
Chapter 3

When Tang Hui and the others ran back inside they couldn't help but be surprised. There was a old man wearing a black cloak. The children who were in the middle of eating started crying and screaming in fear of the old man who had just entered the room.

"What are you doing!?" Tang Hui angrily shouted out.

"I'm here to cause chaos and destruction," the old man replied with a wicked grin. "I'm a beginner level apprentice magician who never managed to advance beyond that rank, and I've been filled with resentment and anger for many years. I've come to this orphanage to vent my frustrations and take out my anger on these helpless children."

Tang Hui and the others were horrified by the old man's words. They couldn't just stand by and let him harm the children. They quickly sprang into action, using their martial arts skills to defend themselves and the kids.

The old man was caught off guard by the kids' sudden attack, and he struggled to fight back against their well-trained movements. As he faltered, the sound of footsteps approached from outside. It was a group of knights who had been sent to investigate the disturbance at the orphanage.

The knights were shocked to find the old man and the kids fighting in the room. They quickly called for backup and intervened, using their own fighting skills to overpower the old man and subdue him.

As the old man was taken away to be punished for his crimes, Tang Hui and the others breathed a sigh of relief. They had managed to protect the children and prevent any further harm from coming to them.

After the old man was taken away, the knights turned their attention to the kids. They noticed that the kids seemed to be unable to understand them, so one of them pulled out a small crystal and activated it, causing a bright light to engulf the room. When the light faded, the knights were able to communicate with the kids in their own language.

Tang Hui and the others watched from the sidelines, still unsure of how to proceed. They knew that they couldn't reveal their true identities or the fact that they had been transported to this world, but they also couldn't just abandon the children.

As they were debating what to do, one of the knights approached them. "We noticed that you were hiding over here," he said. "Do you have any information about what happened here? It seems that the old man and the kids don't speak the same language."

Tang Hui hesitated, but then decided to speak up. "We don't know much, we just stumbled upon this scene when we woke up," he said. "We don't know where we are or how we got here."

The knight looked at them with concern. "We'll do our best to help you and figure out what's going on," he said. "But in the meantime, we need to take care of these children and make sure they're safe. Do you think you could help us with that?"

Tang Hui and the others nodded, relieved that they had found someone who could help them. They worked with the knights to take care of the children, providing them with food and comfort as they waited for more help to arrive.

As they waited, Tang Hui and the others learned more about the world they had been transported to. It was a place called the Mage Continent, a world filled with magic and adventure. They also learned that they had been sent back in time, to a point where they were just children again.

They were still confused and worried about what had happened to them, but they were determined to make the best of their situation and help the children however they could. They knew that they had to keep a low profile and not reveal their true identities, but they also wanted to make a difference in this world and use their skills and knowledge to help others.

As they worked together, they formed a bond with the children and the knights, and they began to see this strange new world as a place of opportunity and adventure. They knew that they had a long journey ahead of them, but they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

Over the next few days, Tang Hui and the others worked closely with the knights to help take care of the children. They taught them basic self-defense techniques, helped them with their studies, and provided them with a sense of security and stability.

As they grew more comfortable in their new surroundings, Tang Hui and the others began to explore the Mage Continent more. They marveled at the magic and technology of this world, and they were determined to learn as much as they could and make the most of their second chance.

They knew that they had a long road ahead of them, but they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way and make a difference in this world.