
When they met.

Yn was a mute girl. She lost her parents

when she was 3 years due to a bomb blast.

Her uncle and aunty refused to raise her

as they thought of her as a burden. So

they sold her to an orphanage. But

unfortunately that orphanage was illegal

where they sell Girls once they become

adults. After knowing the truth of this

orphanage she tried to escape many times

but got caught Everytime and they

torchered her as punishment. Now she

felt hopeless because today it was her turn

to be sold. Two ladies were dragging her

to a car. The car door opened and it was a

Man who was staring at her smirking. Yn

felt disgusted by the way he's looking at

her. She wanted to disappear from that

moment. But she didn't lose her hope and

gathering all her courage she pushed one

of the lady and slapped the other lady and

without wasting anymore time she started

running like her life depended on it.

Immediately the car also starts following. She turned into narrow like area as there's not much space for a car so the

Man's bodyguards got off the car and

starts chasing her. Yn was almost out of

breathing while running so much but she

didn't stopped and kept running. It was a

Do or Die situation for her.

After running for almost half hour she

thought to hide somewhere as she can't

run anymore. Luckily she saw a Hospital

and quickly went inside. She went to the

5th floor and looked out of a window to

see if they left. But she saw one of the

bodyguards was coming inside of that

hospital. She searched here and there and

found a doctor's uniform. She quickly

wore that with a mask and spectacles so

that nobody suspects her. She saw a

bodyguard coming and she hurriedly went

inside a ward and hides behind a curtain.

???: Are you the doctor? But...why are you

hiding there?

Yn Got startled hearing a male voice. She

came out of the hiding place and sighed in

relief seeing he's just a patient.

???: Miss, if you're the doctor then please

treat my wounds.. I'm dying in pain...

Yn (thinking): If he suspects me and calls

security then I'm doomed..

Yn looked at him and scanned his wounds.

Yn (thinking): They are just cuts and

wounds which are bleeding a little i can

treat this wounds easily..i have more scars

and wounds than him..

She slowly came near him and starts

treating him while he hissed in pain.

???: Thank god you're the doctor..i

thought you're spy and will kill me


She removed her mask and spectacles

while he admires her. After sometime She

was almost done with the treatment.

???: Well i don't like to talk to

strangers..but as you are my doctor and

healed my pain..Uhh Hi myself Taehyung.

And what's your name?

Yn (thinking): This Dumbo.. shut your mouth I'm here just because of the

situation..or else I would've smacked your

head for irritating me.

Tae: I guess..you don't like to talk

much..okay. *suddenly he noticed her

coat's name* oh so your name is Elena.

Nice name..

Yn (thinking): What? *looked at her coat*

oh so it's someone named Elena's

coat..*she nods while looking at him*

Suddenly someone did an announcement.

"Please everyone stay wherever you are

because a police officer came here and

told us that there's a criminal here. She is

mute and escaped from Lockup and hided

here in our hospital. So if anyone sees the

girl inform us."

Yn was now terrified because now

everyone misunderstood her as a criminal.

But it's not her fault. They came as fake

police officers.

Yn looked at Tae and he was already

looking at her.

Tae: I already knew something is fishy...so

you're the girl who escaped, right?

Yn: *shook her head as a no*

Tae: And how can i believe you?? You can

do anything if you're a criminal. You can

even pretend to be a mute girl. So I can't

trust some stranger..

Yn shook her head continuously. She

looked here and there and found a Cutter.

She took it and went near him.

Tae: what? are you gonna kill me with


But surprisingly she did cuts on her arm

and collarbone to make him believe by not screaming.

Tae: *chuckles* They are just some small

cuts..even I won't scream in that.

Yn was now frustrated. She showed her

long nails to him and digged her nails

deep in her skin while tears falls from her


Tae was feeling guilty to see her like that.

Tae: Okay... it's confirmed that you're


Yn smiles happily and nods.

Tae: But i still can't believe if you're

actually a criminal or not.

She again searched here and there..she

gestures him to give her his phone.

Tae: No!! what if you hack my phone?

Yn asked him again with pleading eyes

begging him.

Tae: Aish...Take it..

Yn took his phone and start typing in the

notes. Tae was looking at her typing fast.

And after typing everything she gave it

back to him. Tae takes it back and starts


Tae (Reads): "I'm not a criminal. And they

aren't police officers. They are the real

culprit and I'm the victim. Actually my

orphanage is illegal and they sell girls just

to pleasure Men. And today it was my turn

to get sold but luckily i ran for my life and hided here. Now they even chased me till

here..Please i beg you don't call the

security or else my life would be hell.. My

life is already a hell. I escaped from there

not to get caught here.. Please help me!"

After reading every word..he looks at her.

Tae (thinking): I don't know why..but my

heart says to believe her but my brain

thinks something else...but she looks

innocent though..I have to find out myself

whether she's right or wrong..

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door.

Yn's whole body starts trembling..she was

crying and bend down in his knees

begging him. Tae couldn't see her like


Tae: Get up and go hide in the bathroom..

I'll handle everything. Just go!!

Yn nods and immediately went to the

bathroom. Tae slowly stood up and went

near the door and opened it. There was a

man standing there wearing brown suit.

Tae: Yes?..

Man: Did you saw a girl she looked like

this. *shows a picture of Yn*

Tae: No.. who's she?

Man: Didn't you heard the

announcement? She is a criminal so you

better inform us if you find her.

Tae: Well i know a girl who ran for her life

till here just to be safe from someone like


Man: Oh hello mister!! W-we are police


Tae: oh really? But surprisingly her name

is also Yn.

Yn was silently listening to their


Yn (thinking): This dumbo head why did

he told my name?!! i shouldn't have trust

him..Great now my life is gonna be hell. It's

better to die than being someone's slave.

Man: What?? Where's she??

Tae: But you were searching for a girl who

is a criminal right?

Man: But i think she fooled you by telling


Tae: *chuckles* The one who is telling

stories is you.

The man knew he was hiding something

so he pushed Taehyung aside and barges

inside the room.

Tae: Yo-

Man: *Puts gun on tae's head* I know

she's here...

Man: Yn!!! YN!! If you don't come out right

now then say goodbye to this young boy.

Baby girl don't be afraid of your master.

Yn was afraid after hearing his word. She

didn't wanted to harm anyone because of


Tae: Don't Come out!! Yn stay there!!! this

jerk won't do anything!!

Man: Haha!!! Yn!! I am counting to 3 if you won't come out then say goodbye to your


Yn (thinking): No no I can't let them

happen..but once i come out my life will

be a hell..but that boy shouldn't suffer

because of me..

Tae: Yn!! I beg you don't come out.. believe

me nothing will happen to me.

Man: 1...2...3