
Summer Heat

Aria was now 3 and half months it was in middle of June the air cooler in the house was being fixed and since her father didn't allow her to eat anything cold saying his grandchildren will freeze from anything cold all Aria could do was sit in front of a fan. It wasn't summer break for her since she now started her Junior classes she was ahead of schedule of the classes that her instructors we're blown away by her her knowledge however her father didn't think other wise because her mother was once a professor in Seoul University once upon a time so he knew she inherited her mothers knowledge. But for Aria she knew was because her past life that she was able to know these knowledge cause she did attended overseas for school when she was pregnant before. The other reason she hurried as well is because she knew that her due date was on New Years Day and she wanted to attend online classes next year since Bora Bora was starting the online program for Medical however there was a slight problem with that they would need to take a medical test in order to get into the program which was a problem with Aria since she didn't know much about the medical field however she ask the teachers to include some medical class in her daily school work to help her.

In Seoul

Donnie and the brother were happy to hear that Aria already decided on her career and how her progress was going with school, however they we're worried about her being stressed about her school work and it effecting the twins Daniel was especial cause he knew the stress since he was the youngest to graduate from high school.

"Danny I will send you to Aria to help with the medical class since you taken some classes in college so you should have more knowledge in that department then any of us" Donnie said while looking at Daniel.

"Isn't that guy watching us?" Danny replied back to him.

"Don't worry when I went to Hong Kong my friend has an Uncle in Bora Bora University that is looking for a Chinese/English teacher for their program it'll be a good cover for you" Donnie said

"Then is everything already set up?" Danny asked

"Yes however you'll have an apartment ten miles away you can visit them on weekends and do the study then but be careful I'll have one of my men follow but when you are being followed my men will make him known to you he say 'the eagle is endanger' when that happens back off and call me and just keep a low profile and just Skype until the person is gone" Donnie explain to him.

All the brother nod there heads and out of know where David spoke as they were about to begin eating again.

"Wait! How will we be their for Aria when she gives birth?" he asked

The whole table went silent as they began to thinking about a way to think to go to their sister since they never missed any holiday get together with each other. Donnie then wave his hand as they all moved closer as they could hear the plan on how to get away from the people trailing them when they would go and see their sister.

Li Mansion

It's been months since Jason had come home and been months since Shin keeps coming to the house but keeps getting the same answer from Lillian that Jason hasn't come home since the first night he came home. He had stormed out of the house when he heard the discussion of his engagement with Shin from both family during that dinner, his mother too was unhappy about the situation as well cause she didn't want anything to do with her husband ex lover, like he was repaying a debut to her since she couldn't marry him and Jason's father was also unhappy about this too because he did love Shin's mother however since Lillian's father saved his father when they were younger. Lillian's family was from a wealthy family had nothing to do with the underworld or mafia and they didn't know at the time until after marriage years later when they come to know what they do but still was to late to back out. Lillian as well didn't want to marry Jason's father cause she was already in love with her senior from school however Jason's father didn't know this and how upset he would be when he found out in the near future.

JL Company

Jason been working non-stop not just with the mafia but also his company wanting to go a straight road trying to split the two.

"Sir there is is a Miss Yen here to see you" he heard through the intercom

"I'm busy send her away" Jason said

As he went back to working on his papers, he began putting the papers away knowing her temper once he was done he went to his personal elevator and just as the door bang open the elevator was going down. Shin look around the room and was empty the secretary tried asking her to leave.

"I'm not leaving I'll wait here" she sat down

The secretary rolled her eyes and left the office but smirk when she saw that her boss used his personal elevator to leave he sure was clever, once the door closed Shin stood up and went towards his desk and saw a photo of a girl in her school uniform it wasn't her so Shin clenched her fist and gritted her teeth and began to look around his desk for more information but their was none so she looked back at the photo and saw the name tag Aria Han on it she place the photo back down and left with hatred in her eyes, in the elevator Shin took out her phone and text an unknown number typed in Aria's name and sent it. By the time she got out the elevator her phone chimed as she saw she got an email, with a smirk on her face she exit JL Company.