
Magic Concept Academy

Morgan Du Pryce is the sole son of the Marquis Pryce, on the eastern border of the country of Athelaya. Soon the attend the largest academy in the country, Morgan prepares as much as he can, but will it be enough? Suddenly thrust into a mess of socially inept noble children and magical mishaps, Morgan realizes his preparations would never have been enough for his new environment. He will need to navigate the figurative (and possibly literal) war-zone of the academy, while maintaining his grades and hopefully making friends along the way. All while getting stronger so that he can go home with enough strength to defend it from a coming storm. ======================================= Hi I'm Clam, and I'm new here. Please bear with me while I figure everything out. Hope you enjoy and stick around.

Claiomh · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Soft Beginnings

Insects buzz quietly nearby. Opening my eyes, I can't tell what time it is, though I can make an educated guess.

"I can't keep waking up this early…" I yawn.

Slowly, I pull myself from the comfort of the plush blankets I'd been buried under, and sit slumped on the edge of my bed facing the moonlit window. I'm tired, but it's not worth going back to sleep when I'll have to wake up soon anyway. Mom will probably want my help in the garden once she gets up. She's an early riser, so I probably won't get much time to myself this morning. I sit for a moment longer, collecting my thoughts and stretching my neck. It's the middle of summer, so the sun should begin to rise any time now.



Minutes pass, and just as the light flowing in the window begins to brighten, I can hear the sounds of people waking up downstairs. Though 'people' is hardly accurate, as Mom is likely the only one even mildly awake. I yawn again and finish stretching, before standing and peeking out the window. The driveway leading to the front of the estate is still dim, but I can see lights slowly flicking on through the windows below. Since Mom will be coming up here to get me any time now, I should make it known that I'm awake.

With a crisp snap of my fingers, the lamp by my bedside flickers to life, and lanterns around my room follow suit. Father's magic is so useful at times like this. Who else in the country could enchant an entire mansion to respond to its inhabitants' every need.

The clatter of morning is slowly picking up, so I should change out of my nightwear and into something more presentable.

Just as I finish getting dressed, Mom slams through the door with a beaming smile. Her flowing auburn hair is still a bit of a mess, but I know it won't stay that way for long.

"Good morning sunshine!"

"Morning Mom."

"Ready for something fun?"

"Yard work?"

Mom's recently discovered passion for beautiful plants has brightened the estate's atmosphere, but it also exhausts much of the residents' daily stamina. While I'm glad she's happy, I'm also a resident… though today it seems I guessed wrong.

"No, not today. We're going on a tour of the academy, remember?"

"That was today?"

"Technically tomorrow but we're traveling today, so be ready to leave before the horses are."

"I will, sorry I forgot."

"There isn't any problem with it as long as you're prepared before we leave."

"I understand."

She nods as if having triumphed over a huge obstacle. Though in all fairness, waking me up isn't easy. I'm a very heavy sleeper, so it may well be the most taxing thing she does in the morning. While we do have a few housekeepers that could do it in her place, she has always insisted for whatever reason, though I have no objections. The staff already do so much for us, so taking some work off them isn't a bad thing.

Mom departs my room cheerfully, having confirmed that I was awake. I'm already dressed, and I don't think I need anything more before we leave, besides a full stomach. I make my way down to the dining room, in search of something to make into breakfast. As I'm walking, someone calls out to me.


I turn and see my father, groggily walking down the hall.

"Good morning."

"Good morning to you too. Could you come to my study at some point? I've got something I need to talk to you about."

"Alright, I'll be there after I eat something."

"Perfect, I…" He yawns. "...I still need to finish waking up."

"I'll see you in a bit, Dad." I laugh.

"Yes yes, go get some food."

He slowly shuffles away, and I turn to the kitchen. I can hear the quiet clatter of someone cooking. Likely one of the maids, I enter with hunger in my eyes. Just as I expected, it's a maid, the new hire no less.

"Hello Karla."

"Ah! Young Master, good morning, are you hungry?"

