

"Wait!" Aria yelled out.

"Yes, doctor" the nurse said.

"I need you to get my husband on the phone make it connect to the speaker now" Aria said.

Everybody in the OR looked at Aria confused.

"Now!" Aria yelled.

The nurse jump and quickly picks up the land line, as Aria looks back to the patient and then over her shoulder to the baby in the incubator.

"Aria?" Jason voice comes over the speaker.

"Jason is Uncle James with you" Aria said.

"Yeah, were in middle of a meeting, aren't you at work?" Jason said.

"Jason, I need you to listen to me, there was a train wreck today. Natalia was on the train-" Aria was saying but Jason cut her off

"Impossible aunty would never-" Jason was saying but Aria cut him off

"Jason shut up! I need you to get Uncle and come to Hope Hospital, one of my nurses well met you down out front and I need you both to come fast" Aria said

The other line was quite the whole OR was in silence.

"Is she?" Jason was saying.

"She's fine, the baby is fine, we ran out of AB positive and I know uncle is AB positive so need him her as fast as you can" Aria said

"Were on our way" Jason said

The phone was hung up.

"Now I need you to go and wait for them and take them straight to the blood bank, now" Aria said

"Yes, doctor" the nurse said

She ran out and looked back at the open stomach by the way she was holding the spot she knew she had to open her up more it was a tough call after taking some deep breaths.

"Okay this is what were going to do" Aria said

Jason and his uncle James were on there way to the hospital.

"How did she end up on the train" James said

"That is what I want to know, don't worry uncle. Aria said the baby is healthy and aunty just needs some blood they'll be fine" Jason said

It took them an hour to arrive at the hospital with the chaos that was happening, Jason and James saw the nurse at the doorway.

"This way" she said

They followed her, when they were going towards the elevator but got a pager, inside the elevator and change the button to the sixth floor instead, once the doors open, they saw Aria standing there.

"Aria" Jason said

"There both fine, this way." Aria said

They went to room at the last hall, James went towards Natalia's bedside.

"The baby is premature but health, his doctor well be here shortly. Natalia lost a lot of blood but lucky one of the interns was AB Positive, she had internal bleeding that we were able to stop, she's going to need a lot of rest most likely for a year until everything is heal smoothly" Aria said

"Thank you Aria thank you so much for saving them" James said

"It's what I do Uncle James. Want to see him" Aria asked

"Him?" James asked

"Yeah, don't worry he's just next door" Aria said

James nodded, they went out the room into the next door where all the premature babies were put since they needed more rooms, Aria led them to the back where he was at, he was bundle up in a blue blanket.

"He's so tiny" James said

"He needs a name" Aria said

"We never did decide on it yet" James said

"We can move them to VIP if you want" Aria said

"Yeah, that well be best" Jason said

"I will tell the nurse, I have to get back to work" Aria said

Jason nodded his head, Aria left them and explain what the patient wanted she made her way back down to the chaos of the ER, by the next morning Aria was tired but they were able to get most of the patient into rooms they had to from least to greater on the surgeries so for the next three days she didn't go home by the fourth day Aria made her way to the VIP ward.

"Dr. Han morning" the nurse said behind the desk

She nodded her head as she went into Natalia and Aaron's room, they decided to name him Aaron Lu, Aria knocked on the door the Lu family was their that she haven't seen for almost four days. Aria felt an impact from a hug.

"Thank you for saving my little brother and mom" Emma said

"Your Welcome" Aria said

Emma let go of her, and Aria made her way to Natalia who woke up yesterday.

"Hey Aunty, how are you feeling?" Aira asked

"Fine, thank you for begin there" Natalia said

"How's Aaron?" Aria asked

"He's a fighter the doctor said he's healthy for a premature baby and he might just go home at the end of this month" Natalia said

"Yeah, but as your doctor you have to stay for at least another two months" Aria said

"I know Lillian and Mary can watch him as I recover" Natalia said

"Even then you well be on bed rest, the surgery took a toll on your body aunty if you follow my advice, we can get you to recover in a year at most" Aria said

"Well, I be able to hold him?" Natalia said

"Yes, you can just wait until your stitches is healed up and after that you can hold him all you want" Aria said

Natalia smiled and nodded her head; Aria spoke with the family for awhile before she went back to work.