
Mafia Proverbs

"All Power To The Proverb!" "All Hail The Ragnarok Law Mafia!" Asha Exodia is at the beginning of his chosen path since reaching The Law's Maturity. His sights are set on the highest pinnacle that The Family has to offer, and will not let anything or anyone hold him back. However, is there something lurking deep within the psyche of the determined sixteen year old? It is witnessed by his Prodigal Family, but is without answers to the beast's existence. Even still, his apotheostic potential is too great to be halted or denied. Watch as the legend becomes.

QuanieFSpace_XX99 · Urban
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21 Chs

The Zeppelins: Whole Lotta Love

Part III

Removing what looked to be a test tube sealed with a cork, The Misfit's functioning hand shook while trying to raise the sugar to his nose after popping the top with his teeth. The closer he got to his face, the more unruly the shake, specifically trying to multitask in his current state and turmoil all around. He took his eyes off the road for just a moment, regaining his awareness before crashing into the tip of a metal and stone divider. However, as The Misfit was composing his position while drifting to the middle lane from the left, an unsuspecting vehicle was veering towards the same lane from the right. Both vehicles collided into one another, the speed of the trailing Mustang causing the Honda to tailspin in front of it. The family of four in the Accord screamed as The Mustang's momentum carried them a hundred yards, Mega never taking his foot off the gas. The Misfit attempted to swerve away into the left lane but smashed into a blue F450 that tried to speed pass the vehicular carnage.

Zonita was jerked from side to side, gripping both sides the seatbelt at the split to lessen the trauma. Having only one functioning arm to clench with, the attacking gravity was still great enough to throw her into the grasp she maintained, possibly spraining her wrist.

Worst of all, the momentum's inertia caused her face to tear a little bit more.

Exposing more of her mouth.

Enraging more of her agony.

At this point, the long incision made it look as though The Menace was drooling blood.

Not wearing any restraints either, Zza was also given to gravity by the force of the collision. The seven year old was thrown into the left passenger door so hard, the window shattered despite being down. The lower half of her face took the grunt of the trauma, bouncing off the door panel and falling to the floor. On the way down, the Panamanian Aztec clipped the wood grain of the driver seat pouch and split the mandible of her chin open. Although the pain in her mentum was bearable, the pain in her mouth made tears build up at the corner of her platinum eyes.

The seven year old's tongue was lacerated and spiked on her right canine tooth. She had to manually remove it with her hand to keep from ripping deeper, blood filling her mouth almost instantly. When the viscous plasma started choking her, she had to spit it out before the rapid asphyxia incapacitated her. To avoid splashing it on her parents, whom was already drenched in their own crimson waters, the seven year old regurgitated the blood out of the left rear window.

Asha was close enough to witness the bilingual lolita draining the red flood, only further torturing his anxiety regarding her health. As he got closer, the old school Mustang attempt to tail swipe the speeding Ducati before the fourteen could get to Zza. This frustrated Asha since he was forced to ride pass the wreckage to avoid the quiet pills from a screaming eagle.

The Nu Wraith deity tasked with retrieving the Panamanian Aztec was approaching the wreckage, loading another magazine into the Israeli variant.

Even though her vision began to become blurred by the combination of trauma and blood loss, The Menace was able to notice the Orange of the approaching horse in the rear view mirror. She grabbed her gifted MAC-10 and fired at the dynamic mare's equestrian, spraying and hoping the velocity of the submachine gun would be enough to end his pursuit. Bullets were hitting the Mustang's exterior while only cracking the windshield, managing to just delay his pace a little.

However, despite all the active dysfunction around him, the already erratic Mega couldn't focus on anything except the broken glass lodged in his hand and the snow flurried along his lap, the seat and the stirring wheel. The sudden impact with the Honda subconsciously made him tighten his grip, crushing both tubes without being able to get his fix.

The Mexican Misfit's brown almost instantly filled with a red flood so prevalent, it looked as though he may cry the same waters.

His forehead throbbed with a bulging veins that resembled lightning that continues to become more devastating with every passing second.

With the kind of force he was biting down and grinding his teeth with, The Misfit surely caused stress fractures in many of his molars.

His breathing was heavy and uneven, subject of his rage being aimed at the man from the Honda approaching him with malice.

"Hey! You fucking piece of shit! Have you lost your puny mind!?!? I have my kids and pregnant wife with me!!!" The driver of the Honda screamed as he strutted toward the erratic Misfit, kicking the door with enough forced to put a small dent in the metal frame.

Mega slowly turned his wide open gaze toward the enraged man, a bit of saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth frozen ajar.

The upset family man started pulling on the driver door handle in an attempt to get the unruly Mexican to show him his ten minutes of scrapping.

Mega didn't blink.

He didn't flinch.

He didn't even acknowledge the first of the police to catch up to them.

The blue blood positioned his squad car behind the black and gold Trans Am so there was no means of escape, forward or backwards. She jumped from her seat and took position behind her vehicle, aiming her SMG toward

the Pontiac's driver side.

"Sir, please move away the vehicle!" The blue blood screamed at the angry family man, trying to fix her sight directly on Mega. "There are wanted criminals in there and they are believed to be heavily armed!"

"Jonah! Get away from there now!" The man's wife pleaded loudly while holding her full belly.

With both the women yelling for him to retreat, the angry man looked toward his worried love as though he didn't want to stress the life inside her.

He looked toward the fool that hit his vehicle once more, but was only staring down the two barrels of a sawed off shotgun.

"Oh shit!"

"Jonah!!!!" "Daddy!!!!"

Mega showed no emotion for any of the concern pointed towards the father of three, pulling the trigger and blowing off everything above his lower jaw.

Part III