Surprised by my sudden appearance, she nearly drops the spices in her hands. Karla is the newest housekeeper on the estate, and doesn't completely understand how everything works around here. Even then, she certainly does her best every day.

"Good morning, yes I'm hungry. And how many times have I asked you not to call me 'Young Master', it feels too stuffy."

"I apologize, but it's difficult to get accustomed to. Your family is far more lax compared to my former employer."

"It's fine, it's not that big of a deal."


She gives a bright smile and goes back to cooking. I wander around the kitchen, careful not to get in her way, in search of a snack.

"Um Young- I mean… Sir Morgan."

Karla turns and calls to me, trying her best not to say 'Young Master'.


"Would you like some of what I'm making? I understand that you will be leaving towards the city later today, and I thought you may want a full meal."

"That would be wonderful, thank you Karla."

"No no, you don't need to be so thankful, it is merely part of my job.

She says that, but I doubt many other servants would be as attentive, especially this early into their employment. How could her previous employers drive out such a thoughtful maid? I patiently wait in the dining room as she finishes preparing the food.

"It's done!"

A few minutes later, Karla emerges from the kitchen with two plates of what appear to be omelets. She places one plate down for me, along with utensils and a cloth napkin, then begins to leave.

"Aren't you going to eat? I thought you were making this for yourself."

"Oh, yes I was, but I didn't want to impose on Sir Morgan's time any longer than necessary, so I was going to go back to my quarters."

"It's fine, come sit, I prefer to talk while I eat."

"Are you sure that's okay?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Now sit."

She seems hesitant at first, but eventually settles across the table. It isn't hard to imagine that this scenario wasn't in her schedule. I begin to quietly eat the omelet, and am amazed at the taste.

"This is incredible Karla, thank you."

"Oh it's nothing."

Though she says this, a blush comes to her cheeks as she shoves a spoonful of omelet into her mouth. It would seem she isn't used to this kind of praise. As I continue eating, something I've been curious about comes to mind.

"Karla, who was your previous employer?"

She pauses for a moment. Then looks down at the table, seemingly having remembered something unpleasant.

"I'm sorry if I've dug up something bad."

"No I mentioned them earlier, so it isn't out of the ordinary that Sir Morgan is curious."

She continues softly, willing to answer my question, but clearly not very happy to.

"Before Marquis Pryce, I worked under Viscount Roalen. A man who I'm sure you've heard of."

"Yes, I've heard of him. He doesn't have a good reputation."

From what I'd heard, Viscount Roalen was the kind of noble who heavily taxed the few people in his territory, and spent the earnings gambling in the capital. The kind of person who harassed those with lower social standing than him. A 'weak against the strong, strong against the weak' type. His territory was nearby, just west of my family's.

"My father is not fond of him."

"Yes, and your father is the reason I was able to escape that monster's grip."

It seems Karla got a bit agitated at the mention of the Viscount.

"I understand how you feel, but please be at ease, you no longer have to deal with him. It is also probably best not to refer to a Noble as a 'monster'."

"Ah! I apologize, it was a slip of the tongue."

I have a feeling it was not a mistake.

"There is nothing to apologize for, it isn't as if you were slandering someone who doesn't deserve it. But be careful who else you talk like that to, others may not be so understanding."

"Yes, I will. Thank you Sir Morgan."

We continue talking about various things, but soon enough our time is up. She stands and does a slight bow, before taking her now empty plate to the kitchen. I didn't realize but she eats very quickly… or I'm just very slow. Normally she would have stayed behind to take care of my dishes as well, but I know that the housekeepers all have things they need to attend to in the morning and I didn't want to hold her up. I finish the delicious omelet and deliver the tableware to the kitchen. I should ask Karla to cook for me more often.

Departing towards the study, I wonder what Father wants to talk to me about.

Thanks for making it this far.

I'm still figuring out how I want to schedule this, so please bear with me.

I'll try for one or two chapters every day, but I don't know if I can be that consistent.

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