
Maelstrom Of DC

He used to live life on the run. Given a second chance in a new world, Naruto learns what it means to work with a team and be a hero. Story written by Crohn's Colitis but was abandoned by the author several years ago. Hopefully I will be able to build upon the story.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 6: Invitations

"Once again our plans have been thwarted by the young heroes," says L-1.

L-2 speaks up activating a video screen that depicts one of the young heroes. "It seems the one responsible for the majority of thwarting our plans is this one. According to our inside source his name is Naruto Uzumaki. He has no codename."

The screen zooms in on Naruto. Another screen portrays Naruto's battle with Amazo. "Such skill and abilities, he fights like an assassin," speaks L-4. "Do we know anything else on him?"

"Other than he has the ability to manipulate the elements we know nothing about him," says L-3.

"That is not entirely true," says L-2. "I believe that this young hero is the recent hero that popped up in Tokyo several months ago. He does fit the description minus a few details."

L-1 gains an interested tone. "That would mean he has no mentor to guide him. Perhaps the Light can offer him a better career path."

August 16th

A ringing sound causes Higurashi to look up from the counter. The fifty year old man watches as a kid enters into his shop. It is a kid that he recognizes from previous visits. Higurashi raises an eyebrow before speaking a gruff manner. "Come back for more kunai and shuriken?"

"No, I have come searching for a katana."

Higurashi would usually scowl and go back to reading if any other customer said that to him. Most people these days come into his store looking for something cool. Tourists come in all the time not knowing the history or value of the weapons he sells. No appreciation for the blood and sweat that he pours into making each weapon. He grew so tired of seeing his weapons fall into the hands of fools that he stopped putting out most of true weapons. Almost all of the weapons on display and for sell are imitations he created to act as decorations. The fools that buy them especially those wannabe Yakuza brats have no idea that the weapons they purchase are mere rip-offs. He doesn't feel the least bit guilty selling such weapons. The true crime would be allowing his master pieces to gather dust or be used improperly. Better they stay with him then in the hands of those that can't appreciate true works of art.

This child is no tourist or fool. No, this kid has an eye. First time the brat entered the store he looked around before approaching the counter. Higurashi was shocked that the kid asked him if he sold any true weapons.

Naruto stares at Higurashi. "I am looking for real weapons. Do you sell any?"

"Got a problem with my store brat?"

"These decorations are useless to me. I wish to purchase true steel not cheap imitations," replies Naruto.

A child with a true appreciation for the art of weapon making. It almost made him cry in joy that there is hope for the future generations. "Over here," Higurashi walks over to the wall at the right side of the store. Dozens of swords of various sizes are mounted on the wall. Under these swords is a sign that reads DISPLAYS, NOT REAL SWORDS. It is humorous to see people glance at the sign and walk away from the swords without even inspecting them. "I recommend a smaller sized katana due to your size," states the blacksmith.

"Hmm," Naruto examines the weapons. "I don't have the money to buy one at the moment…"

"We can work out a payment plan. Just choose the one you like," smirks Higurashi. A nod comes from Naruto. Naruto reaches out grabbing a katana with a black hilt and a tear drop shaped guard. The blade is 42 inches long with a wavy design that gleams in the light. Testing the weight and balance first, he makes sure that he enjoys the feel of the blade. Once he is acquainted with the weight and balance he takes a few steps back before placing a second hand on the hilt. In a smooth motion he swings the sword in a downward slash than twists his hands making a thrust. Naruto releases the hilt with his left hand reaching up to catch a black sheath. "A good choice. The sword costs 100,000 yen. Make payments of 2,000 yen a month and it is yours."

Placing the sheath on his waist, Naruto expertly sheathes the sword with a light click. He reaches into his pouch and pulls out 5,000 yen. "I will be back next month to make another payment," says Naruto.

Higurashi smirks, "I'll have some more kunai and shuriken ready for you by then."

"Thank you."

A chuckle comes from the clerk. 'The brat has good taste,' smirks Higurashi.

August 18th; 7:06 pm

"Initiate Combat Training…" Kaldur and Superboy begin to circle each other. Superboy smirks ready to test out a few new moves. "Begin in 3…2…1…Start." The two charge at each other. Kaldur throws a couple punches that Superboy dodges.

Megan, Artemis, and Wally are watching the two spar. Wally is barely paying attention as he munches on a banana with barely any decency. Artemis and Megan both have their eyes locked onto the shirtless Superboy. Both girls enjoy the view of his muscles. "Kaldur is nice. You and him would make a great couple," suggests Artemis.

