
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 59

It's morning and I'm up early since I have a trip to the Rabi Kingdom coming later so I need to prepare. I gave the order to have 5,000 BAA soldiers and 11 battle maids to prepare to leave with me and Mary. I'm giving Sara and Kate some time off to rest and I felt that the rest of the girls need some bonding time. Plus Mary hasn't seen her mother, the Queen of the Rabi Kingdom since she was kidnapped so there's that. I thought about taking Zaya with me but in the end, I figured that she would need to help out here when the slaves are liberated and sent here for treatment. I told Ann to find a sizable plot of land to start a settlement for these former slaves. I had woken up Mary and we had a quick breakfast. While packing, I go and visit Alvin to get that Claymore that he has. He's in my workshop as that is what I wanted. He's with Sally too.

"Alvin, can you give me that sword that you showed me?" I asked him.

"Sure. As far as I'm concerned, that sword is yours to keep." Alvin replied.

"So, have you seen some of the projects I'm working on and some blueprints of my future projects?"

"Yes, the Winchester project is revolutionary. If I remember, it's called a rifle?"

"Yes. I planned on making those for the BAA but now I plan on selling those to adventurers and hunters. The one I need to start is a cannon. With that, I can storm the dark lord's castle easier. I already have ordered the production of ships but with out cannons on those, their defenseless."

"Right, I can help with the start of that."

"Thanks Al."

"Sally, you going to help your dad?"

"That's my plan. I've been learning under him for 3 years so if I need to take over for him, I can."

"That's a very helpful daughter you have Al. Say, I can teach her something about a new trade called gunsmithing if you want?"

"Sure, I have no problems with that. How about you, Sally?"

"I would love to learn that." Sally said with stars in her eyes.

"Ok, it's settled. As soon as I get back from hunting down these slave traders, I'll teach you about gunsmithing."

I then head to the training grounds as today is the test for Amber and Trista to perform the 3 moves I show them. I have 2 BAA trainers with me. Amber and Trista was already there waiting. I instruct the trainers to stand with the 2 ladies.

"Ok, let's begin the test. Amber and Trista, you may begin with the takedown."

The ladies takedown the trainers exactly the way I showed them 2 days ago.

"Good. Now the armbar."

Both girls put the trainers into armbars and the trainers tap out quickly. They're doing great.

"Awesome, now the rear naked choke."

Both girls get up off the trainers and walk behind them. They then put the trainers into the rear naked choke and both trainers go limp. 3 for 3.

"Perfect! Both you girls passed. As for the reward, both of you get your weapons. Yall coming with me."

Both girls jump for joy and rush to hug me. I get a kiss for both before they run off to gather their weapons and other things. I thank the trainers and meet up with the 10 of the 11 battle maids. I instruct them on their mission. Their mission is a simple recon mission to find as many trade slaver groups as possible. The one battle maid that will be separate for the other 10 will relay information back and forth between me and them. She is the fastest of all the battle maids. I go and spend some time with my wives and then I go to see Wanda and Marie. I make sure that they're settling in well. I run into Miranda and she decided to follow me. I finally find The other 2 ladies in a room, talking about magic.

"Wanda, Miranda, and Marie, I was going to ask if you all are settling in well. But it looks like you all have settled quite nicely."

"We have. However, I was going to ask to come with you to see how you command your army." Miranda said.

"I guess you can. What about you 2?"

"Sure. I've been wanting to see what you do in a fight. That one time at Alvin's home didn't show me a whole lot." Wanda replied.

"I want to see what kind of magic is being used. I might be useful on the battlefield." Marie said.

"Pack some supplies and your weapons." I said before I walked out.

I head to where the 5,000 BAA soldiers are stationed at. I tell them that they will be split up into 10 teams. I will command 1 team as there will be 9 other leaders commanding the 9 other teams. Each team will have a battle maid assigned to them and then there's the lone battle maid relaying information between all the teams. Then I let them know that this is a search and destroy mission.




I head to find Mary, Amber, Trista, Wanda, Miranda, and Marie. They're all ready waiting at the teleportation room. I open the door and walk in with them. In a few seconds, we're teleported to Rabi Castle. I walk out with the 6 girls and meet a female rabbit beast kin wearing a crown and a royal dress.

