
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 69: Shuri's Training

Morning came and I had the battle maids send some gym clothes to Shuri's room. I made my way to the dining hall with Amber and Trista to eat breakfast. Sara meets me at the dining hall and gives me a kiss. As soon as I sit, I see Shuri walk into the dining hall. If she was single, I would be courting her hardcore, but I know that she has Baraqiel and I won't get in the middle of that. She sits down and takes her first bite of Sara's food.

"Oh my god, this is the best breakfast I've ever tasted!" she said.

"You hear that Sara, she loves it!" I yell towards the kitchen. Sara peeks her head out and smiles.

"You got to show me how you made this!" Shuri said towards Sara.

"After training." I said as I was finishing up my plate. I light a cigarette and relax. I start thinking about the fact that I'll be able to drink Mountain Dew and Livewire after being here for that last 7-8 years.

"Ready to begin?" I asked looking over towards Shuri.

"Yes." she said. We head to the weight room and I teach her how to warm up. After 15 minutes of warming up, I tell her which equipment she'll be using. I'm going to have her start arm day today, then it's going to be leg day tomorrow. With her now being a high human, I'll be abusing the potential of her genes. 6 days of weigh lifting with a rest day. High humans already have high endurance. I made sure to understand what high humans can do from God a few years ago as I was wondering. I set the weight on the equipment to 90 lbs. to see what her max is. She handles it easily. So I add 20 lbs.. She still handles it easily. Another 40 lbs. is added and that's when she starts to struggle. I add another 10 lbs. so this is where I want her to conquer so She can start getting stronger. She works out for 2 hours before I had her take a break and I heal her so she won't have soreness after that. I lead her to another piece of equipment and set it up for her. Amber and Trista join in after this. They help her so I can slip away for a few hours to check up on my kingly duties.

A few hours later, I check in on Shuri and see her working on push ups. I tell her to stop and hit the showers. After 30 minutes, I heal her again as I saw her wincing in pain as she moved her arms. I lead her to the training grounds where Amber and Trista was working on learning the final move I taught them, the kimura.

"Michael, what are they doing?" Shuri asked.

"Amber and Trista are practicing the kimura. It's an MMA submission move. It's the final move I taught them before they are done with my training." I answered.

"You're their teacher?"

"Yes, when I first met them, We sparred and I easily won in which they asked me to be their teacher. They then became a part of the sisterhood of wives. They're awesome fighters and great moms to my kids. I love them the same as the rest of my wives."

"So are you trying to make me a part of the sisterhood?"

"No. That's a choice for you. You still have Baraqiel even though he abandoned you and Akeno at the worse moment. I'm just trying to prepare you for your return in case your former clan decide to try their shit again."

"True." she said in a depressed tone.

"Amber, Trista. You have been learning a lot of things from me. Now it's time to see if you two can teach Shuri some of the moves you learned from me. If there's something that she can learn from what you two knew before I began teaching the both of you, you can teach her that too." I said to my two wives..

"Shuri, I got some things to do and a few people to see. I'll see you tonight."

I walk out and get cleaned up to meet my brother and brother-in-law at Hearth Castle to have a little get together with the husbands of the Marks sisters' husbands, something we do every once in a while to catch up with each other and to discuss any current events in our lives. Basically, a bull shitting session, haha.

3 hours later...

I return home to see how Shuri's training was going. As I was walking towards the training grounds, I see Amber, Trista, and Shuri walking towards me. They're all laughing. That's good that my wives is getting along with my newest disciple.

"I see everyone is getting along. How was the teaching session?"

"Michael, she's a quick learner!" Amber said.

"Yes, I can't wait to meet her daughter!" Trista added.

Shuri was all smiles. I walk with them until we get to Shuri's room.

"Ok, Shuri. Get cleaned up and ready for dinner. Ladies, you too. We'll be having guests next week as my brother, Joe, and William and their wives will be here on a visit and will be visiting us for a few days."

"Ok Michael. I'll see you soon." Shuri said.

Amber and Trista quickly went to our room to take a shower. I went straight to the dining hall. The rest of my wives, Margaret, Jazmine, and Ann was there. Soon, Amber, Trista, and Shuri came into the dining hall. We all talked about our day and I told everyone else that Joe and William and their wives will be her next week. Nina's eyes light up. Dinner was served and we all ate. Then I decided to head to my study. Before I left the dining hall, I looked at Shuri and told her to meet me at my study.

5 minutes later, I'm in my study when I hear a knock. I walk over to the door and open it. It's Shuri. I motion her to come in. She walks in and after she walks in, I shut the door.

"Please have a seat." I tell her.

She goes to a couch and sits. I go to the other couch and sit. I look at her as she looks at me.

"So I feel that you have a question for me and that question is on who am I, right?"


