
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 10

I wake up with a girl on top of me and a girl on the left and on the right. All of us had no clothes on. I got pounced on last night and it was AWESOME! But now it's morning and there's two more days before I meet Yuna's father. I feel movement on my chest, It's Liza. She looks up at me.

"Good morning beautiful." I said softly with a smile.

"So it wasn't a dream." she replied back with a smile.

We kiss. I felt two sets of eye's on me. Yuna and Iris have woken up.

"Did you all have to pounce me last night?"

"We couldn't help it. the way you carried yourself during the ceremony was hot." Iris said which caught me off guard. I chuckled.

"Ok, got to get up. I got a few things to do today and all three of you have to train today as well."

"Ok darling." all three girls said in unison.

I hit the shower and wash up, Afterwards, I head to the dining hall to get some breakfast.

"Morning Luke."

"Good morning sir. Someone had a good night."

"Yep." i said with a shit eating grin.

"Luke, could you help the girls train today? I got a few things to do in the city."

"Yes sir."


I quickly eat my breakfast and head out to the weapon shop. Got to get Liza a staff.

AS soon as I open the door. the shop keeper bowed.

"Good morning Duke Barnes."

"Morning. I'm looking for a staff."

"Right this way. Duke Barnes."

I follow him to a room dedicated to staves. Looking around, I found one that is perfect for Liza. I pay the shop keeper and leave. Next, I got to get another diamond ring for Liza. Though I don't know Liza's ring size, I got her wedding ring that she was going to throw before I told her that I'll pawn it off for her so she can have some coins. I walk in and give the jeweler the wedding band and told him to get me a diamond ring the exact same size. Took a few minute minutes but he did good. He gives me both rings in which i ask him how much can I get for the wedding band. He replied that both are of equal value.

Then I head to the late viscount's mansion to see Ann and Kara and check on all the maids there. I walked up to the front door and knock. A maid opens the door and tells me to follow her. She's in a hurry so I double time it. we get to the dining hall, I see Ann and Kara trying to help a young girl, no more than 12 years old. get back up but she is struggling. I run over and cast heal. Both Ann and Kara looked relieved that I showed up in time.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know, she fainted and then hit her head on the floor."

I look at the girl.

"Young lady, did your master do anything to you in the past few day?"

"Yes, he threw my into a door 2 days ago because I accidently dropped his food."

"A delayed reaction from that injury." I said

I'm glad I killed that piece of shit.

I told all the maids to line up and I'll heal them and then I want to know how life was like for them. So they lined up and I did what I said I was going to do. Then I sat down and listen to every maid's story with Ann and Kara. I had tears in my eyes by the time the last one finished their stories. Both Ann and Kara was crying. Then a little girl walked up to me.

"Where's my big sister?" asked the little girl.

"Who's your sister little one?"


I looked at Ann and then at Kara.

"What's your name little one?"


"Do you want me to take you to your sister?"

"Yes please."

I pick her up and I head back to my mansion. Ann and Kara followed me. As soon as I walk in, I called for Liza. She runs in and her eye open wide.


"Big sister!"

They hugs and Liza starts to cry. I smile at the two sisters.

"Where did you find her?"

"She walked up to me and asked for you at your old home."

Questions began to pop into my head, When did she get there and where in the house was she and how did she get there. So I kneel down to the little brown haired girl and asked all the questions that was in my head. Here to find out, Margaret has been in the late former viscount's mansion for the last 3 months, when a group of people kidnaped her for her home and was in a hidden room in the piece of shit's office. Ann suspected that the shadow guild was involved. How she got out was by the 12 yr old maid's help which is why she fainted. Liza told the the next shocking news as her parents was for dead 3 months ago when their house caught fire. She figured that her little sister was either dead or at an orphanage.

I look at the sisters and bent down.

"Margaret, would you like to live here with your big sister and me?"

"Yes mister."

"My name is Michael Barnes, Margaret. Welcome to your new home."

Liza was crying tears of joy and the both Yuna and Iris walked in to see what was going on and I filled them in on what happened. They surrounded the two sisters and hugged them both.

After 30 minutes of talking and everything, Ann and Kara Looked at me.

(Kara) "So I noticed that Liza called you 'Darling'. I can only guess that you're going to make her one of your wives?"

"Yes. She poured her heart out yesterday and I accepted her with open arms."

Ann and Kara looked at each other.

(Ann) "I knew she fell for him at the tea party two days ago."

(Kara) Please take good care of her, Michael. She looks a lot happier with you."

" You know I will. The hell she's been thru, she deserves to be happy. That reminds me, Liza, can you come here please? I pull the staff out of my storage and handed it her.

"This is for you. Seeing that you're a white mage, you're going to need that."

"Thank you darling!"

She hugs and kisses me. Ann and Kara giggled.

"Alright. Time to train. you two are more than welcomed to join us if you want."

"I'm too old to train anymore but Kara might give a few pointers since she was a former adventurer. I'll watch with Margaret." Ann said.

"Yeah, I want to watch Big Brother Michael train."

So we all head out into the court yard and the girls train with Kara as I take of my hat and shirt. I start doing push ups. I was lost in doing push ups to not notice Kara and Ann stare at me like a piece of meat. After my one hundredth push up, I switch to sit ups. That's when I notice Ann and Kara both. Ah shit. I'm fucked. After sit ups, it was shadow boxing. I was working up a sweat and an appetite. Suddenly I feel the presence of three People that have ill intent heading to the mansion so I stop and tell everyone to get inside. I go to the front door and go outside to meet the fuckers.