
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 7

Walking thru the city, I get the sense of what is going on. Certain parts look lively however there is some problems that could use fixing. I was hoping that I wouldn't be put in the position to fix some of these problems right now as I was on date with the elven princess herself, Yuna Evergreen.

All kinds of races was present. Humans, elves, half elves, beast folk, and dwarfs. The market district was packed as I would expect. We head to the weapon shop so I could buy Yuna some arrows. While looking around, my eyes was drawn to a longsword that was on a stone table. Golden handle and some kind of writing on the blade, I asked the shop keeper about this sword.

"Hey shopkeeper, what's the story behind this sword?"

"My father stumbled upon this sword adventuring and put it in his storage since he was a mage. When he came back he couldn't pick it up. It first shocked him then the next time he went to pick it up, it was like it became heavy. Nobody hasn't been able to handle this sword. So it's been out here on display with the challenge to who ever picks the sword up with no problem can have the sword for free."

"Hmmm, let me take a crack at it."

I put my right hand around the handle and grip the sword, the shopkeeper, still watching, held his breath. I put all my strength in to lifting the sword for myself to almost fall flat on my ass. The shopkeeper yelled, "WHAT!" I look at him and then at the sword before putting the sword back down.

"Hey shopkeeper, come here. Pick this sword up."


He comes over and attempts to pick the sword up with no success. He back away as I put my right hand back on the handle and pick the sword up like it was nothing.

"Well young man, this is a first. What is your name?"

"Michael Barnes."

"You mean the hero?"

Scratching my head, I nodded.

"Well hero, the sword is yours. Free of charge. You won the challenge."

Heh, got a freebie without really looking. Yuna sees me and overhears what happened.

"Michael, I thought you don't use swords?"

"I don't but this sword was drawing my attention."


I shrug my shoulders and put the sword in my storage. I was getting hungry and from what I could see from Yuna, she was getting hungry too,

Making our way to a restaurant, we walk up to a scene. An old man was being beaten by some thugs. That pissed me off.

"Hey, what the fuck are you doing to that old man?"

"Mind your business peasant." said thug number 1.

"Hey, look at the pretty elf. We can have some fun if you leave her here." said thug number 2.

What the second thug said triggered me. "QUICK STEP!". I got to the second thug and chokeslammed him into the cobblestone road. His friend tried a sneak attack on me but received a R.K.O. instead. After stomping a mud hole in their asses, the guards arrived. Yuna told them what happened and got the same from a few eye witnesses. and the thugs were dragged away. I walk over to the old man and check to see if he's still breathing.


The old man looks better. He gets up and thanks me. I look at Yuna and tell her we better get going .We find a good restaurant that has steak on the menu. It's been a while since I ate any steak. While we wait for our food. I look at Yuna.

"Yuna. is it me or does it seems like there's a lack of guards roaming around here."

"It's not you. Michael. When I came here last year for Iris's uncle's funeral, there was a lot more guards around."

"So I called it on the embezzlement so far, we should visit the orphanage."

"Yes. We should."

Our food came and we ate, Damn good T-bone., I pay the bill and we head towards the orphanage. The closer we got, the more I see how bad the situation is. Little kids with no shoes or socks, dirty clothing, dirty faces and hands, it was getting to be too much. When we saw the building, we both gasped. It look like it was about to crumble. My rage was about explode but Yuna calmed me down.

"Who ever is responsible for this will pay dearly!"

I saw a woman standing in front of the building watching the children playing. I walk up to her and asked how long has this been going on which she told me 2 weeks before the late Duke Hearth passed away. I said thanks and gave her 20 gold coins. She was shocked and started to cry as I walked away. I told Yuna it was time to go back as the sun was starting to go down. I got work to do tonight.

We get back and Iris was waiting for us in the bedroom with the record book in her hands. I sit down and I see the clear evidence that someone has been embezzling the funds to the guard station and the orphanage. I told Iris to get her brother right away. Showing William the evidence, we both agreed on the course of action but I told him to wait until the ceremony.

Now that I know it's happening, no the who. William told me the viscount was responsible of all financial book keeping when it comes to the the handling of the funds in the city. He also told me where he lives. I head out at night to the viscount's mansion. I active Stealth and sneak into his office. I found he "secret" books under his desk. What an idiot. Should have put it in his safe. I quickly head back to the castle and back to the room to look at the records and what I found was a lot more than embezzling. The moron recorded all his criminal activities. I walked to William's room and show him the books. He was pissed. I told him to invite his 3 wives over tomorrow as I needed to see if they're in on this shit too.

Back at the room, I wash up in the tub and get ready for bed, Iris and Yuna are already in bed waiting for me. As I get in between them, I look at Iris and told her that she did a good job. She was elated.

"Anything for my future husband."

I look over towards Yuna and told her That I had fun being with her. She kissed me and she had fun too. Both ladies wrap their arms around me and fell asleep. I close my eyes and think, 'Soon."