
Magic Emperor!

He was born as the youngest child of a poor noble family living in the backcountry. Having no administrative skill, he couldn't do anything to manage the vast land his family has. Fortunately, he was blessed with a very rare talent, the talent of magic. Unfortunately, while his talent could bring prosperity to his family, in his situation it only brought disaster. Yes, this is the story of the boy, 【Claude Curzon】, opening his path in a harsh world. Also available on Royal Road!

_Revork_ · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Black Book

As soon as I touched it, the faint bluish-white light became brighter and started to envelop the entire room. The colour of the light started to change. It started to turn golden-yellowish. I closed my eyes as the glare was too much for my eyes to handle.

I could still, however, make out the moments around me. It looked like the Goblin leader and Goblins were panicking. The Goblin leader then shouted something while pointing at me. It looked very clear that he was trembling with fear.

『Sola! Ray soladohtee mee ray Sola Teelamee so fameetee la meetee. Tee sotee meefa mee fa! Fa Fa Fa Fa! Tee someelatee Tee Soteela!! La' sola teeso mee so sotee La teetee La la' mee teesofa Tee Mee Ray Meeraymee Raylatee Someelatee!!!!!』

He then quickly turned around and started to leave. No, it was more like it was trying to run away from here as soon as possible.

What the?

Didn't those guys pray to this or something? And they abandoned it just like that? It wasn't like they were losing too that they had no choice but to run away.

Even though the light was still bright, I was slowly getting accustomed to it.


Not good, my breathing was getting uneven and I was feeling lightheaded. Although I could see way better in the light now, it didn't help that my vision was slowly becoming clouded. I am starting to feel nauseous. My sense of balance is also deteriorating. I am becoming more and more anxious and uneasy by every passing second.

I was covering my abdomen with two hands applying pressure to reduce the bleeding as much as possible. Well now that those Goblins were gone, I guess my chances of survival have somewhat increased or so I thought to myself.

「.....I guess...*Huff**Phoo*...I might have the...*Huff**Phoo*...chance of getting resc-」

But before I could finish speaking I coughed up blood.


I was feeling very fatigued. I could no longer feel many parts of my body too. The final amount of remaining strength that I had finally left my body and it was starting to become even harder to maintain consciousness. I was about to give up.

In that instant, strange patterns appeared below me and started to shine brightly while churning. As it spun, some weird sand-like substance trickled towards a small vortex in the centre and started to surround me.

What the hell is going on?

I thought to myself but as I was going to die either way so it didn't matter now or more like I didn't care anymore. Even if the village hunters and soldiers somehow magically arrive right now, my blood loss has already exceeded beyond the point of recovery.

Just when I had given up, my head suddenly started to hurt. It felt like my head would burst any minute now. My body also immediately felt unwell, for the injuries from earlier had started to sear in pain.

Biting down on my teeth, I continued to endure. My blood continued to flow, and the light on the book was becoming brighter and brighter.

After a large amount of time and effort, just when I was about to faint. There was a substantial change to the book, and the golden light had started to wiggle and contract. And from the centre of the page, a tiny vortex had appeared.

Following that, from within the vortex, a golden swirl could be seen. I put great effort to maintain a clear mind, staring intently to the transformation in front of me.

Within the black vortex, a small, round, shiny, black object gradually came out.

I was shocked. But before I could even grasp what was going on, I heard a voice.

A voice that could not be distinguished between whether it was of a man or women. Had my mind started playing games on me?

「With blood as the offering, the Golden Body shall descend!」

What's a Golden Body?

I thought to myself while looking around to see if the person whose voice I heard could be seen anywhere. However, I couldn't turn my head too much as it would cause me a great deal of pain. Therefore, my area of vision was limited.

After a while, after the shiny, round thing had fully appeared in front of me, I couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. No matter how rich my imagination was, I wouldn't have thought that the Golden Body would be like this.

