
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 9

After the show that I put on in front of the nobles and the guards got what used to be the viscount out of the Royal Hall. I met each noble. Most applauded my entrance and speech and congratulated my appointment as Duke of Rommol. I then met with the 3 former wives of the viscount.

"We meet again in a span of a day." I said.

"I know. To think that you're the new Duke was surprising to say the least. I want to apologize for not seeing my late husbands treacherous behavior and immoral actions. He kept Liza away from us since the first day of marriage 6 months ago."

"It's ok, I figured as such when I saw your body language during the ass whooping I was giving to you late husband. I hope you don't harbor any feelings of ill will towards me."

"It's ok Duke Barnes. My late husband made his bed with his crimes and now is burning in hell."

"May I asks your names?"

"My name is Ann," said the first former wife.

"I'm Kara." the second former wife announced.

"I'm Liza. Thank you Duke Barnes for saving me and giving me a job." Liza said while she started to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"No problem Liza. You move your belongings in to your new room tomorrow and you can come over to sleep in one of the guest rooms tonight. Ann and Kara, you can come over anytime . Liza is still your sister after all."

All three ladies said thank you to me and walked away.

William walks up to me afterwards.

"Michael, that was a good show you put on. Great job!"

"You wasn't bad yourself, Your Majesty. Just one thing, I thought I told you to hold off announcing the engagement to your sister until after I can back from the Evergreen Kingdom?"


"Dumbass." I said shaking my head.

"Sorry Michael, I just got caught up in the moment."

It's ok now."

"So what now?"

"I start training for the next three days before I take Yuna and Iris with me to the Evergreen Kingdom. By the way, is there a faster way to travel than just on a horse or by carriage?"

"Yes there is. we have a teleportation circle in the castle for fast travel."

"Awesome! Well, I'll see ya later William."

I head over to Yuna and Iris. They both hug and kiss me.

"You did good darling." Iris said with a smile.

"Loved your entrance and when you chokeslammed the viscount.." Yuna said with a smirk.

"Thanks. I know I will have more opportunities in the future to open up a can of whoop ass. Now, you girls know where the Duke's mansion is?"

"Yes!" (both)

"Let's head over there now and check out our new home."

It took 30 minutes to get there but my first impression was like wow.

"This place is huge!"

"Yes it is." (Yuna)

I turn to both girls as they were talking to each other low enough to where I couldn't hear. They're plotting something and I'm the target/ This might be bad. I turn towards the mansion and walk away. I open the door to see the head butler and all the staff line up in front of the grand stairway.

"Hello Duke Barnes. I am Luke. the head butler. I welcome you home."

"Thanks. I want a grand tour of the place soon. I would like to let you know that Lady Liza will be moving in and I would like her room next to the master bedroom."

"Yes sir."

I hear the front door open and then shut and turn around to see Iris and Yuna walking up to me but there was someone else behind them.

"Welcome to our humble abode, Liza."

"Thank you, Duke Barnes."

"Your welcome and from now on, call me Michael."

"Yes M-Michael." she said with a blush.

Oh no, there's another one. I wonder if this is the girls' plan. They must want to make her their sister to help her with the trauma she went thru with the viscount.

"Liza, you ok?" i asked to make sure she wasn't freaking out.

"Yes, I'm ok Michael."

"Ok. Luke, we're ready for the tour."

"Yes sir.

Luke showed us where the dining hall was, the kitchen, the billiard room, the hot springs, the bathrooms and the bedrooms. Liza's room has a door to the master bedroom. The master bedroom has a massive bed and a lot of room. I thanked Luke for the tour and I turned to all 3 girls.

"We need to talk."

I sit down in a chair as the girls sat on a couch.

"Yuna and Iris, I need to ask something to Liza but I want to ask in front of both of you because I feel that nothing should be hidden between anyone in this household. Liza, how do you feel about me and tell me the truth."

Liza fidgeted for a few seconds before taking a deep breath.

"Michael, before I met you yesterday, I was thinking of ways to kill myself so I could escape the pain and torture I was going thru. But then you came, you healed me when I was in pain, and then you saved me today by killing the viscount. When I left the castle, I could stop thinking about you. I was like the same with my late fiancé before he died but the difference is I feel stronger about you than I did with Ken. You're my knight in shining armor. You lit the darkness I was in. Michael Barnes, I'm in love with you!" Liza said with tears streaming down her face.

"Yuna, Iris, what do you think?"

Iris spoke first. "I want Liza to join us. She deserves to be loved and to be happy."

Yuna looked as me and nodded in agreement with Iris.

"Liza, I'm happy that you said that and the girls are not rejecting you. Liza, are you willing to be my third?"

"YES!" Liza jumps up and runs to me then hugs me.

"I promise to protect you and to love you as long as I live."

I kiss Liza and the girls have a big smile as they walk over and embrace Liza in a big hug. I look over at Luke and even he has a tear in his eye. Big softy. I then hear someone's stomach growl.

"Luke, is it dinner time?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok girls, it's time to go to the dining hall. We all hungry."

We went to the dining hall and ate. I feel like training but I wanted to have the girls train with me too as I knew it was time to get them stronger with the unknown future. So with that I have Iris train with Yuna and I walked with Liza to she was she has in terms as her battle abilities. After using Appraisal, I learned that she was at level 8 and she can use holy magic, but hadn't learned any spells yet due to her lack of training.. I began to train Liza for a few hours on hand to hand combat with what I knew from my previous life and she picked it up quite well. I then had both Yuna and Iris join in as they stopped training for an hour to watch the both of us. In terms of levels, Iris was the highest at 18, followed by Yuna at 13. After I showed a few moves I learned from basic training in the Army that I went thru when I was 21 in my previous life, I get a call on my phone.

"Hello God."

"Hello Michael, you got quite the harem there so far."

'So far? Does he know how big it's going to get?' I thought.

"Yes, I do."

"Well, I called to congratulate you on becoming a Duke and I wanted to tell you that someone has been pestering me to let him thank you."



"Can you three way call?"

"On it."

"Hello?" (Satan)

"Hello Satan."

"Ah, if it isn't the guy that sent my such a wonderful give."

"What do you mean?"

"The soul you sent to hell earlier today."

"Oh yeah, that piece of shit."

"Yes, such an evil soul and I'm going to enjoy torturing this 'piece of shit' that you sent me for a long time.

"Hahahaha, really, I'm glad."

"Well, looks like it's time for more Mil-tan for the shit."

'Damn, sucks to be him.' I thought God gets back on the phone.

"I haven't seen him this happy since he got Adolf Hitler!"

Wow, didn't need to know that, heh heh.

"Well Michael, keep up the good work and talk to later."

God hung up. I was shaking my head. Iris walks up to me.

"Darling, yare you alright?"

"Yeah, that was God. And Satan thanked me for giving him a soul for him to torture."

"Ok darling."

after putting up the phone, I continue to teach the girls about hand to hand combat. I taught pressure points and ground grappling. We went on for a few more hours before it started to get dark. WE went back inside, ate, and then got ready for bed. However, the girls decided to pounce me when I was alone in bed. Let's just say I got drained, wink.