"Kaldur? He is like an older brother." Megan smiles as she glances at Wally. "I think you and Wally would make the cutest couple. You are so vibrant and full of life and Wally is so full…"

"Of it," smirks Artemis. Laughter comes from the two girls. A new voice makes both girls jump in surprise.


Naruto stands on Artemis's left watching the spar. Artemis is shocked. She never noticed him until he spoke. When did he get there? How long was he there for? 'Naruto, when did you get here?' asks Megan.

'Five minutes ago.'

Megan is stunned by that answer. How did she not notice him for five minutes? It really does scare her that he is able to sneak up on her like that. 'No one is next. Superboy and Kaldur are sparring since we haven't had a mission in awhile,' answers Megan.

"Do you two always have to speak telepathically?" frowns Artemis in annoyance.

'Sorry,' Megan opens a link with Artemis. 'Naruto still has trouble talking in English. He can understand it, but it is hard for him to string words together. Canary has been so busy with the League she hasn't had much time to teach him lately.' Artemis does feel a bit bad for getting upset. It is not his fault that English isn't his first language. Still, telepathy is not her favorite way to communicate. She doesn't realize that Naruto and Megan hear her thoughts. Megan changes it so that Artemis can think without portraying her thoughts over the mental link. 'Did you want to spar next?'

'I am thinking about it,' replies Naruto.

Megan cuts the link as Naruto walks around the training area to go check out the computer. "Is it just me or are you two close?" asks Artemis with a slight gleam.

A blush starts to heat Megan's cheeks. "It isn't like that!" She waves her arms frantically. "I am just the first person that Naruto could communicate with. I am his link to the others so it is only natural we are close."

Artemis smirks, "if you say so." She takes a good look at Naruto. "I have to admit that he is pretty cute. I do like the blonde hair."

Megan takes a good look at Naruto. It is true that he is handsome. Superboy has a more rugged handsome and Naruto has a more preppy handsome look. "I guess he is pretty handsome," admits Megan.

Kaldur is slammed to the ground interrupting the rest of the conversation. "I learned that one from Canary," smirks Superboy. Superboy extends his hand helping Kaldur up.

"Training Simulation over."

Red Tornado flies down from above. The robot lands on the ground planning to go about its own business. "Hey," Wally runs in front of Red Tornado. "Do you happen to have a mission for us?"

"Mission details are Batman's area."

"True, but the Batman is out with the Robin doing the dynamic duo. So we thought you could help us out. If you are not busy," smirks Wally.

Kaldur steps forward speaking in a more respectful tone. "If we can be of help."

Red Tornado begins to type opening up a large screen. On that screen it portrays an old man in a suit with a cane. "This is Kent Nelson, he is 106 years old."

Wally nudges Artemis, "doesn't look a day over 90." He chuckles at his own joke. Artemis ignores the speedster.

"Kent Nelson was a charter member of the Justice Society a precursor to your mentor's Justice League," explains Red Tornado. The image changes to reveal a man in blue and gold tights with matching cape and helmet.

Kaldur recognizes that image immediately. "Of course, Nelson was Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. He was Doctor Fate."

A snort comes from Wally. He leans over to Artemis. "More like Doctor Fake. Guy knows a little advanced science and Dumbledore it up to magic," says Wally.

"Kent could be on one of his walkabouts but he is the holder of the Helmet of Fate. It is unwise to leave such power unguarded," says Red Tornado.

"He is like the great priests and priestess of Mars. I would be honored to help him," says Megan.

"Me too! Magic totally rocks," smirks Wally. Artemis rolls her eyes. The speedster walks over to Megan with a flirtatious smile. "What are the chances we are both so into the mystic arts?"

Red Tornado hands Kaldur a golden key. "Take this, use it to unlock the Tower of Fate. You will need to take a leap of faith."

'Magic?' Naruto gains a curious expression. What is magic? He never heard of that word. Perhaps it is a source of power like chakra. He decides to join the team on this mission. He wants to learn more about this magic.

Bio Ship

Artemis glances over at Wally. "So Wally, when did you start believing in magic?"

Wally leans back in his seat with a cocky smirk. "I have always been into the mystic arts." He glances over at Megan as he continues to lie out of his ass. "Before coming Kid Flash, I seriously considered a career in magic," lies Wally.

Naruto barely understands the speedster, but he is able to detect that everything that Wally is saying is a complete lie. Then again, most of the time Wally talks it is a lie or made up story. Wally spends so much time trying to impress Megan that it is a miracle that the speedster survived any of the missions. A clown like that would have died on a D-rank mission in the ninja world.

