
Mafia Proverbs

"All Power To The Proverb!" "All Hail The Ragnarok Law Mafia!" Asha Exodia is at the beginning of his chosen path since reaching The Law's Maturity. His sights are set on the highest pinnacle that The Family has to offer, and will not let anything or anyone hold him back. However, is there something lurking deep within the psyche of the determined sixteen year old? It is witnessed by his Prodigal Family, but is without answers to the beast's existence. Even still, his apotheostic potential is too great to be halted or denied. Watch as the legend becomes.

QuanieFSpace_XX99 · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 3: 100 Spears (Heaven, Hell, Limbo)

Ragnarok Law

Proverb XIIII - "An Earthly Existence Can Only Be Immortal In History."


The sirens were finally too distant to hear.

Before leaving the parking garage, we decided to switch vehicles since mine was evidence of the chaos a mile behind us.

Smoke, still in his empty form of his usual self, carried his Fray Proxy in his arms as she winced and cries from the pain in her relocated joint. I deliberately chose a four door to allow the nine year old to lie on her side to keep the pressure off of her injured shoulder. Even with scars on her face, aches in her joints and a piece of her ear missing, the red skinned youth still seemed to have the energy to protest. She whined and begged the Empty Smoke that she wanted to sit in the front with him.

Once we exited the garage, I only took back roads and cut thru neighborhoods to keep under the radar of the oncoming blue bloods. When we were finally far enough from the sirens. I proceeded on to the proper route of our destination. It was a fair distance drive to begin with, but the necessity to escape threw us off trail.

Now that we were closer to our destination, both Smoke and his war torn Fray Proxy were sound asleep as if they've never experienced catastrophe. The exotic girl was curled up on her Fray Tutor's lap with her head resting on his chest. She was keeping her right arm close to her chest under her oversized coat, dried blood was speckled on her face and neck. Asha himself looked calm and collected in contrast to his previous form.

Which led me to casually wonder.

Does he dream the same after such an enveloping episode?

I made a left on to a dirt road leading to Edgebrook Flatwoods Forest Preserve. A little farther down the path was a monster of a gold F350, a rather muscular fellow cladded in a fatigue attire. As he approached the driver side window, he cautiously unbuckled the holster to the pistol strapped on his right leg. The closer the soldier got, the tension in his shooting hand lightened as he seemed to recognize that it was me in the unidentified vehicle.

Once he reached my side, I rolled down the window and greeted him cordially.

"Good evening, Major." I addressed him professionally, with respect to his positioned earned.

"Good evening to you, Ma'am." He greeted with mutual respect before motioning to the sleeping passengers. "If you don't mind, would you identify these two?"

His voice is reserved and his attitude is professional, he's just following protocol as a soldier would.

"Certainly." I agreed, motioning to the two as if presenting them for sale. "This is Asha Exodia, blood born to Our Grand Authority's Solstice 66, Beloved Mother Aaja Exodia. The girl is his Fray Proxy, Zza Zeppelin-Dycer. They have been requested by Our Godfather Kake immediately following the results of Smo…..Asha's coronation." I informed him, having to catch myself before casually using a pet name during a professional exchange.

The Major's gaze alternated between the three of us, parking his attention on my flyssa lying in the backseat.

"Do you have verification to commemorate that?" The soldier asked after inspecting the lifted vehicles.

I removed a red Jack card with a pink gold edge from my coat pocket and presented it to him.

"One moment, Ma'am." He requested politely before taking the God Authority's voucher, removing what could be mistaken for an old model blackberry flip screen from one of his vest pouches. He then inserted the pink gold card horizontally into a small rear slit, pressing a button on the device I assume is to activate the scanning process. !BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! Went the unique gadget, lighting up for a few seconds while the Major watched the screen intently.

So goes the precision of The Ragnarok Law Mafia.

Our regime was established almost eight decades ago, literally being built from the ground up with the blood and bond of our founding fathers. Finessing their way thru days of degradation and nights of notoriety, they were up against all kinds of enemies and odds before the first Proverb was recorded.

With whips cracking into flesh, the rape of our mothers, and even the skinning of their melanin, the flesh was damaged but steel.

The mind was tried but remained established.

The soul was a shackled energy but remained a free spirit.

With such destructive beginnings, it becomes understandable that security would be strict for anyone that isn't Our God Authority.

Especially being request from the highest up.

There was one final chime from the unique gadget before the card ejected from the rear slit.

"Here you are, Ma'am." The soldier said, returning the Red Jack to me as he pocketed his device. "Your Voucher is authentic. Do you know your way to the cabin?" He asked looking down the trail, prepared to direct me towards the hidden destination.

"Thank you, Major. I know my way." I informed him, returning the pink gold card to my inside pocket.

"Yes, Ma'am." He began to walk towards the truck blocking the way before stopping and turning to me again. "By the way. Tell the fellow there Raian says 'Happy Earth Birth.' Heard how he split that som' bitch in two with one swing at his coronation. That ain't easy to do, especially at his age."

I was a little taken aback he was able to hear about that already, but he's not too far from where I heard about it. I'm sure the soldier that was stationed here when I left became loose lipped about it, as vicious a task as it was.

Still. I couldn't help but stare in my own marvel of what the sixteen year old had to deal with to get to that point. Not only cleaving the trash in two with one swing, but doing so in the presence of Our Godmother Zephoné. I don't think there's too many people in our organization, in our family that'd be able to handle that kind of pressure. It doesn't matter which side of the sword he's on, sixteen is sixteen. That means a whole lot more to us than it does anyone on the forever end of the blade.

I guess word travels fast when your potential was already otherworldly.

Then, to almost purposely ruin his moment of praise, the robot that just shot thru two trucks of Red Throats turned his sleeping face to us. A bit of saliva hanging from his mouth making the whole situation briefly unbecoming, I could only make a face as I slowly turned back to the soldier.

"Yeah, I'll… tell him you said that." I assured him as best I could in such an awkward moment.

"Ma'am." The Major nodded while keeping his professionalism, putting on sunglasses and proceeding to his truck.

Looking at Smoke's sleeping face again, I couldn't help but giggle to myself.

Part I