
After Party

After the guest left it was back to begin quiet in the Li Mansion apart from the twins playing with their gifts with John and Lillian. Aria saw her brothers and father off after telling them she was really okay from the accident earlier, Shin Yin's parents apologies to Jason and Aria again before they left. Aria changed her clothes into something comfortable as she went into the living room she watched the four people on the floor playing.

"Come with me I have something to show you" Jason said

Aria nodded and followed Jason, John and Lillian watched as they left.

"Grandma, where's mommy and daddy going?" Jude asked

"To show mommy your new home" Lillian said

"But what if we want to live here with you, grandpa, and great-grandpa" Jullian asked

"Don't worry, when your mom and dad begin working you'll stay here more often" John said

"Grandpa why were you talking to that mean lady's mom?" Jude asked

John was stun, he looked towards Lillian but she was playing with Jullian.

"She was an old friend of grandpa" John said

"Mommy said married man shouldn't speak to woman alone only when their wife is with them" Jude said

"Yeah grandpa, you should listen to mommy she's smart besides that lady looked at me mean, when I wanted to play with you earlier" Jullian said

"Yeah grandpa I saw it, I wanted to push her too but mommy said it wasn't nice" Jude said

"Make sure your with grandma next time grandpa, she might eat you up!" Jullian said

Lillian laughed, at her grandson's scolding to their grandfather.

"What do you know about eating up?" Lillian laughed

"Daddy said that to mommy earlier. Does that mean dad well really eat mommy? Is that why he took her?" Jullian said his eyes turn wide

"No darling, your mommy is to beautiful to be eaten by daddy, she will be back soon" Lillian said

John just sat there and thougt for a bit.

"I'll be back" he said

"Where you going grandpa?" Jude asked

"I have one more gift for you two I will be back" John said

John went up towards his study, he can still here laughing down in the livingroom, when he got into his study he turn on his computer while it was loading he took out a box for his drawer once he open the box there was two necklace both were shape as moon and sun he open the locket it was a picture of himself and Lillian on once side. When the computer was on he click on on the cctv and went back to where Jullian interupt his talk with Shin Yin's mother when he watched the video he saw the way she looked at Jullian with hate in her eyes. In the corner of the video showed Jude clenching his little fist look at her. John felt like his heart shattered not for Shin Yin's mother but the way he been treating Lillian, when they first married he was never home, he would spend his time with Xiao Zhou apologizing to her and try to make her happy and what Lillian did he never knew the first year of their marriage it wasn't until the second year that she started allowing herself to pamper him but he never did anything. John sat there in a daze for quite along time, he didn't know someone came in until a hand waved in front of his face.

"Are you okay? I been calling your name." Lillian asked

"Lillian, when we first married what did you do?" John asked

Lillian froze for a bit as she thought of the past, she sat down if front of John.

"I went to George, after we got married George and I left the country and headed to the mountians we stayed their for five months before my parents found us. The other half of the year I was locked up at home, my parents just told your parents that I was in school furthing my studies. You see John you weren't the only one that was force into this marriage, I as well had to let go of the young men I loved so in order to move on I devoted myself to even though you were inrested. There were many times I wanted to run away, or fake my death just to get away but, your mother was always there encouraging me not to give up. When I found out I was pregnant with Jason, I decided to let go of chasing you and start thinking of Jason instead, so from then on Jason began to be my life line now that we have grandchildren they will be my life again" Lillian said

John sat there and listen, he didn't even think no more like he didn't care about his bride at the time so he didn't know all these feelings Lillian had, he always thought he was in a loveless marriage but the year she left, he began to miss her. It was the little things she did for him, that were big things to him like laying out his clothes that was iron and ready for tomorrow, or the way she would serve his food to him the way he liked it, the way she would scolded him when he hasn't taken his medications. Those simple little things weren't there the year she left, so he had his men look for her and when they said she was in the mountians he went their personally and got her. However, she never went back into their room she stayed in a room that was on the far side of the house away from him. Lillian only started talking to him when she found out that she was a grandmother although she wasn't yet fifty, to him she was still the 28 year old Lillian that gave birth to her son for him.

"We have to get back father is with twins, he probably can't handle them" Lillian said

"I'll come" John said quickly

He took the necklace in his hand, as he walked down with Lillian by his side it maybe late but he thought he should start showing his love towards her, after what she said to him, he felt a little jealous towards the George guy and wanted to beat him. As Aria and Jason walked hand and hand back up to the Li Mansion after showing Aria there home.

"The house was beautiful, I like the wall of pictures however we need some with you in it" Aria said

Jason smiled at her as they walked back to the mansion wanting to see the kids.