
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

Chapter 58

I walk into a room with Marie. I stretch out and sit in a chair. Marie sits in a couch. I take out my pack of cigarettes and take one out of the pack. I light it and take a draw out of it.

"What do you think of the world outside of that hut so far, Marie?" I asked as I blow smoke in the air.

"Honestly, anything is better than that damn hut." Marie replied. "By the way, what are you doing?"

"I'm relaxing, smoking a cigarette."

"Can I try?"

I think about it for a few seconds before I give her a cigarette and light it for her. She takes a draw and surprisingly, she doesn't cough.

"This is relaxing."

We finish up when 3 ladies enter the room. Trista and Amber walk over to me and cup their hands and bow. The rabbit beast kin woman stands there.

"Amber, Trista, this is Marie Azami. Marie, these two lovely ladies are my newest disciples. Amber and Trista."

"Nice to meet you Marie." Amber and Trista said.

"Nice to meet the both of you." Marie said.

The three walk off to a table to chat with each other. I then look at the female beast kin.

"Before we introduce each other, I would like for you not to say "Bunny" or "Hop" at the end of every phrase. Can you do that for me, please?"


"Thank you. With that out of the way, My name is Michael Barnes. What can I do for the Rabi Kingdom?"

"Nice to meet you, Your Majesty. My name is Felicity, Duchess of the Rabi Kingdom. I'm here today to meet with the king of the Trex Kingdom but after hearing what went down yesterday and that you're here, I decided to meet with you instead. So with that said, let me cut to the chase. The Rabi Kingdom as well as the other 2 beast kin Kingdoms is having a hard time with slave traders kidnapping people in our respected kingdoms. Every time we get close to catching the person in charge, he disappears. We need help."

"So you want my kingdom's help to take out these slave traders. What's in it for me?"

"Name your terms."

"I want all 3 beast kin kingdoms to enter into the Barnes Alliance. Do you know what I'm aiming for with this alliance?"

"To take out the Dark Lord?"

"That's part of it. To create a peaceful world is the ultimate goal."

"I see."

"So do you know that I have a female rabbit beast kin named Mary as one of my wives?"

"I do now, she's the missing princess! How did you meet her?"

I explained how I saved Mary and she smiled.

"I'll tell that to the queen. I feel that she's going to be happy to hear about this piece of news."

"So have I covered everything?"

"Yes but when are you going to be coming to our kingdom?"

"How about 2 days from now?"

"That sounds good."

Felicity stands up at the same time as I do and we shake hands. She walks off as Amber, Trista, and Marie walk back over towards me.

"So are you ladies ready to leave to my castle?"

"Yes." all three said at the same time.

"Let me get the other girls."

I walk to the guest room that I slept in the night prior and gather all the ladies.

"Ready to go home?"


"Let's roll!"

15 minutes later...

I walk out of the teleportation room with Priscilla, Sara, Kate, Lucy, Luna, Miranda, Wanda, Amber, Trista, and Marie. Yuna and the rest of my wives was waiting for me since Joe sent word that I was coming home. I kiss all of my wives. I walk towards my training ground and all follow me. I enter the training ground and find that a few of the slaves that was saved yesterday from the slave traders was in there training. They see me and run over to thank me for saving them and their friends. I tell them that it's no problem. Then I look at Amber and Trista.

"Go to the side and watch as I'm going to demonstrate some moves."

"Yes sir."

I go to the middle of the grounds and ask one of the former slaves to accompany me. I use a takedown technique and do it a few times before I show the armbar. Then I show them the rear naked choke.

"Practice these for the next 2 days and then I'll test you both to see if you can do these moves."

I look over to the former slaves.

"I would like for you to help them if you can."

"Yes sir."

I walk out and head to the meeting room. Everyone except Amber and Trista follow me. I sit down.

"Welcome back husband." Yuna said.

"Thank you. As you all know, we now have a new blacksmith in the castle."

"Yes, we saw Joe and Priscilla helping him and his family. We also saw a lot of slaves come over from the Trex Kingdom since yesterday. And the 7 ladies after the blacksmith and family came over are in the infirmary being looked at and getting help." Ann said as she walked in.

"You're always on top of things."

"Yes I am."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Now, I have to head to the Rabi Kingdom the day after tomorrow."

"Husband, you need to rest sometime."