This thing was about 30 cm tall Golden Skeleton, and to think the first thing that came out was this skeleton's skull. The golden skull just floated on top of the book page, sitting crossed legged like it was meditating. Every piece of the bone managed to light up the dome of the cave I was currently trapped in.

The golden vortex on the page slowly began to recede and everything reverted to its tranquil state.

I, who had watched this strange golden skull appear, for a time, did not know how to react. I didn't know what to do after it came out.

Looking at it, I thought there wasn't something right. The Golden Skeleton in front of me had no eyes but I felt like it looked like my own. Although it obviously didn't have any mouth, I could feel that it had a rather depressing aura around it. It then lifted its neck and looked at me. Suddenly, the depressing aura that had been surrounding it was gone. Instead, it felt like it looked delightful. As if it found something that it had been looking for ages.

While all this was happening, the voice from before suddenly spoke again-

「Reconstruction of Muscles」

The moment he spoke, the sand like structure that had been revolving around me started to come closer to my body.

I was shaking with pain and fear. Something is happening. Something so sinister that even the hideous and scary monsters ran away in fear. This is not good.

Wha- what's happening?

Speck by sand-like speck sunk into my body. The sand acted like minute needles boring through my muscles and drawing blood.

All Sand that touched me pierced my body, with no exception. One or two specks, I could have bear, but a hundred, a thousand... they were beginning to take its toll on me and all this while I could only gnash my teeth.


I screamed at the top of my lungs. The pain is unbearable, I can't keep going.

I am gonna die. I am gonna die.I am gonna die. I am gonna die.I am gonna die. I am gonna die.I am gonna die. I am gonna die.I am gonna die. I am gonna die.I am gonna die. I am gonna die.I am gonna die. I am gonna die.I am gonna die. I am gonna die.I am gonna die. I am gonna die.

That's the only thing going through my mind right now.

End me, please. Finish me off. I can't take this anymore. What did I do to deserve this? Why am I not dead yet? If there is any God I beg you! Kill me. Kill me please I can't take this anymore. Anyone please kill me and end my suffering!

The pain had become so unbearable that I was practically begging to be killed now.

When the sand's number probably reached millions, my whole body was soaked in blood. And this blood all came from pin-sized holes left behind by the sand speck, akin to a very fine sieve.

Looking closely, the Sand had ruined my muscles, turning them to mush.


Then, my eyes narrowed as I cried out, unable to endure another million specks piercing my skin and muscles.

Even though I had been enduring this agony and screaming all the time. The strange patterns never stopped revolving, feeding my body with the weird Sand like material continuously.

After a while, all my muscles were broken down to the last fragment and the pain started to diminish.

I-It's over?..... It's over, right?

As the pain started to reduce, I felt a sense of relief. It's finally over.

However, that sense of relief could not last for a moment longer when I heard the voice again.

「Reconstruction of Bones」

Before I could think any further, the Golden Skeleton flew out towards me. Flying past my hand and embedded itself on my chest.

This was a bit of a horror. With a skeleton smashing onto my chest, I cried out and then the skeleton started to emit a fluorescent light and penetrated deep into the pores of my limbs.

Suddenly, pain exploded all over my body, but the pain was not ordinary, but the pain from the depths of the bone! I breathed in painfully; my body bent like shrimp, with waves of cramps.

My whole body's bones shattered at that moment, and I couldn't even lift a finger, for I had no strength. This was not an illusion, if you could see into my body, then you can see my bones being crushed, and next to each crushed bone, there was a layer of gold wrapped around. Continuously repairing the broken bones, but far slower than the damage speed. When the repair was finished, it was crushed again.

Human bones wrap around bone marrow and bone marrow nerve. Any small touch to them can bring great harm. One can only imagine my suffering at this moment.

In my body, not a single bone wasn't shattered.

Even for others, even if their strength was of thousands of times higher than mine, they would have probably fainted now. But I could only feel the pain a thousandfold right now. Something was preventing me from fainting. As if, just as I was about to faint it would heal me but only to the extent where I could remain conscious and no more.

To endure pain longer, I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes close.