"Welcome to my castle, son-in-law." the Queen said.

"Mother, is that you?" Mary said.

"Mary, come give your mom a hug!" the Queen with tears in her eyes.

Mary walks over to her mom and hugs her. They start crying. I choke up. Her mom notices that Mary is pregnant and looks at me.

"Thank you for saving my daughter. And for taking care of her up to now. I hope you continue to take great care of her."

"You know I will. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Anyone that has any bad intentions towards my family and friends, I will show no mercy towards them. By the way, this is Amber, Trista, Wanda, Miranda, and Marie. They're here to help me."

"Nice to meet you all." said the Queen.

"Nice to me you too." the other 5 girls said. They all did a slight bow.

"I thought you was bringing more people with you, Your Majesty?" the Queen asked.

"They're coming soon." I replied.

"By the way, the kings of the other two beast kin kingdoms will be here in a few hours."

"Good, I can wait for them to tell them the game plan. Well, since you're here, I can tell you the game plan."

"What is the game plan?"

"I've got 5,000 BAA soldiers and 11 battle maids coming. I'll split them up into 10 teams with one battle maid to relay information between the 10 teams. I'll take personal command of one team. I'll hunt the lead slave trader team."

"Sounds like a good plan."

"Let's go somewhere and chat. I bet you have a lot of catching up to do with Mary."

"Yes, Let's go to a room and sit."

We all go to a room and sit. We chat for a few hours and I smoke a few cigarettes. Soon, my small army comes through and the Queen's servants show them to the court yard. Soon after they show up, 2 people show up and one is a male wolf beast kin and the other is a male lion beast kin. They're led to the room that the rest of us are in and I stand up to introduce myself.

"Hello, I'm the Mad Dog King of the Barnes Kingdom, Michael Barnes." I said, bowing.

"I'm the Alpha King of the Wolf Kingdom, Reginald Greywolf."

"And I'm King of the Jungle Kingdom, Derek Whitefang."

"Now that we have introduced ourselves, let me give you two the game plan."

I tell them the game plan. They nod in agreement that it's a great plan. I tell Mary that I'll see her when I'm done. and we kiss each other. I then walk to the court yard and separate the soldiers and battle maids. I send 3 teams to the Wolf Kingdom with King Reginald, 4 teams will be with King Derek in the Jungle Kingdom, the 3 remaining teams will be here in the Rabi Kingdom.


The battle maids go first to gather intel. One team goes north, another team goes east, my team goes south. About an hour after we start out, a battle maid brings the first report. one of the teams here have found a slave trader camp and razed it. They rescued 15 people. In the Wolf Kingdom, 2 teams found 2 slave trader camps a piece and razed those. 75 people rescued. In the Jungle Kingdom, All teams found a slave trader camp each and razed them. 92 people rescued. I tell her thanks and to keep working. She heads out and another comes. She tells me that a huge came is 15 miles away. I tell my troops to halt their advance. I tell the 5 girls with me to wait there. I run and follow the battle maid. Sure enough. There's a big camp. I see an area where there's a lot of cages and at least 150 people in those cages altogether. I sensed at least 75 other people in the camp. In one tent, there's 10 people, Must be the main tent where the leader is. I tell the battle maid to stay hiding and remain watching them. I run back to my troops and tell them to quietly advance so to not alarm the slave trader camp ahead. As soon as we get there, I instruct them to surround the camp and wait for my signal. I go ahead and use "Stealth" to sneak into the prisoner area of the camp. I use my hunting knife to kill the guards and break the cage doors. I tell the prisoners to sit tight. As soon as I found the right moment, I motion them to follow me. They follow me to there the battle maid was waiting for me with the 5 other girls. I then yell, "KILL THEM ALL!"

