
Madara Uchiha in TBATE

(READ THE SYNOPSIS FIRST) want to enjoy this second life. I want power I want an adventure. I want them to fear my name. This is my story now. ------- A story about a guy who is reincarnated with Madara's body and powers. With his new life, he promised himself to live his life to the fullest. Join him on his journey as he become a powerful being in TBATE. ---- This ff is just for fun, nothing serious here. THIS FF IS NOT FOR ALL OF U, IT'S FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WILL ACCEPT THIS SHITTY WORK AND READ IT. Also, don't come here saying that my grammar sucks. I already said that. English is my third language, so don't expect a good English here. If you want good grammar story then write your own or go read other ff with good grammar. I'm only writing this ff for my own enjoyment. If you don't like it then just leave, no one is or will force you to read this shitty ff . ------------- English is my third language, so prepare yourself for some grammar errors. I don't own anything other than my own ocs

A_Sinner · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Training 1

AN: If you see jutsus are in these[…] , then Madara didn't say,shouted or yelled his jutsu. He just thought of the jutsu



(AN: Remember this story is just for fun, nothing serious)


(3 months later).

It's been 3 months now, me and Hamura have been living near the beach since it was more safe than in the forest.

During that time, Hamura kept telling me what he know about the Uchiha magical eyes, he said that no one outside the Uchiha house hold knew about them, he said my father once told him that it possess a different type of energy and magic that other people can't sense, and that's why many people thought that they were nothing but people who haven't awaken their mana core.

Hamura was an Conjurer specialized in earth magic, using his earth magic, he managed to build a small house where we both live now. He's been taking care of me since then, he's more of a grandfather taking care of me as his grandson.

Right now, I'm running on the Beach, where I normally train my little body and chakra control. From what I figured out I have a large chakra pool and my control over it was incredible, in just a few months I was able to have a great control over it.

"huff..huff, this is enough for today, I better go check Hamura". I said as I made my way to edge of the forest where me and Hamura stays.

"mm, I don't know if I'm at the beginning of the story or not, but I must training hard, it's a good thing I have all the skills and knowledge of Madara which I will use them for my growth."

"ooh, young master, you're back". Said Hamura who was holding a Rabbit on his hand.

"yeah…have you figured out where we are?".

For the past months, Hamura have been trying to figured out where we are , since both of us were washed up to this unknown location. At first he used to walked deep in the forest while left me on the beach for 'safety', but as time passed, with him not finding any idea as to where we are, he decided to give up and told me that we will stay near the beach.

"no, I haven't, but it seems like we are safe staying here, this forest doesn't seem to have mana beasts which is good for our safety, I can't imagine what we will do if a mana beast attacked us…but I must say master Madara, your speech is getting better day after day but please don't push yourself too much, I know you told me you want to train but please, be careful".

"mm, well he's right, I mean a mere three years old talking like he's five and training is weird, but he seems not bothered by it…",

"don't worry old man, I will be careful", I said while putting a smile on my face. The smile was real one since the old man kind remind me of my father from my past life, he always told me to be careful and not push myself to much.

"so what's for lunch?".

"hohoho, rabbit as usually, but this time I found these sweet potatoes, so we are eating good today", said Hamura.

"Hahahahaha x2.








(1 year later)

"fire style: fireball jutsu".

A medium sized fireball came out of Madara's mouth, the fireball traveled at fast speed until it hit a near by tree and destroyed it.

"it's time to advanced to real training, I spent one year training my chakra control, body and learning basic jutsu like tree walking shadow clone. Now I must begin my real training", said Madara,

It's been a year now and Madara is four years and some months old, during the past year,Madara kept training his body by running at the beach,doing pushups and learning the basics jutsus.

It wasn't hard for him, he kept training the basics until he make sure that he mastered them.

Hamura never bothered Madara, he only looked at him while he minded his business. It was weird as to why he just left Madara trained on himself . But Hamura always make sure Madara is alright and health.

"keep training hard Master Madara, soon very .soon you'll know the truth", thought Hamura while looking at Madara from a far.