry. Having no administrative skill, he couldn't do anything to manage the vast land his family has. Fortunately, he was blessed with a very rare talent, the talent of magic. Unfortunately, while his talent could bring prosperity to his family, in his situation it only brought disaster. Yes, this is the story of the boy, 【Claude Curzon】, opening his path in a harsh world. Also available on Royal Road!

_Revork_ · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Cave (3)

「Listen up. You are going to escape no matter what. Don't move.」

「G-got it.」

I immediately heard the response. Just as I expected, the heart within him was rather strong. Even in such a situation, he could collect himself in a short amount of time. And here I was still trembling in fear. I could only remain collected because I had an ally, had I been alone I would have been in the same state as him.

「I'll count to three, and then we'll knock down those four at the front to break through them. Our sizes are different, and we'll succeed if we're not scared. I'll take the left, you take the right, and we'll throw the fires into the lake. Don't throw away the lit grass. Once the flames are out, pick up a sword from the ground and cover my back. Don't think of trying to beat them. I'll use this chance to deal with the big one.」


He probably looked a little surprised as I had come up with a plan in such a short time. Never thought that the book, "Basic War Strategy's", I read for fun would help me such a dire situation. At least I had some sort of way to deal with them. Even if I was going down, I would go down while putting up a fight, Dammit!

「Let's go... one, two, three!」

We were on the ice, but Aiden and I didn't slip as we ran at the fastest speed we could muster. We kept praying that this luck would continue till the end, and I roared out from the bottom of my abdomen.


Aiden was slower by a bit as he shouted


It sounded like a scream, but it did seem to be effective as the 4 goblins widened their yellowish-green eyes. However, they probably weren't stunned by the shouts, but by the fact that we both lunged at them.

I ran 10 paces, kept my body down and aimed for the left-most goblin and the one beside it. My right shoulder lunged right over. Maybe it was the unexpected action and the correction effect of the difference in size that the two goblins turned twice and skidded off on the ice.

I continued to charge and accelerated towards the goblin circle. Likely, these guys didn't seem to have much response-ability as all of them could only look over blankly without standing up at all, including the leader.

Yes. Just stay around like that and don't move!

I prayed as if I was scolding them as I ran past the gaps between the goblins and dashed across the last few meters.

At that moment, the goblin leader, who seemed to have slightly higher intelligence than the rest, roared angrily,

『So' Tee Ray Tee Tee Ray Latee—』

But he was a little late. Aiden and I rushed to the fires and kicked them over to the water. A large amount of ash scattered around as the two large bonfires sank into the black water, leaving behind a *syuuu*sound as they were extinguished with a cloud of white steam.

The dome was immediately in complete darkness for a moment—and then, a faint bluish-white light scattered the darkness. It was the light from the Black Book they were praying which was situated between both the bonfires.

At that moment, two lucky things happened.

The goblins surrounding us all screamed out, some covering their faces and some turning their backs. I looked over and saw that even the goblin leader facing the lake was bending his upper body back and using his left hand to cover its eyes. Looks like my assumptions were true.

「Claude... this is...?」

Aiden whispered in surprise. I simply answered him.

「Most likely...these guys are scared of the light this Black Book gives off. Now's our chance!」

From the weapons placed messily around the lake, I took out a crude straight sword that looked like a large metal sheet and a curved knife with a slightly wider volume at the front end. I put the knife in Aiden's hands.

「This knife can also be used as a short sword. Listen, use the bristlegrass' light to hold them off and chase off the guys closing in to you, towards me. Start running while looking for an exit and get help from the village.」

「Cl...Claude? But that means—」

「I'll take down as many as I can until then.」

I simply answered and looked at the Goblin leader that was glaring from through the gaps between the fingers covering his face. I held the straight sword with both hands and quickly swung it left and right. Unlike its appearance, it felt a little dull, but it was a lot better than the wooden sword that was overly heavy.

『 Soso! Tee Laso Laso...tee Sotee Mee Sotee So Solaso Lala Sosoteela-!?』

The leader glared at me with one eye and closed in on me as it roared, drawing the large machete at its waist with its right hand. The pitch-black blade had blood that seemed to show signs of rust on it, giving an abnormal pressure.