"I will as soon as I deal with the rest of the slave traders. Those bastards need to be wiped out!"

"I agree."

"Mary, would you like to see your mother, the Queen?"

Mary eyes grew wide.

"How did you find out that I was a princess?"


"You met with Aunty Felicity?"

"Yes, and the 3 beast kin kingdoms will join the alliance after the slave traders are wiped out. Are there anything that needs any attention?"

"Nothing, Michael."

"Ok, let's end this meeting then."

"Wait, I have a question."

"Yes Iris?"

"Who are the new sisters?"

Ah fuck, I damn near forgot to introduce the new members of the harem.

"They are Luna, who is Lucy's mother that I rescued yesterday, Miranda, the first princess of the the former king of Trex, Wanda, Amber, Trista, and Marie Azami, princess of the Azami Kingdom which is from another world like me, kind of."

"Welcome to the sisterhood, new sisters." Iris said with a smile.

"Ok, is that all?"


"Ok, leave retire. I need a vacation after I wipe out the slave traders."

And with that, I went to my room and relaxed with all my wives and with the new members of the harem.

The next day at the newly named Petak Kingdom...

Joe looked at me then at Ariana.

"Ariana, tell the whole city to go to the city square, please." Joe said.

"Yes my love." Ariana replied.

I chuckled at Joe.

"I see that you made a move on Ariana."

"Hell yeah. She's hot, Barn. We had a foursome last night. It was legendary."

"I knew you had it in you."

"I'm glad that you didn't have any doubt."

"Joe, you're my brother. I know how you are. Just take care of them."

"Michael Barnes, you know I will."

"I know, I know. Now let's go. I would like to get this execution over with. I want to spend the day with my wives before I head over to the Rabi Kingdom. You should get ready to tour your kingdom after this."

"I'm already ready. I leave after this."

"Taking your ladies with you too?"


"Alright. Let's roll."

15 minutes later...

A large crowd has gathered at the city square. Nobles and lower class citizens are waiting to see what's going on and why they were called to the city square. 10 BAA soldiers enter the city square followed by a chained up noble. Then another 10 BAA soldiers followed my the kings of the Barnes and Petak kingdoms enter the city square. They stop in the middle of the city square. The Mad Dog King steps forward.

"This piece of shit is guilty of non compliance on the law my brother made 2 days ago. Not only that, he also destroyed 4 families and bankrupted 5 businesses. He would have destroyed a fifth family but he was caught before he could by me and my brother. Bro, what should his punishment be?"

"He should DIE!" The King of the Petak Kingdom yelled.

"Death it is!" Said the Mad Dog King as a small gun appears out of thin air. He aims and fires. The chained noble is rolling on the ground from side to side, screaming in pain.

"Barn, did you miss?"

"No, I shot him in his head, just not the one on his shoulders."

"Fuck shit, Barn! You brutal bastard!"

The Mad Dog King lifts the chained noble up by the neck and sets him back on the ground. The chained noble is clearly in pain but he's standing. The the Mad Dog King walks behind the chained noble and pulls out a hunting knife. He then Slits the chained noble's throat. He then puts his hand into the cut and pulls out the tongue through the cut.

"Let me say this right now! If any noble has ANY slaves that they are trying to hide AND are guilty of destroying families like this piece of shit should expect THIS from now on! There WILL be BAA soldiers going to every land owning noble and SEARCHING the their properties to see if the laws are being followed! IF any nobles are caught, EXPECT NO MERCY!" The Mad Dog King said out loud.

"Joe, I'm heading home." said The Mad Dog King.

1 hour later...

I'm back home and spending time training Amber and Trista. Sara is at the training grounds helping me.

"How did it go?" Sara asked.

"The bastard got a Columbian Neck Tie so it went perfectly." I replied.

"What is a Columbian Neck Tie?" asked Amber.

Sara went over and explained what it was and Amber's face went pale as she puked. Trista went over and asked Amber what Sara told her and the same thing happened to Trista. They look over towards me.

"If any man dares to to do anything to my friends and family, I show no mercy." I said with a serious look. They walk over and give me a hug.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"We found the man that we can spend the rest of our lives with." Trista said.

"Let me guess, it's me?"

"Yes Michael. It's you. Please take care of us from now on."

"I will. Now back to training, you're test is tomorrow."

"Yes dear."