
Mafia Proverbs

"All Power To The Proverb!" "All Hail The Ragnarok Law Mafia!" Asha Exodia is at the beginning of his chosen path since reaching The Law's Maturity. His sights are set on the highest pinnacle that The Family has to offer, and will not let anything or anyone hold him back. However, is there something lurking deep within the psyche of the determined sixteen year old? It is witnessed by his Prodigal Family, but is without answers to the beast's existence. Even still, his apotheostic potential is too great to be halted or denied. Watch as the legend becomes.

QuanieFSpace_XX99 · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 2: Full Fire & Empty Smoke (VII)

"Gun!" Smoke yelled after piecing the racist in his mind and imagination, his hand stretched out in front of me like a spider web.

I pulled the back of the barrel and loaded the flame into the chamber, giving it quickly to the Empty Smoke upon command. He dropped down my gun on to my lap and held the fire cracker with both hands, letting it rip accurately at the appointed target.

Sparks ignited the windshield with impacting lethality, finally shattering the armored glass and exposing the master of the crimson beast. Five more shots emptied the clip, exploding in the head and chest of the avid driver, body and blood splattered all over the pick-up's cockpit.

Another unrecognizable mess of a creation.

When Smoke dipped back into the car, I wasted no time footing the gas down to the floor mat under my heels. The tires screeched and the bumper yanked from the rear of the car as we sped off. We were able to get away before the the last truck caught up directly, still trying to stay on our tail while dodging oncoming traffic.

As we zoomed past a perpendicular street, a blue blood's squad car came drifting from it's path with their sirens wailing high. An unknowing Jeep pulling out of a shopping plaza behind us crashed into the cop's vehicle, halting their pursuit on us prematurely. More of them could be seen surrounding the carnage left by the B'Earth day boy, shots ringing between them and the surviving Reds. I swerved right and drove into a random parking garage, looping around the rising structure until I reached the top floor. I finally stopped my chariot and turned off the horses, listening to the blue bloods gathering in all directions.

That was when I heard a quick snap, catching me all the way off guard and sending an experienced chill thru my body.

A tortuous scream that was likened to the cry of a thousand crows filled the inside of the car.

When I turned toward Smoke's direction, he was twisting his Fray Proxy's little arm back.

Another quick snap. Another thousand crows.

The Empty Smoke was still such when he released girl's arm, scooping her from the floor and resting her entirety on his lap. The brave child kept her rejointed arm close to chest as she cried profusely, but the robot held his Fray Proxy tenderly in his body with her raining tears wetting his shirt.

"Let's go, K.O.. They will be setting a road block soon with the possibility of helicopters being deployed, and we are still within that vicinity.. Our Godfather is waiting." That was all his said with a baron emotion while the Fray Tutor's body provided solace for his young apprentice.

When I started up the battered stallion again, I couldn't help but to think that I used to know this person.

At least, I thought I knew this person.

Who are you really, Asha?