
Not on earth?

Tang Hui did not know what was happening, as he and his friends were going to go relax their bodies lit up like a torch and then felt a warm sensation come along their bodies. Then suddenly he saw his vision darken.

The moment he woke up he found that the location he was in was unfamiliar and dirty. He first saw the bed that was barely able to keep someone warm and the wooden walls that looked like they were not repaired in a long time.

"Maybe I would get to see my friends later" Tang Hui reminded himself. He was able to keep his composure because he was sure he could run away if there was any danger. He would first try to find his friends and see what to do next as it did not seem that they were kidnapped as was evidenced by him being able to move around freely.

Tang Hui decided to find his friends first and see what happened to them. But before he made a move he found something wrong about his body.

"Wait a minute why am I a kid?" Tang Hui asked himself as he saw that his body was reverted back to when he was 10 years old. Tang Hui's skin was smooth and soft while his height was little over a meter. He decides to think about it later as he has to find his friends first.

Tang Hui pushed the door and walked out to explore the area. For 10 minutes, Tang Hui met some other kids while looking around the place. He has found out that the building he is at is an orphanage which would explain the filth and dust everywhere. The building was a little small as it had several rooms for the children and had a small classroom that has chairs and tables that look like they might break if you put some pressure on them.

Tang Hui saw that he did not find his friends in the halls so he was going to knock on the doors. Just as he was about to knock on the first door. The door suddenly opened and standing before him was little girl that was no more taller than him. She gave a familiar feeling of intelligence and wisdom.

"Gu Ming? Is that you?" Tang Hui asked.

"Tang Hui? Did you find the others?" Gu Ming asked. She also had not any anxious expression on her face as she was also confident of escaping on the sign of trouble.

"Not yet but they are probably in one of these rooms." Tang Hui replied. He then turned around and walked to the next door and knocked a few times.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

After a few moments, some footsteps are heard and then the creak of the door as the door made a tiny opening as a eye could be seen behind the door. The door later opens revealing an 10 year old boy whose aura shown with intelligence, the latter opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

"Brother Tang and Gu Ming! The rest of us are inside, we were about to go looking for you. Please come in." The young boy went back inside the room.

"Brother Fan! Great! We will come in immediately" Tang Hui and Gu Ming went inside as they spot the rest of their friends inside.

Tang Hui, Song Xiang, Fan Tai, Gu Ming, Kang Rui and Han Mei. These three boys and three girls are the six geniuses who made up the Mage Society and the main programmers of "Godly Mage Continent" .

"Brother Tang and Gu Ming! Great the six of us are together again." Song Xiang, the person who reminded Tang Hui earlier for the press conference shouted to them.

Tang Hui closed the door and then asked " What do you guys think?"

"We got transmigrated to another world" Fan Tai replied. The others express their agreement by nodding silently.

Tang Hui took a deep breath in. He also came to the same conclusion as the rest of the group. He had asked the kids back then but they did not seem to understand him. They also started talking but Tang Hui who knew all the languages in the world saw that they are talking in a completely foreign language to him.

"I have came to the same conclusion as well. The children I talked to spoke in a completely foreign language and did not seem to understand even if i spoke in different languages." Tang Hui agreed with the groups hypothesis.

"Lets go to outside and explore. I hope this world has magic in it, it would be lots of fun" Tang Hui spoke. Even if he used magic in virtual reality , the magic in-game should not be overly realistic because there is no magic back in earth.

"Alright, lets go explore" The group readily accepted the proposition.

Just as they were going to go outside the group heard screams and shouts from back inside.

"I wonder whats going on inside" Tang Hui and the rest wondered as they could not understand the language that was being shouted. They could however feel the fear and anxiety in their voices.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please put the typos and grammar mistakes in the comments so I could correct them.

LonelyDuocreators' thoughts