I tell her about who I am, my death and reincarnation, and my life in this world. I left no stone unturned. I even told her about Joe being my actual brother and his death and reincarnation.

"Michael, you went through a lot. It must have been hard."

"Not really. I just come in, kick ass, then relax. Hahaha."

Shuri started to laugh. I light up a cigarette.

"Shuri, I promise that you will meet your daughter and I will keep your promise. The only thing I want you to do is train and get stronger and smarter. I can protect you but not everytime. That's why I want you to train hard. You're a high human now. You don't have unlimited potential but you can become very strong to the point you'll be just as strong as Baraqiel. I figured on an 8 month training period to get you closer to your goal.

"Yes Michael. I can do that. To think that you're actually my senior, that's unreal."

"Believe me, even though I feel young, I feel that I have a mature approach about a lot of things."

"That you do."

"Well then, I think it's time to head to bed."

So time goes by. The first 2 weeks, Shuri struggled with some of the weight training. But after those 2 weeks, I noticed that she was gaining strength. She also became faster. The training with Amber and Trista was coming along. I could see that she is a sponge, soaking up the knowledge that was being giving to her. And with that, 2 months goes by. Weapons training. At the start, I have her training with a staff because I figured with her a former shrine priestess that would be more her area. However, the first week wasn't getting the results of progress that I was hoping for. So then I take her to my workshop where I have many swords of different types and other melee weapons sitting there. She picks up a katana and I see that she looks comfortable with it so then I gave her that very katana and got Kagura to train her. Plus with my kingdom being the former Jimmu Kingdom that had a more Japanese culture, I found many swordsmen and swordswomen in Austin to help train Shuri. After that day in the workshop, her progress took off. However, she never neglected her workouts as she continued to get stronger. By the time she started her magical training, she was the most skill swordswoman with a katana. Magical training was going to be difficult since she never saw magic until I saved her. Luckily, I had married a few of the best mages that this world had to offer. And they had trained each other as well as others so they knew how to teach someone that had talent and someone starting from scratch. Once again, she was like a sponge. She excelled at healing and defensive magic but was ok with offensive magic.

After the 6 months, it was time to hone in on her training. I start sparing with her lightly, kicking it up in intensity every 3 days. I would do this in the fields outside of Austin as to not disturb anyone in Austin or to damage the training grounds in the castle. However, we would draw a crowd everytime. I could gage her strength and her speed to where I was when I sparred with Joe for the first time which was 2 weeks after he was resurrected. She would easily give a lower class devil an ass whooping but some mid level devils would be trouble for her. How ever, she was getting better and stronger with each sparring session. The last week before we returned to her world, she now could handle herself against most mid level devils. A sound warrior with training but lacking experience. I also noticed her mood was great around the castle as she would talk to all of my wives and even help out with breakfast with Sara. Then 2 days before we make our return, I decided to bring her with me to Petak Castle. I show her where I found Alvin and his family, a few landmarks, and the forest where I met Marie.

"Wow. Look at all those downed trees." Shuri said in surprise. Not much had changed with this forest except that the zombies were gone. I guess people stay away from this forest due to the warnings and old stories.

"Yeah, You can be this strong one day." I said to her. She walks up to a tree and in a blank of an eye, she quick draws her katana. A few seconds later, the tree begins to fall but with where she cut it at and how big the tree was, it was going to fall on her. I quickly pushed her out of the way and punch the falling tree, turning it to splinters. I look at her and she was blushing.

"Shuri, are you ok?"

"Yes, just didn't expect the tree to fall towards me. Thank you for many things." she said while smiling. She dusts her kimono off and walks up to me. She then hugs me.

"This is who I am, Shuri. Besides, I can't have you getting hurt before you see Baraqiel and Akeno again."

We then head back and talk with my brother. I ask him to keep an eye on my kingdom while I'm gone and then leave.

2 days later...

"Well, it's time we head off to your world again." I said to Shuri as we're in front of a new room in the castle. I decided to have a new room built in the castle to house the portal to Shuri's world. I also talked to God about making a room in the house he set up in Kuoh City. I made sure that there are barriers in place to make sure that while I was on the land of my house and training, that I wouldn't be disturbed. The past 8 months wasn't just for Shuri to be trained, I trained as well. I figured out how to use Boosted Gear and also I made it to where I didn't have to use a phrase to active Mad Dog mode. Plus I was able to unlock Mad Dog Rage mode in which I have an orange aura around me and my eyes turn orange. It multiplies my power in Mad Dog mode by 10. As we get ready to step through, I remind her that it's 8 years since I saved her there so don't be shocked if her former clan has forgotten about her. I made sure to tell God to make the time difference a non factor between both worlds after I step into the portal so instead of 1 month here would be 1 year there, a day here would be a day there. We step threw and we're in another room in a house. Drywall, carpet, baseboards. We're back in the world of High School DxD.