
Mafia Proverbs

"All Power To The Proverb!" "All Hail The Ragnarok Law Mafia!" Asha Exodia is at the beginning of his chosen path since reaching The Law's Maturity. His sights are set on the highest pinnacle that The Family has to offer, and will not let anything or anyone hold him back. However, is there something lurking deep within the psyche of the determined sixteen year old? It is witnessed by his Prodigal Family, but is without answers to the beast's existence. Even still, his apotheostic potential is too great to be halted or denied. Watch as the legend becomes.

QuanieFSpace_XX99 · Urban
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21 Chs

The Zeppelins: Whole Lotta Love

The limit was fifty-five.

"Pull over the fucking vehicle, or we will open fire!"

But they were going at least one hundred.

"Papa! Please stop!"

There was a motorcycle trailing their left.

"Hold on, Zza!"

An old school mustang trailing their right.

"You can't escape me! I AM taking the girl!"

Blue bloods approaching from the rear.

"Mega, slow the fuck down!"

And there was traffic orbiting them all.


Everybody had a gun.

"Look out!" Zza screamed from the backseat, unable keep her composure with both speeding cars and multiple calibers threatening her life.

"BLOW HIS MOTHA FUCKIN' CAP OFF!!!" Mega commanded in an almost rabid tone, firing his .44 bulldog at the bike while trying to maneuver thru traffic.

Asha just barely got away from the anti-seeds by veering to the left of a navy-blue sedan. Unfortunately, one of them planted inside the vehicle's passenger's right ear, bursting from her neck on the other side. Blood and body parts splash all over the driver too quick for her to comprehend what just happened. Once her senses caught up the situation, a piece of the passenger's skin falling from the driver's face and onto her cleavage, panic ensued almost immediately.

Asha had to hit the brakes before the panicking driver pinned him against the interstate dividers. He went sped back up, but couldn't catch back up with a moving van and an SUV clogging the two speeding lanes. He peaked behind him and saw how close the police were, a small brigade of screeching blue and red lights prepared to open fire to close cases. The Pontiac and the Mustang were putting too much distance between he and they, between him and Zza.

The velocity of their gun battle made time all the more precious.

Once the Fray Proxy got the slightest bit of space, he cranked the gas to pick up speed. Lifting the red and chrome street bike's front tire, he broke off their rear view windows as he squeezed between the two vehicles. As he made his way pass them, both honking angrily at the property damage, another SUV unknowingly cut in front of him as it tried to switch the left speeding lane. Asha dropped the front of his bike and swerved right and then left in quick motions. Using the momentum of the drift, he was able to first dodge the black sport's van by millimeters before straightening his trajectory to speed in front of the moving truck.

The Fray Proxy revved the gas and hit top speed to catch up to Zza.

"We need to get off the fucking freeway!" Zonita yelled to Mega, unloading a MAC-10's extended magazine at the other muscle car. "Z.Z., keep your head down!" The red skinned brunette yelled to the backseat, bullets bouncing off and piercing the side of their vehicle.

The young girl in the rear seats was laying low with her arms clenched tightly over her curly silk afro, the rippling gunfire and high speed atmosphere frightening the Aztec youth from all directions. When the back window was hit, she screamed as the shards rained over the entirety of her petite frame.

"Mama, please make Papa slow down!" Zza pleaded with Zonita as loud as she could, but the screaming of the MAC-10 drowned out her cries. When that didn't get the attention she required, the seven year old approached her father directly. "Papa, please stop! You're scaring me!" She expressed while grabbing onto the Mexican Misfit's, as he's been so dubbed by media, white t-shirt sleeve to ensure she was acknowledged.

"Get the fuck off me!" Mega commanded in a tone that rivaled the chaos, shoving his young daughter back into her seat with his elbow. "YOU WANT ME TO STOP WHEN I'M SAVING YOUR FUCKING LIFE! DON'T YOU SEE THE SHIT TRYING TO FUCKING KILL US?! TRYING TO TAKE YOU?! AIN'T NO WAY I'LL LET ANY OF THESE PUSSY NIGGAS HAVE YOU! SO, YOU EITHER SHOOT SOMETHING OR SAY NOTHING!


Everybody had a gun.

Then came the sound of an eagle.

Karma splashed blood on Mega's that wasn't his own, same as he did remorselessly to the driver of the blue sedan. A .50 caliber bullet ripped thru his middle school sweetheart's shoulder and face, leaving a hole by her neck wide enough to fit her daughter's arm. Although the second daisy thorn only grazed the Panamanian's cheek, the pressure and velocity was still devastating to the point it split the left side of her mouth to the earlobe. With exposed bone, a fist sized chunk of flesh missing and a handmade smile, Mistress Menace, she's been labeled by social media, bellowed and waled in excruciating agony.



Her offspring and other half howled in a tone of anguish and terror that sounded like they were the ones disfigured.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" The frantic Misfit cried in pure hatred as he raised the chrome hound, ready to exact vengeance for his sweetheart.

Then came the sound of an eagle.


But he didn't get the chance.

Another .50 cal. round came ripping thru flesh again, this time in Mega's right wrist while preparing to fire.

Zza, who was trying to apply careful pressure to her mother's gaping wound with a blanket that was knit for the seven year old by Zonita herself, was then doused in her father's blood.

Her young eyes got wide in shock as Mega's entire hand went flying from the rest of his arm.

Hitting the rag top first, the severed grip excreted more blood when it landed on the leather seat next to Zza. The sound of the impact like someone tossed a watermelon from their balcony.

All while continuing to grip the revolver.

And all at once, everything compounded on the psyche of the Panamanian Aztec girl.

She began to hyperventilate as her sight shifted swiftly inside her young mind.

Her mother, her Mama, was bleeding all over the custom etched unicorn on the blanket. The woman that gave the little life all the love she could give was split open to the point that her teeth could be seen inside the long bloody gash.

Her father, her Papa, just had his hand blown off close enough that the splashing plasma felt like it was thrown on her face. The man that gave the usually sonic youth all the confidence he was given was gushing blood like that was supposed to happen.

The seven year old girl felt as though she was about to vomit everything she's ever eaten. Her hands were beginning to shake, her breathing became more erratic, her conscious was becoming more estranged.

She all but shut down, shutting her eyes to escape it all.

Part I