

After five months Aria was finally able to start work at Hope Hospital, the doctors just wanted to make sure that she was fully healed before she can begin working. There was no move, but they kept the security around the boys started school a few months back, everything felt normal aside for the bodyguards that kept following them. Gina met Aria and the boys and Aria did not know much of Gina from the past she tried looking but there was no information.

"Dr. Han to the ER Dr. Han to the ER" the speaker reported.

Aria made her way to the ER, she hasn't really decided on which department she would be in so she was working with every department today was ER, when she got there she saw the scene of many injured people flooding in.

"What do we have?" Aria said.

"Somebody went head on with a train, make the train going off rail and this" one of the nurses said.

Aria began helping people, but when she took a glimpse at the news, she stops what she was doing and read the news Train 203 five carts off rail, as they showed firefighters and rescue time helping. Aria shook as she reached for her pocket taking out her phone as she shook waiting for the call to go through, when she heard someone call her name, she places the phone in her pocket.

"Dr. Han!" a nurse yelled.

Aria made her way.

"What do we have?" Aria said.

"Pregnant woman, age unknown" the nurse said.

"Let's get her to room one" Aria said.

They moved towards the room as they began working on her.

"Is this the first load?" Aria asked.

"Yes, this is the first load, the second load went to Grace Hospital and third went to the city hospital they well keep rotating" the nurse said.

"I need a heartbeat" Aria said.

"Looking" the nurse said.

"I can't find any open wounds" Aria said.

"Found a heartbeat is low" the nurse said.

"We need to book an OR and get the baby out, move people" Aria said

They moved the patient; Aria saw her supervisor coming towards her.

"What do you got" he said.

"Losing the baby, going to do a C-section, patient maybe bleed internal, no open wound brain wave is still responsive but well do an MRI after surgery just to make sure" Aria said.

"Got it use OR 2" Dr. Zhen said.

As they got to the OR, Aria quickly changed and went in this would be her first time doing a C-Section, but she has seen many done but she would do this solo her heart was beating fast, and she went in the OR the patient was prep and ready to go.

"Did anybody ID her yet?" Aria asked.

"We are cleaning there face now and get a picture" the nurse said.

Aria nodded her head and went up to the table.

"Scalpel" Aria said

The nurse passes her the scalpel as she began the cut, Aria already began sweating as she was opening the stomach.

"Damn the baby moved, vitals" Aria said.

"Vitals on mother is low, baby heartbeat is slowing" the nurse said.

"Anybody family members yet?" Aria said.

"None, face is clean" the nurse says.

Aria nods as she opens the stomach a little more, but the blood was in the way.

"Suction and get more blood did anybody check the blood work" Aria said.

"Patient is AB positive" the nurse said.

"Get three more bags patient is bleeding internal" Aria said.

After a few more minutes Aria was able to find the baby and it was a premature, once she hands it off, they began working on it beside them as she began looking for the ruptured are in the patient's body.

"I don't hear that baby crying" Aria said.

"Working on it" the other doctor said.

"Patient is flatlining" the nurse said.

Arias hears the beeping, but much blood kept coming out.

"I need more suction" Aria said.

She did not want to open the patient more, she started using her hand, a few moments later she heard the baby cry out.

"We got a breather" the doctor said.

"Keep the baby here, we need them together in case the family comes" Aria said.

"Yes, my job her is done the baby is fine he's just small everything looks normal and healthy but well keep him in the incubator. I have to go back out" the doctor said.

"Got it well call you when, we need you" Aria said.

Aria was still looking for the spot and she finally found it.

"Vitals are going back to normal" the nurse said.

"Use the Suction I need to see what I'm holding" Aria said.

"Dr. Han all the AB positives are used up" the nurse said.

"Well find some!" Aria yelled.

Aria looked at the doctor that was at the door then at the patient and froze.

"Yes doctor" the nurse said.

She was about to leave the OR.