"We are here," says Megan.

The Bio-ship stays in camouflage mode as it lands in the middle of a park. Immediately the team spreads out to find the Tower of Fate. Naruto can sense a strange power in the atmosphere. He walks around the park at a leisurely pace trying to find the source of the power. Upon reaching the center of the park he pauses. Confusion fills him. There is something here but he can't see it at all. "You will need to take a leap of faith," says Red Tornado. The ninja gains a pensive expression. Suddenly, an idea comes to him. How does one hide a Tower in plain sight? Genjutsu! Chakra begins to flow to his eyes. Ocean blue eyes bleed red. The world becomes much clearer. Sharingan spins around piercing through the air. Slowly an image forms in front of Naruto. In front of him is the Tower of Fate or at least an outline of the tower. Whatever power is hiding the tower is very strong. Even his fully matured Sharingan can't fully pierce the illusion.

Wally frowns, "I don't see anything."

"What do you think? Highly advanced micro-electric phase shifting technology?" suggest Artemis.

A surprised expression appears on Wally's face. He never expected Artemis to know so much when it came to advanced science. It impresses him. "Totally…" Megan comes walking up behind him. "Not, clearly it is mystic powers at work," finishes Wally. Artemis scowls.

'It is here.'

Megan turns to look at Naruto. "Naruto found it." She flies over to him. The rest of the team gathers around Naruto.

"Um, where is it?" asks Wally.

'It is hidden under a strong illusion,' says Naruto to Megan.

"Naruto says that it is under an illusion."

Wally scoffs, "come on. The guy is clearly not right in the head."

Kaldur steps forward offering Naruto the key. "Can you see the door?" Naruto takes the key and turns around. The ninja thrusts the key forward into an invisible hole. A turn to the right and an unlocking sound fills the air. Suddenly, the Tower of Fate materializes in front of the team.

Behind the team, the air shimmers to reveal a tied up Kent Nelson with two other individuals. The boy holding the cat looks at the man with the wand. "Hey Abra Kadabra, aren't you using adaptive micro-electric phase shifting technology?"

Abra grumbles, "yes…"

The team enters into the Tower of Fate. Upon entering the tower the door behind them vanishes. "Hey where did the door go?" frowns Superboy.

A holographic image of Kent Nelson appears in front of the team. "You have entered with a key, but the Tower doesn't recognize you. Please state your reason for visiting," says Nelson.

Wally steps forward desperately trying to impress Megan. "We are true believers come here to seek out Doctor Fate!" Nelson smirks before his image vanishes. Suddenly, the ground underneath team breaks away making them all fall down a huge hole. At the bottom of the drop is a pool of magma waiting to melt them alive.

Megan grabs onto Wally. Artemis draws a crossbow firing it at the cavern wall. The arrow embeds into the wall and she swings around catching Kaldur. Superboy plummets straight downward before reaching out digging his fingers into the wall. He slides down until his feet dip into the magma burning away his shoes in a second. "Ah!" screams Superboy. Superboy pulls and looks down at his feet. "Those were my favorite boots. This Nelson guy better be worth it."

"Where is Naruto?!" exclaims Aqualad.

The team looks around trying to find him. 'Naruto?!' yells Megan telepathically. The team winces at the volume.

A calm voice replies making everyone relax. 'I am here.' The team looks around trying to find the ninja but are unable to locate him. 'Above you.' All of them look up to see Naruto standing on the side of the cavern as if it were solid ground. Naruto calmly walks down the wall with a bored expression.

'Ok seriously, how are you doing that?' asks Artemis. It is the question on everyone's mind.

Naruto leaps off the wall falling down past Megan and Wally before sticking back to the wall. He reaches out grabbing the Martian girl. With ease he pulls her to his body while tossing Wally over towards Artemis. Kunai sail through the air pinning Wally to the cavern wall next to Artemis and Aqualad. 'Dude!' shouts Wally gulping.

'She couldn't hold you much longer. Extreme heat seems to weaken Megan,' says Naruto. 'Climb on my back. The heat doesn't affect me.' Megan gives a grateful nod before hovering up into the air and gently lowering down onto his back. Sweat pours down her face.

'You are changing the subject. How are you walking on the wall?' demands Artemis.

Kaldur interrupts, 'we can save that question for later. Megan and I physiology is susceptible to extreme heat. If we don't find a way out we won't be able to last much longer.'