I rush in with my Sledgehammer ready and I begin shooting the slave traders into nothing. I head to the main tent and kill 2 of them. 7 of them try to fight back but are gunned down by my soldiers. the leader avoids the bullets and tries to flee but I catch him with a clothesline. I grab him by the neck and pick him up only to chokeslam him back down into the ground. I aim my Sledgehammer at his head and pull the trigger. His head explodes to pieces. I walk out of the tent and sees Wanda and Marie working together. Despite this being the first time they teamed up, they're doing great. I then see Amber, Trista, and Miranda are just working in perfect tandem on a small group of slave traders. What a slaughter! The fight was over in the first 5 minutes. Technology notches another win. Guns over swords every time.

We take a 30 minute break to go over the camp. We find that this was the second biggest camp in this Kingdom. And this was the camp that captured Mary. This camp had a lot of money in it. This should hurt the traders business for sure. After resting and counting any casualties on our side which there was NONE, then set out with the info I gathered. From what I can tell, the main camp is 75 miles northeast form here. I sent the battle maid ahead to confirm the info. 45 minutes later, she comes back and tells me that the info is spot on. The 150 prisoners that are with us head back with the battle maid to the castle. It takes another hour to get to the main camp. I have the soldiers surround the camp as I do recon. using "Stealth" I find 200 prisoners and 300 slave traders armed to the teeth. Not that will do any good since they're going up against guns, not swords and arrows.

I rescue the prisoners and make my way back to the line. I get there and then signal to the soldiers to move in but not to attack. I head my way back and find the main tent. There's only 2 people in there and I sense something disturbing going on. My rage is about to boil over because the one male is trying to **** the female in there. I go in and make my presence known. The man looked at me and his face went pale.

"Shit, The Mad Dog King! Why are you here?" he asked.

"To destroy you and your brethren of course." I told him as I help the poor woman up and signal her to get dressed. I told her not to go out yet though. I then hear shots ring out and screams of men dying.

"Fuck, it's all over. My live is over." said the man.

"Yeah pretty much. You should try to fight back so you can keep some of your dignity though." I said.

He gets up and tries to punch me but I catch his fist and throw a punch of my own at his face. He goes down.

"How did you sneak up on my camp? I have sentries all over."

"Battle maids are not only for recon. They have many purposes."

"Shit, I knew something was off."

"You should have listened to your gut feeling though, it wouldn't have did you any good in the end."

He gets back up and grabs a sword that was close to him. He holds it up. I summon my Glock.

"What the fuck is that?" he asked.

"My gun. Well, one of my many guns of death." I tell him.

He goes to swing his sword and I fire a shot, I see his head jerk back and he falls backwards to the ground. He has a hole in his head, between his eyes.

"Never bring a sword to a gun fight." I said as I turn around to check on the woman he tried to take advantage of.

"Are you ok?" I asked her. She hugs me and begins to cry. I see the 5girls that was with me walk over to me. I tell them what happened a little bit ago. They comfort her. The woman looks into my eyes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"It's ok. It's over now." I tell her.

She stays with me as I tell the soldiers to search the camp for anything valuable. This poor woman is traumatized. I find a couple of chairs and sit down with her sitting right beside me.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Jen."

"Jen, how old are you?


"Do you have any family?"

"My mother pasted away 5 yrs ago due to illness, my father was killed when these guys attacked my home. I have no brothers and sisters."

"You was helping your father with his farm or business?"


"Ok, you want to come with me then?"

She hesitated for a few seconds before she gave me an answer.


"Ok, I'll protect you from now on. No one is going to hurt you ever again."

She gets up off of her chair and hugs me, crying.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"By the way, my name is Michael Barnes."

"Thank you Michael."

After another 30 minutes we head out. My team found another 3 camps and rescued 79 more prisoners. We start to head back when I get a report from the lone battle maid. All teams had found at least 3 camps a piece in the Wolf Kingdom. In the Jungle Kingdom, all teams found 4 camps a piece. The 2 teams, besides my own team, found 7 teams altogether. All together from the Wolf Kingdom, the Jungle Kingdom, and here in the Rabi Kingdom, a total of 2,100 prisoners rescued. We made it back just as the sun was starting to set. I have Mary, Miranda, Amber, Trista, Wanda, Marie, and Jen sleep with me in one room in the castle. Jen ended up on my chest.