
Party Time

Lillian and John took the boys to get them ready for the party as Jason took Aria to the other room to get ready as well.

"How are you?" Jason asked

He was putting on his shirt, as Aria was doing her hair and make up.

"Good just alot to take in" Aria said

"We can wait until your ready" Jason said

"No the boys are getting older, and I don't want them to get tease when they start school" Aria said

"Okay we can annouce our engaement tonight and do the wedding a month after your birthday. That should be enough time" Jason said

"I'm good with that beside the boys will be nagging and I'm afraid grandpa and my father well be nagging too well my father is already asking" Aria said

"Okay, you almost ready the guest should be here soon" Jason said

"Almost I just need to get my dress" Aria said

She got up and went towards the closet and grab the dress that was on the back of the door, she changed into it, it was long the back was v shape so was the front there was a little slit that went up just above the knee she had her hair down, half was up but was loose they were curled.

"How does it look?" Aria asked coming out of the closet.

"Beautiful" Jason said

Aria saw Jason in his suit, as he tried to fix his bow tie.

"Let me help, my brothers always went to parties for work, and I got use to making their ties for them" Aria said

She fixed his tie for him, Jason stood there and took in her beauty she had ligh skin even though she lived on the island there was no tan, her make up was light he looked at how smoothed her skin is.

"There" she said

"Ready?" he said

"Yes" Aria said giving a smile.

He smiled back at her, and they walked out the room in the living room Aria's brothers and father were there talking with Jason's family they loved the twins even Jason's aunty Marry who was on her behaver.

"Everyone this Aria. Aria this is my Aunty Marry, her son Hugh, that's my uncle James, his wife Natelia, there daughter Emma" Jason said

"Hello" Aria smiled at them

Even thought she meet them before she knew who was who and who was nice to her in the past like Hugh was nice to her however his mother was mean always insulting her of being a slut just because Hugh would stand up for her and then there was Emma she was close to Shin Yin always making her life diffcult when she was around, even though she had a nice parents.

"The boys are just wonderful" Natelia said

"Well, you'll be busy soon in a few months" Aria said

"What!?" she said

"Sorry I'm a doctor and also been pregnant I can see the glow" Aria said

Natelia blushed, as the family gasp.

"When?" James asked

"I found out this morning" Natelia said

"She should not stress herself out and lots of been rest, I could tell by the you walked over. Is the morning sickness making you weak?" Aria asked

"Yes" Natelia said

"Well the older you are the more energy you will need, I am starting at the Hope Hospital on Monday you can come in and see me and I'll give you an exam" Aria said

"That would be wonderful" Natelia said

"Aunty you going to have a baby?" Jullian asked

"Yes Jullian" she said

"I want a sister!" Jude yelled coming over

The room laughed, at his remark.

"Jude we wont know what it is until the baby grows bigger" Lillian said

"Okay, are we going to start the party?" Jude asked

"Yes the guest will be arriving now" Old Li said

In the next hour Jason, Aria, and the twins were greeting the guest many were surprise when they saw them but still came in and what was more shocking was the way the place was set up. Old Li told Jason to make the introduction before they eat people were starting to ask questions. Jason took his little family to the small stage as he gathered the guest, Aria looked around as she smiled at the guest in front of her at the back she saw Shin Yin with Emma as they were looking at her but Aria just kept looking around smiling, Shin Yin's lover wasn't among the people.

"Good Afternoon everybody. I know all of you are wondering who these three are well let me introduce you. My fiance Aria Han, as you can see I couldn't wait on the wedding." Jason joke

As the people laughed, while Aira blushed when she heard what he said.

"Our son's the Oldest Jude and the youngest Jullian, this celebration is not only for our son's birthday that they share with their grandpa John" Jason said

"Happy Birthday Grandpa" the twins yelled

The crowd again laughed.

"But also celebrate, my wife's graduation from medical school. She will begin working at Hope Hospital this coming Monday, we will send out invations of our wedding next month when it will take place. And-" Jason was again cut off

"Were the best man!" the twins said

The laughed, and Jason chuckled.

"Yes, yes they will be my best man. So I hope you enjoy the party, thank you cheers to the twins, my father, and my future wife" Jason said

Cheers were heard around the crowd, the twins ran off to John and Lillian. Aria and Jason we greeted by guest giving them their congraulations to them of the marriage and for Aria's graduate from medical school.