Can I beat him—!?

Facing this enemy who wasn't tall, but a lot heavier and more muscular than me, I panicked for an instant. However, I immediately gritted my teeth and moved forward. If I didn't beat this guy and save Aiden, it would become a situation in which I have brought about the worst fate to both of us. The size wasn't a problem, I had countless mock battles with father who was almost twice my size under the conditions that I would be gravely injured if I lost.


I shouted, partly directed at the leader and partly directed at myself as I immediately dashed through the remaining distance.

My left foot took a large step forward, using the sword to slash down at the left shoulder of enemy diagonally.

I didn't underestimate the enemy, but the goblin leaders reaction was a lot faster than I had imagined. It ignored my attack pattern and swung its machete horizontally. I kept my body down and barely managed to dodge it. I felt that some of my hair touched it since it felt like they were ripped off. My sword hit home but only shattered the metallic shoulder armour.

I would have been overwhelmed by force if I stopped. Having such a thought, I kept my centre of gravity low and moved beside the enemy, aiming for the opened flank of the abdomen before swinging a horizontal attack. This time was the same as well. Even though I had the feeling, I couldn't break through the simple scale mail and only managed to send maybe 5-6 sheets of metal flying.


I told off the owner of the sword with which I was fighting in my heart, dodging the counterattacking strike that came swinging down from above. The thick blade of the machete pierced through the ice floor on the ground, and I shuddered in fear of the goblin's arm strength.

I definitely couldn't handle this if I simply used single attacks. I made this decision, and while the goblin recovered from its frozen stiff state, I took a huge step forward and launched my counterattack.

The first strike that came swinging upwards from the bottom-right position grazed past the enemy's left leg and stopped his motion.

The second strike that swung from left to right horizontally sliced the chest plate of the armour and made a light cut on the flesh inside.

The third strike that quickly swung down from the top right side sliced apart the left arm the enemy raised to defend himself from slightly below the elbow.

The fresh blood that came out from the sliced off the surface was shown as pitch black under the bluish-white light. The left arm of the goblin that flew off, *kuru kuru* fell into the lake on the left side, letting out a heavy splash.

—I won!

As I firmly believed this, I was thoroughly shocked.

The goblin leader with its left arm sliced off was different from the polygon monsters, as it did not stop for even a moment

The goblin leader with its left arm sliced off was different from the polygon monsters, as it did not stop for even a moment. Its flashing yellow eyes didn't show any signs of fear nor emptiness, just overwhelming hatred inside. The pitch-black blood flowed out from the wound as a scalding roar—


And quickly swung the machete in its right hand.

I couldn't dodge the incoming heavy blade that was flying horizontally in time. The area near the tip grazed my left shoulder, and the pressure alone sent me flying by more than 2m as my back landed hard on the icy surface.

At this moment, the goblin leader finally crouched down and put the machete in its mouth and used the right hand to grab onto the sliced off part of the left arm. *Misa misa* - a terrifying sound could be heard. The goblin leader forcefully crushed the flesh to stop the bleeding.

「Claude! Are you hit!?」

Surprised by the voice I saw slightly further away, Aiden used his right hand to hold on to the curved knife while his left hand held onto the glowing grass to hold off the goblin's henchmen.

I widened my eyes and shouted-


「B-but how could I leave you here to die?」

So he realised, huh?

Yes, this was my plan from the very beginning. As there is no way that both of us could face all of them head-on and come out unscathed or the worst-case scenario even come out alive. The best course of action would have to be that one of us stays behind to gather their attention, acting as the bait while the other escapes. Of course, this means that the one who stays behind would have to die.

In that case, only I would be the one to die here then. Aiden who has many prospects ahead of him in life and is rather proficient in swordsmanship or a useless third son like me who doesn't have anything to his name with no notable qualities. Any sane person would never pick Aiden to stay behind and fight.


I wanted to say more, but my stiff tongue couldn't move like I thought as I nodded with a trembling voice. As I used one hand to support myself onto the icy surface as I stood up—

A burning feeling came out from the left shoulder, feeling like it was going to burn through all my nerves. *Saka Saka* — sparks appeared in my sight. I couldn't help but cry out as my throat let out a groan.

Such— tremendous pain!