"Hello Megan!" Megan pants, 'we never truly answered the question.' Naruto looks at her curiously. She starts speaking aloud. "We have come here on a mission from Red Tornado…to find Kent Nelson and the Helmet of Fate." A platform forms over the magma. Superboy lands on the platform followed by Naruto. He crouches down allowing Megan to climb off his back. Artemis and Kaldur are the last two to land.

Kaldur touches the platform. "This platform should be hot, but it is cool to the touch."

Wally walks over towards Megan. "Great thinking Megalicious."

"Enough!" Artemis places a hand on Wally's chest and slams him up against the cavern wall. "This impress Megan at all costs needs to stop!"

"What I do is none of your business!"

"It is when you almost get us all fried! Lying about being a true believer."

Megan frowns, "Wally you don't believe?"

The speedster pushes off against the wall. "Fine, I don't believe! But magic is the true lie. It is all a bunch of smoke and glass. Everything can be explained through science!" states Wally.

"Wally, I studied for two years at the Conservatory for Sorcery in Atlantis. Magic is what powers my water bearers," says Kaldur.

"Ever heard of bio-electricity? In some primitive cultures fire used to be considered magic," Wally waves his hands. "All that can be explained through science."

Artemis scowls, "you are pretty close minded for a guy who can break the sound barrier in his sneakers."

"That is science. I recreated Flash's laboratory experiment and viola here I am," retorts Wally.

"Let us test that theory."

Kaldur goes to open the panel. "Wait, the backdraft from the lava will roast us alive!" shouts Wally. The panel is lifted up and instead of a backdraft of heat a cold breeze followed by snow hits the team.

"It is snow," smiles Megan.

"Do you ever get tired of being wrong?" smirks Artemis.

One by one the team leaps through the hole landing in a brand new place that is covered in snow. There are mountains of snow as far as the eye can see. Artemis cocky smirk at Wally. Wally scowls before explaining the situation. "Ever heard of string theory? This is a pocket dimension." Artemis rolls her eyes.

Naruto watches as the hole between the two places closes up leaving them trapped in this new world. He has never encountered anything like this magic. This is not an illusion. Somehow all of them were taken from one area and instantly taken to a new location. It reminds him of those space-time jutsu that Kurama told him about. Or a summoning jutsu. He wanted to learn about this magic and possibly recreate the abilities of magic through jutsu.

"What is that?" Megan points ahead. Up ahead is a black cane with a golden handle.

"Ooo maybe it is Nelson's wand," says Wally sarcastically. Artemis walks forward and reaches out to grab the cane. Wally speeds forward. The two grab the cane at the same time.

"I got it," says Artemis/Wally. "I can't let go." The cane lifts the two into the air. In a burst of magic the two vanish along with the cane.

'Grabbing an object that has its own power source. Idiots,' thinks Naruto. Superboy doesn't know it, but he has the same thoughts as Naruto.

Megan shakes her head. "Do you think Wally will believe in magic after that?"

"Wally uses science to understand things that are out of his control. To admit that magic exists would be to let go of that control. Give him time, I am sure he will come around eventually," explains Kaldur.

"I see," says Megan. Naruto points ahead. On top of one of the snow banks is a doorway. The team heads towards the doorway.

A gasp escapes the team as the doorway drops them into a new area. Kaldur and Superboy slam face first into the ground. Naruto twists around landing with grace. Megan hovers down touching lightly on her feet. The team is now in a giant labyrinth that has stairs that lead upside, sideways, and downward. "These friends of yours?" says an older voice. Naruto turns to see Kent Nelson a short distance away with Artemis and Wally.

"Get them!"

Everyone turns to see Klarion the Witch Boy and Abra Kadabra. Kadabra lifts up his wand launching several bolts of lightning at the team. Naruto dodges to the side. Kaldur screams out in pain as a bolt strikes him and forms a barrier that electrocutes him every time he moves. "Friends of yours?" Wally uses his speed to dodge several bolts.

Kent flies into the air heading straight towards the bell. Landing next to the bell, Kent taps it with his cane making a large gong fill the area. The old wizard steps through the bell. Klarion follows flying straight into the bell. "Wally go after Nelson," shouts Artemis. Wally speeds straight into the bell vanishing like Nelson and Klarion. A bolt of lightning strikes Artemis trapping her like Kaldur.

Megan lifts Kadabra into the air with her telekinetic powers. Kadabra vanishes into thin air shocking the Martian Girl. "Behind you!" Superboy leaps at Kadabra who reappears behind Megan. The villain points his wand at Superboy striking him with a bolt of lightning. A scream of pain comes from Superboy as he is electrocuted and trapped like Artemis and Kaldur.


