
Madara Uchiha in TBATE

(READ THE SYNOPSIS FIRST) want to enjoy this second life. I want power I want an adventure. I want them to fear my name. This is my story now. ------- A story about a guy who is reincarnated with Madara's body and powers. With his new life, he promised himself to live his life to the fullest. Join him on his journey as he become a powerful being in TBATE. ---- This ff is just for fun, nothing serious here. THIS FF IS NOT FOR ALL OF U, IT'S FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WILL ACCEPT THIS SHITTY WORK AND READ IT. Also, don't come here saying that my grammar sucks. I already said that. English is my third language, so don't expect a good English here. If you want good grammar story then write your own or go read other ff with good grammar. I'm only writing this ff for my own enjoyment. If you don't like it then just leave, no one is or will force you to read this shitty ff . ------------- English is my third language, so prepare yourself for some grammar errors. I don't own anything other than my own ocs

A_Sinner · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Training 2

(1 year later)

(AN: Age: 5 years and 6 months old)

Inside a forest, one could see a small figure moving at incredible speed from tree to tree, while his eyes seems to shine a red light.

The boy was none other than Madara, currently he was training with his Sharingan open which shows two tomoe.

"two years have passed now, I keep training and training, and I managed to unlock another tomoe due to my intense training, I already learned more jutsus, my fighting style are getting better day by day thanks to my body which keeps adapting to my training, but it seem I won't be able to use wood style for now cause I failed every time I tried".

And since my chakra control was perfect, I started learning medicine jutsu, it would really help me save myself, just incase Hashirama's cell won't do their job to heal me.

Besides my training, my chakra pool kept increasing for the past years, which was a good new for me, just imagine myself using great fire Annihilation…kukuku I must keep training.

All in all my training is going well. I once tried using clones but the huge experience caused me to have a headache, so i decided to only use one shadow clone to help me in my training.

"sigh..i have to go back to Hamura, the pool old man is getting older and weak day after day", thought Madara as he started running from tree to tree heading back to their beach house.

For the past year, Madara started training inside the forest, since it's environment were perfect for his train, he kept going deeper but not to deep.

After five minutes of running from tree to tree, Madara suddenly stopped due to what his sensor ability were picking.

Madara closed his eyes…"mm, I sense something with a large mana…it's coming from that directi…"

Madara opened his eyes after realizing where that presence is coming, it was the same direction where Hamura was.

"shit..shit", cursed Madara as he activate his Sharingan and supply more chakra into his body to increase his speed.




As Madara was getting close to where the house was, he heard a loud roar from distance.

"a mana beast", thought Madara as he jumped up and looked at the huge lizard with sharp claws which was about to slash Hamura who seems weak and defenseless.

"fire style:Great fireball justu", shouted Madara who did a fast hand seal and spit out a large fireball from his mouth.


The fireball hit the giant lizard and cause an explosion upon impact.

The Lizard was pushed a few meters away, Madara landed on the ground and walked towards Hamura.

"are you alright old man?, said Madara while looking at the three deep wounds on Hamura's chest.

Before Madara could do anything to Hamura, a loud roar rang out behind him.

Madara turned his head and looked at the incoming Lizard. With his Sharingan active, Madara looked at the slow moving Lizard before doing some hand seals and placed his hands on the ground.

"Earth style: Earth spikes".

Several earth spikes rose from the ground and impaled the giant lizard.

"I'm not done with you", said Madara as he moved towards the lizard with his hand covered in chakra which formed a sword like form in his hand.



The head of the giant lizard dropped on the ground indicated that it was cut by something.

Madara wiped off the blood on his right hand and looked at the head of the dead lizard.

*cough..cough..cough *

The sound of someone coughing, brought Madara back from his thought.

"old man, are you oky", said Madara as he rushed towards Hamura and placed his hand over Hamura's chest, a green light started emitting around the place where Madara hands were.

"cough..cough, please master Madara, don't waste your energy on this old servant, my time has come, the wound is too deep, you won't be able save me….but before I go, there's something you must know", said Hamura who was vomiting blood.

Looking at wound, Madara knew that his medical jutsu won't help Hamura, since he only started learning medical jutsu a few months ago.

"no don't say that, I'm gonna make sure you won't die today".

Hearing Madara's words, Hamura smiled a little and placed his hand on Madara's head.

"listen to me master Madara, cough..cough, you still remember what happened to your parents two years ago…..i wanted to tell you this when your older enough but seems like I have no choice, before your parents died, they told me that..'when your older enough, you should go find your grandfather, the one who named you after his name 'Master Madara Uchiha'.

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