It was far more than my pain tolerance could handle. I couldn't do anything other than curling myself and pant lightly. Even so, I still tried to look behind to see the damaged part of my shoulder. The sleeve on the tunic was completely ripped off, revealing a large and ugly wound on the skin. It was more like a wound ripped by a giant claw than a sword wound. The skin and the flesh under it were completely shaved off as bright-red blood continued to spurt out. My left arm was only left with a numbing hot feeling as my fingertips were unable to move, as though they didn't belong to me.

So this is why you told me not to wander anywhere near the forest, huh?

I cried out inside my mind as I remembered the advice father had given me.

I tried hard to look away from my wound and mocked myself before changing my thoughts.

At the front end of my vision, blurred by tears, The Goblin leader had stopped the bleeding on the sliced off left arm and silently watched me. Its eyes shot out a look of utter vengeance as the surrounding air seemed to rumble. It put the machete it was biting on into its right-hand and swung it.

『...Sotee solasoso, tee' teela teeray soso teedoh la La latee tee sotee teetee tee solatee...lala, tee' mee sola!』

What the hell is he even saying? He does realize that I can't understand him right?

He swirled the machete over its head *Vun, Vun* and slowly closed in. All the other Goblins were also coming closer to me. I looked away from them, watching Aiden, who was still hesitating to leave.

My mind was thinking that I had to stand up, to stand and fight, but my body just couldn't move. It felt like the negative impression that had developed in me had become a restraint in reality and bound me...

I looked over to Aiden once more and spoke with what little strength I had-


The last part of mine came out in desperation. Probably sensing my strong desire for him to live, he wiped off his tears and started running towards the exit of the cave at a rapid pace, all the while I could hear him speak-

「I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorr—」

Until I couldn't hear him anymore. Staring at his back, I thought to myself

You didn't do anything to apologize for though, you idiot.

The heavy footsteps suddenly stopped in front of me. The air was rumbling, and I felt that the giant blade was about to be lifted. I quickly got up and countered him.

The goblin was startled at first, but he immediately regained his composure and wielded the machete skilfully with only one hand and parried away my attacks from left and right. For an instant, I forgot about my pain and yelled,


I continued to yell while losing myself and continued to swing the blade. My every single hit's speed was eye-popping, but unfortunately, the motions were too simple. The Goblin leader first looked like he was enjoying the resistance of prey as he continued to defend enthusiastically, and then, it roared and used his toes to kick my supporting leg. As I lost my balance and tripped, it easily raised its machete and casually swung horizontally—

I took a hit to the abdomen and was sent flying far away, landing right beside the place I was before with a blunt sound.

The wound was a lot more serious this time. My upper body was sliced open horizontally, and the jagged wound was bleeding out a lot of fresh blood at a horrifying rate. As I looked over the irregular workings of the organs inside the wound were laid bare to my eyes.


With a heavy sound, my mouth choked out blood with bubbles mixed in. My eyes lost their light as they stared right above emptily. My mouth breathed out air that had some red mist mixed within, trembling as I used both hands to support myself off the ground.

At this moment my arms suddenly lost their strength. As I lay flat on the ground I could hear the Goblin leader saying something to the other Goblins while happily swinging his arms in the air-

『Tee teedoh la sotee tee, soso meeteedoh' sotee so laladohtee! Tee tee lala sofalatee sotee mee ray Sola Teelamee!』

The other Goblins started cheering after his short speech and then started to come closer to me.

Ah! So this is it, huh? Man if I knew I was going to end up like this, I might as well had gotten closer to one of the village girls or something. Dying single is kinda lame.

I thought to myself and smiled. As I waited for my death to arrive. It was then that I noticed that the Black Book was quite within my reach. I then spoke up in a pained voice-

「You bastards pray to this thing, don't you? Well at the very least I will destroy this thing before I go.」

Saying so I lifted my right hand and moved it towards the Black Book. The Goblin leader who probably noticed my intent shouted.

『Soso latee somee teelaso so soteeso so so someesofa so so teeladohtee!!!!!!!!』

But before they could even act my hand reached the Black Book. However, to my surprised something completely unexpected happened.

As soon as I touched it, the faint bluish-white light became brighter and started to envelop the entire room.....