"Aria Han correct?" An elder came up to her

"Yes" Aria said

"You just look like your mother, sorry I am Nacy Jun" She said

"Hello, how do you know my mother?" Aria asked

"I was also a professor at the Universtiy. Jason you have a wonderful woman, keep her close and congraulations" she said

"Thank you" Aria said

Jason nods, they look at each other Jason was about to open his mouth ready to ask her about her mother.


They look towards a woman coming up she had ash brown hair and green eyes, her make up was like she was going to do a photo shoot and her dress made her look seductive, she was Shin Yin.

"Shin Yin, hello" Jason said

"Brother Jason been awhile, I didn't know you had kids is this why you didn't want to marry me?" Shin said

"It was my father who wanted that marriage, I never did" Jason said

"Honey, who is this?" Aria said sweetly

"She's one of my fathers canidate for marriage, her name is Shin Yin" Jason spoke gentle and loving.

Jason loved the way Aria called him Honey it made his stomach feel butterfiles and his heart race his ears to heat up as well as his face.

"Oh, Nice to meet you. I'm Aria Han" Aria said gentle

Aria went up to Shin and held up her hand as she smiled, Shin put on a sweet smile as she gave it a shake.

"No hard feelings, although Jason chose me as his wife I hope we can be friends" Aria said

Shin Yin didn't know she squeeze her hand as Aria frown.

"Ow!" Aira yelled

She pulled her hand out and covered it, Jason went up to Aria.

"Are you okay?" he asked

Aria open her hand that she was holding had a scretch on it the whole crowd was quite, when Shin saw the scratch on her hand she panic.

"I didn't, I I I" Shin said

"You hurt our mommy mean!" Jude yelled as push Shin's legs

He was strong but Shin barley moved, the twins went up to Aria scared.

"Mommy are you okay?" Jullian said

"Get her out of her!" Jude yelled

The people were shocked by how the little boy went from an angel to a little devil that matches, Jason when he was angered. Shin's parents came up and stood by Shin, as they saw the scretch mark on Aria's hand.

"Jude I'm fine it's okay. You don't push people it's not nice" Aria said

"But mommy she hurt you" Jude sais

"It's just a scretch baby, daddy can kiss it away like how mommy kisses away your booboos" Aria said

Jude nodded, Jullian poked his dads legs Jason got it and took Aria's hand and gave it a kiss.

"See mommy's better now you have to apologize to the lady" Aria said

"Only if she apologize to you" Jude said

Aria looked at Shin Yin who was pale.

"Miss Shin" Aria said

"I am sorry I must have squeezed your hand to hard" Shin Yin said

"Your forgiven, Jude" Aria said

"I'm sorry I pushed you" Jude said

"There all is forgiven shall we contuine with the party?" Aria said

"Yes, lets all take a seat for the food. Come" Old Lin said

He started to like Aria more for how she handled everything, he was shocked how upset Jude was he remind him of Jason when he was a child when any of his family would be bullied. Jason took Aria to the restroom behind the kitchen as he washed the wound, Aria hissed at the pain.

"Why did you say it didn't hurt if it did" Jason said

"You saw Jude's getting upset, I didn't want to make it worse. What would people say?" Aria said

"They would say that he has my temper when I was a child" Jason said

"But they should also know how to act in front of crowds not to loose control" Aria said

"Your right, your much better at this" Jason said

"Because I'm a woman, I would bring the harmony to the family of three boys that would act like wolves and loose the termper" Aria said

"You forgot darling I'm a man" Jason said

"Yeah but you saw the scretch I could see you were about to loose your temper like your son and pick on a woman that barley gave me scretch" Aria said

"They may be so but nobody hurts my woman in front of me. But if you insist I will play nice for now and handle it on my own when you are not around" Jason said

"Fine, let's go back. I'm hungry" Aria said

Aria and Jason went back to the dinner, Shin Yin didn't go up to them again people start whispering about her behavior towards Aria soon they started comparing them saying how one was lovely and elegant with a good up bring, while the other was looked good but had a mean heart. The party ended with Happy Birthday songs, gifts, cake and ice cream.