

Aria rub her big swollen belly as she waved to her last teacher leave for Christmas brake finish with high school and with the help of her brother David with the medical terms she was ready for the exam next year. As her belly was moving around she smiled knowing the boys in her finally up she missed how she was pregnant back then, the twins would go crazy when they hear there grandpa would speak to them when Aria would be laying down for rest she been getting high blood pressure every time when she would stress about school work they wanted her to finish school next year but she said other wise wanting to finish this year and she did. It was now two weeks away from new years and she was getting excited to see them.

Past Life

Jason looked down at the photo then looked out the window he was now an old man and he has yet to catch Shin Yen and whoever is behind her but he was able to catch his lover and was surprised by who he was. There was a knock on the door he looked up and saw his oldest with a happy face on him only time he has that means, just he thought his younger brother came in.

"Dad!" The youngest yelled running to his father.

Jason looked at his youngest and could see her in him as he smiled happily towards he felt his heart skip a beat as his son hugged him.

"Looking at mom again"

As his youngest took the photo from his hand, they all looked at the photo the eldest knew that his father blamed himself for what happened in the past, that's why he never remarried even though women threw themselves at him he never flinch. After the attack Jason had kept his son's close to him but it was his youngest that was the free spirit so they let him do what he wanted however Jason always sent his best men to look after him 50 men just for his youngest but he didn't know that his oldest also sent some of his men just in case because at the time he didn't show it but he didn't want to loose his twin. They sat around the dinner table as the youngest began telling them stories about his adventure although they knew they didn't say because look on his face as he was excited talking about it both father and son could see Aria in him. He was their light of life in their own dark world.

Present Day Christmas Morning

Aria felt the sunrise on her face as she turn and stretch out she felt her tummy move as well as she rub her belly.

"Morning to you too my lovely's" she said with a smile.

After getting dressed she walks downstairs just as she takes the last step the door is bang open and her eyes goes wide and she covers her mouth.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" all six brothers yell out

"Aww you guys" Aria tears up

She makes her way to her brothers as they put the gifts down and they each give her a hug.

"How did you guys-" Aria cut herself off

They all looked at each other and smirk.

*Two days ago*

"Ready?" Donnie says

They all nod their heads, once out the door they went to the cars and went their separate ways each losing whoever was following them by noon they are all at the harbor giving their keys to each of Donnie's men as they drive off an hour later they get on the ship leaving Seoul to the next city so they can catch their private flight that one of Davis' friend let him use.

Present Day

"Wow" Aria says.

They sit around the living room passing gift around, they laugh and talk as Aria's father looks from the top stairs he smiled at his family wishing his wife was here to see this by his side.

In Seoul

Jason slams the file down and rub his face as Tony waves his hand at the men, and they all leave.

"Will find her soon Jason" Tony finally speaks up a few minutes later.

Jason just looked at him then he turned his chair and looked out the window in a daze his father and grandparents weren't talking to him, his mother is no longer in Seoul and even asked his father for divorce, he thought about the fight he had with his father.

*Flash Back*

"You will marry Shin Yen" his father shouted

"Why so you can see your lover everyday" Jason smirked at his father with a cool gaze

"YOU-" Jason's father pointed at him.

"Me what? I'm not shameless as you keeping a woman by my side when your already married no wonder mother wants to divorce you a disgusting man if i were a women I wouldn't you. I'll only say this once don't think marrying Shin well help pay off your debt that you didn't get to marry her mother that's your problem don't throw me in the mix clean up your own mess" Jason said

He turn and took a few steps before he looked back at his red face father and smirk knowing he hit a nerve.

"I would sign the papers you don't deserve my mother at least she moved on from her lover and put her attention on you, yet your an idiot who can't see"

Jason walked off as Jason's father clench his fist and looked at his son's back in a daze.

Isla Island

After a morning of full surprises Aria went out to a spa another gift from her brothers, this was the best Christmas she had, she was worried that her family wouldn't be with her on this day, after three hours at the spa Aria felt relax as she went back home by dinner time she walked through the door. She saw all her brothers grinning and he father walked up to her with something in his hand.

"Dad?" Aria asked in confusing

He just place a finger to his lip and told her to turn around she did and the blindfold covered her face and held her hands she heard footsteps running and was curious and she felt the steps they had to go slow since she was pregnant by the time they made it up the stair she was led down the hall. Then she heard the door open and felt the blindfold taken off her face she blinked a couple of times and the room was filled with blue and a jungle theme with baby animals two set of cribs close to each other making it look like one crib, four white dressers with pampers and nothing but baby products on the dressers.

"Summer and Play Clothes in these dressers and in the closet" Davis said

As David opened the closet one side had shoes, baby hats, sun glass lined up the other had more baby clothes but looked like winter clothes.

"And my favorite part" all the brothers say

As Aria's father pushes a red button and the back closet opens up to another room she walked in, the room was filled with toys and a big window looking towards the sunset beach.

"I thought you were making another guest room, so this is way you kept me away from this side of the house?" Aria asked her father

"Yeah, through that door is your room, this way you can be closer to them" he says

"I love thank you papa" Aria says as she hugs her father.

They made their way back down stairs for dinner which was filled with more laughter and talking as they each gave red packets to Aria and the two babies.