
Madara Uchiha in TBATE

(READ THE SYNOPSIS FIRST) want to enjoy this second life. I want power I want an adventure. I want them to fear my name. This is my story now. ------- A story about a guy who is reincarnated with Madara's body and powers. With his new life, he promised himself to live his life to the fullest. Join him on his journey as he become a powerful being in TBATE. ---- This ff is just for fun, nothing serious here. THIS FF IS NOT FOR ALL OF U, IT'S FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WILL ACCEPT THIS SHITTY WORK AND READ IT. Also, don't come here saying that my grammar sucks. I already said that. English is my third language, so don't expect a good English here. If you want good grammar story then write your own or go read other ff with good grammar. I'm only writing this ff for my own enjoyment. If you don't like it then just leave, no one is or will force you to read this shitty ff . ------------- English is my third language, so prepare yourself for some grammar errors. I don't own anything other than my own ocs

A_Sinner · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Training 3

"cough..cough, He lives inside the Beast Gladea, he will tell you everything you need to know, you must find him, They said only you will know where he is in Beast Gladea… Also take this, your father gave it to me before we escaped", Said Hamura as he took of a ring on his hand and gave it to Madara.

"Remember Master Madara, you must never let anyone look down on you, you're an Uchiha", with those last words, Hamura's hand dropped on the ground.

Small tears started to appeared on Madara's eyes as he looked Hamura who was now dead with a smile on his face.

As tears keeps dripping down from Madara's cheeks, another tomoe suddenly appeared on his eyes, making him awaken a fully matured Sharingan.

(AN: were you expecting MS?)

"Thank you, thank you for everything you have done for me, you were more than a servant for me, you were a guardian, a parent, you took care of me for the past two years, and for than thank you", said Madara as he bow down in front of the dead Hamura to show his finally respect to him.

(AN: A man of respect)

Moving a few steps away from Hamura's body, Madara did a quickly hands seal and clapped his hands together.

"Earth Coffin"

The earth below Hamura's body rose in a shape of a coffin with Hamura inside it. The earth coffin then sunk into the ground.

Madara looked at the place where the coffin once was before turning away and walked to where the house was.

Laying on the stone bed, Madara looked at the ring on his hand.

"sigh..what fucked up day…is this what that voice meant when he said under certain conditions?"



After hours of quietness, Madara stood up from the stone bed and looked at the ring Hamura gave him.

"mm, is this a Dimension ring?," thought Madara as he put his chakra on the ring."

(AN: Chakra is like mana but way stronger )

Suddenly a long black katana and a small bag appeared on his hand.

"a Katana and a bag full of golds" said Madara while looking at the bag full of golds, he put the bag away and grabbed the long black Katana.

(AN: Don't worry he'll get the Gunbai)

Grabbed the sword which was big for him, Madara pulled out the katana from it sheath, the katana blade was also black in color.

He pulled out the whole katana, the moment the katana was out of it's sheath, it suddenly shrink in size.

"huh? It's size is now small", thought Madara as he started swinging the black katana and sheathed it back.

"Don't worry Hamura, I won't let anyone look down on me", said Madara while grabbing the katana which was now of his size on his hand, right now he had one thing on his mind, Strength.





(6 month later )

(AN: Age 6 years old)

For months, Madara trained none stop, he trained his body,his jutsus and kept using his Sharingan.

For the past months, Madara saw many changes on his body, he was a little taller for a six years old and his hair kept getting a little long, his skin was also a little pale.

"There's nothing left for me here, I must getting out of this forest and find this grandfather of mine", said Madara who was holding his black katana.

Madara looked at his toned up clothes which was just an oversize white shirt and a black pants with mess shoes on.

Putting the sword inside the dimension ring, Madara started making his way deep into the forest.

(AN: Sooooo,is it good or meh?)

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