Her moment of distraction allows Kadabra to strike her with a bolt of lightning. She is soon on the ground trapped in a cage of lightning like the others. "Pathetic," smirks Kadabra. A kunai sails through the air slicing through Kadabra's wand. "What?!" The wand clatters to the ground in two pieces. Naruto lands in front of the shocked wizard. Jumping up to deliver a spin kick, Kadabra hits the ground knocked out cold. The lightning cages trapping his team disappear with the destruction of the wand.

"Thanks," says Kaldur. "We need to help Wally and Nelson."

The ninja places a palm on the bell. It is solid as a rock. Naruto wishes he knew more about magic. Magic seems to be even more versatile than his own jutsu. "How do we get to the idiot?" says Artemis tapping on the bell.

"I can't open a link to his mind," frowns Megan.

Kaldur dusts off his pants. "We will have to leave it to Wally then."

Tokyo; 1:00 pm

In a flash of light Naruto appears in an alley. Going from midnight to day is a huge change that might throw of the sleep schedule of most individuals. Naruto is not a normal person by any stretch. He moves with incredible speed going straight up a building. Touching down on the roof, he begins to leap from building to building.

The mission to find Kent Nelson and the Helmet of Fate was a success. Wally retrieved the Helmet of Fate before Klarion the Witch Boy could steal it. In the process though Kent Nelson passed away. Naruto didn't focus on that part. Nelson was 106 years old meaning he lived longer than most people. As a missing ninja he encountered death all the time so he was used to it. Speaking of death, he landed on the roof and swung his arm tossing several shuriken. Gunshots fill the air as the shuriken are shot out of the air.

"I guess the rumors about you were true."

A tall slender man with long white hair tied back in a ponytail steps out of the shadows. His armor is primarily black and gray, with goldenrod greaves and gauntlets. He wears a matching goldenrod mask with a black area that obscures the right half of his face, including his missing eye. He wears a utility belt with pouches, and sheaths for a sword and staff on his back. Naruto stands there not making a comment. "Oh right, I forgot that you don't speak English. Can you understand me now? You may call me Deathstroke," asks the armored assassin.

"I understood you fine, I am choosing not to speak."

The man chuckles in amusement. "Cold blooded, I like that. There is a high price on your head. Killing you would make me rich," the man points a gun at Naruto. Naruto stands calmly not in the least bit intimidated. "Lucky for you I have come with a message. Powerful people have taken an interest in your abilities. They are offering you a chance to work for them. Do so and you will be rewarded with anything that you desire."

"And should I decline?"

"I will have to carry out my second message."

Naruto stares at the assassin. "I decline…" Gunshots fill the air. Deathstroke's eyes narrow as Naruto moves so fast. Spinning around Deathstroke draws a second gun opening fire at Naruto who continues to run circles around the assassin. Shuriken come at Deathstroke from all angles. The guns are knocked out of his hands. In a swift movement Deathstroke draws his sword locking blades with Naruto's kunai.

"You are good, but not good enough!" Deathstroke aims a low kick at Naruto. Naruto slides backwards doing just as Deathstroke wanted. The assassin darts forward ready to make the killing blow. Flipping backwards Naruto kicks the sword upward with his right foot before striking Deathstroke in the chest with his left foot. As he comes back up, he tosses shuriken at Deathstroke. Deathstroke prepares to use his sword to deflect the shuriken. "Futon: Reppusho!" Naruto thrusts his hand forward creating a gale force wind that increases the speed and power of the shuriken. Pain fills Deathstroke as the shuriken slice through his armor cutting up his body. Naruto is about to continue the assault, but a strange sound makes him look down. Three small black devices glow red before exploding.

Deathstroke runs toward the edge of the roof. "This isn't over." The assassin leaps off the roof activating his jetpack flying off into the distance.

The smoke clears to reveal Naruto unharmed. 'That assassin was good. Definitely not a normal human.' Naruto turns around. He continues to leap through Tokyo.

Unknown Location

Deathstroke stands in a white room surrounded by screens. On those screens are six different individuals whose identities are hidden. "So the child turned down the offer," says L-3. "He must be treated as an enemy."

"Do not be so quick to jump to conclusions. It is a minor setback," says L-2. "We must give him time to see the benefits of joining the Light."

"I agree, he would make for the perfect assassin. He has proven to defeat all the others," states L-4.

Deathstroke's single eye narrows. "The child surprised me with a few tricks. Next time he won't be so lucky."

L-1 ignores Deathstroke's comment. "Your failure has been noted. Until we are in need of your services again you are dismissed." Deathstroke turns around leaving the room. The assassin already has his own plans in motion.