
Lyrical Vulture System

R/18 No Rape, vulgar language and descriptive gore As the celestial orb descended beyond the distant horizon of the alien planet, casting a surreal interplay of purple and green hues upon the sprawling battlefield, an ambiance of eerie beauty enveloped the scene. Amidst the ethereal floral decorations that adorned the blood-stained terrain, the combatants stood poised for confrontation. Among them was Lyric, a figure of imposing presence, exuding an aura of quiet confidence amidst the chaos that surrounded him. Opposite him loomed the formidable silhouette of the man, his countenance marked by a stoic determination that betrayed no hint of apprehension. Beside him stood his son, a mere youth, his expression a canvas of fear and uncertainty. Lyric, undeterred by the weight of the moment, stood tall and resolute, his gaze unwavering as he prepared to unleash the power of his words upon his adversaries. With a subtle gesture, Lyric beckoned forth the latent potency of his lyrical prowess, weaving a tapestry of rhythmic cadence that resonated with the very fabric of existence. "You could never vanquish me," he intoned, his voice reverberating across the battlefield with a haunting certainty. "Blind are you, that much is clear." As his words hung in the air, a palpable tremor of energy surged forth, distorting the boundaries of reality itself. The man and his son, momentarily ensnared in a maelstrom of confusion, faltered in their resolve as the inconceivable began to unfold before them. Suddenly, with an explosive eruption that shattered the tranquility of the scene, the ground beneath their feet erupted in a cataclysmic display of otherworldly light, engulfing them in a blinding inferno of chaos and destruction. When the tempest of tumult subsided and the echoes of the cataclysmic event faded into silence, Lyric stood amidst the aftermath, a solitary figure amidst the wreckage of battle. Yet, there was no triumph in his demeanor, no exultation in his victory. For in a world where words held the power to shape reality, the consequences of his utterances weighed heavily upon his conscience. As he surveyed the desolation that lay before him, Lyric was acutely aware of the toll exacted by his invocation of power. In the delicate balance of existence, where the whims of fate hung in precarious equilibrium, every syllable carried with it the potential for creation or destruction. And amidst the spectral glow of the purple and green floral adornments that swayed gently in the wake of the storm, he pondered the profound implications of a truth that transcended the boundaries of mortal comprehension: that in the realm of his domain, his word was law. - y’all enjoy! this will be something.. different, but let’s see how it turns out In a world where power is everything and danger lurks around every corner, a man named Lyric finds himself thrust into a mysterious realm with no memory of his past and no record of his existence. Unbeknownst to him, Lyric is not just any ordinary being; he is the fragment of a greater soul, a mere piece of his true self known as Varaoh, who watches from afar as Lyric embarks on a perilous journey. Armed with the enigmatic "Lyrical Vulture System," Lyric navigates this strange world, using the power of poetic verses and rap to overcome the myriad obstacles that stand in his way. Each verse he crafts unlocks a fragment of his true strength, but at a cost—only by fulfilling the lyrics' demands can he harness his full potential. As Lyric traverses through realms filled with treacherous landscapes and formidable foes, he encounters allies and adversaries alike, each drawn to the aura of power that surrounds him. Yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Lyric grapples with the existential truth that even with his unmatched might, loss is an inevitable part of life. Driven by a desire for answers and a thirst for adventure, Lyric embarks on a quest to uncover the secr

VisionaryWorld · Fantasy
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5 Chs

1. What Is Life?

'What is Life?'


A medium brown toned man sporting a lean athletic build with locs reaching his elbows sat on a glorious purple and blue throne. In front of this man was his last adversary in his entire existence, laying behind the dead queen were all of the gods underneath her. The man came here to end his conquest of becoming the strongest in the universe by defeating the goddess of the gods, the ultimate divine being that created all from organisms to water to the vast expanse of the vacuum called space. Reaching his goal the man was now unsatisfied with where things had come and knowing that his excitement in fighting the strong would inevitably never come to fruition again now that he's killed everybody off with no care to spare them for a chance for them to grow in strength as he's the only creature alive ever able to infinitely grow in strength whether it was physically or spiritually with the universe's energies.

With his emotions stuck feeling hopeless at not getting the chance to fight the powerful ever again he recalled what the goddess said after he dealt the finishing blow.

"Honestly, who would have thought that my babies would grow to come to kill me. I suppose I should enlighten you with what's to happen now."

Her body was spewing a rainbow liquid into the air that was evaporating right as it left her body causing the throne room to light up in a cosmic paradox of life. This set the hall ablaze as all the torches began to spark a tiny rainbow-colored flame that flowed and looked like water.

"As the creator of everything I do not know how I've ever come to be. When I think of the origins of my life I don't know what I am, where I came from, nor my game. Therefore I have created the alias 'I Am', to tell one my name once I've finally come to an understanding.. And I am a sucker for love, hatred, death, murder, sacrifice, joy, despair, and ultimately I care for all of my creations and I have a strict rule I made myself to never end the lives I have created or given. Everything is but my imagination and what i have managed to create from my imagination. Now that it's my time to pass on I will leave you behind with a 'Gift' however before that, I will answer your unspoken question about the galaxy. You have conquered this galaxy and since I have no understanding of who i am or who created me, I assume there are countless galaxies just like mine however I have always been focused on creation as it's been my 'life's purpose. You have defeated this galaxy and now I believe it's my time to pass on the torch of creation to bestow a new direction for this universe. After this day you will know unbound power like no other and your deepest imagination will never be able to comprehend the abilities you will have by just creating a thought. However, I warn you that your thoughts will manifest beyond a mere thought as each one of my thoughts has created life somewhere somehow. To the origins of why I can do what I do also to the extent of essentially making you the new God. I hope that you use this opportunity to do something to quench your hunger."

Once I am finished speaking she had raised her head up, smiled softly at the man and spoke the words "Transfer everything" and her body began to glow an aura so bright and profound, over the span of a second after she spoke the light has already grew and expanded across the galaxy causing all creatures to be blinded before everything seamlessly started to burn ablaze and all of the remaining planets were turned into stars that started expanding merging with each other until they all collectively became one space shattering star that the man was sitting in front of with pure nothingness in all directions with an exception of an over sized star.

As he watched sitting on the throne at the world burnt to ashes and then boldly grew into individual multi planet sized suns, he didn't understand what just happened however he knew he was merely moments away from finding out. Once another couple minutes went by and the star stayed the same he decided it was time to go find out just what's going on, she had said to use the opportunity to quench his hunger for adventure and action and all he can think about now is a logical assumption of the situation, she had said "Transfer Everything" and then the universe ceased to exist for what it was during her time. This brought him to the idea of him being the new creator and he would have to decide what to do now in order to fight stronger enemies. Putting those thoughts aside he began to levitate and fly out of the throne room towards the newly formed star.

Although the star was infinitely expanding over space as far as the galaxy goes, it still took him quite some time to get to the star and once he reached it he put forth his hand and touched the atmosphere when it reacted and he was swallowed up by winds and a gravitational force so strong he reached the middle of this colossal star in less then the eye took to blink. Visions of all of time flurried, the start to finish of I Am's existence leading up to her demise at his hands solely.

Once I am finished speaking she had raised her head up, smiled softly at the man and spoke the words "Transfer everything" and her body began to glow an aura so bright and profound, over the span of a second after she spoke the light has already grew and expanded across the galaxy causing all creatures to be blinded before everything seamlessly started to burn ablaze and all of the remaining planets were turned into stars that started expanding merging with each other until they all collectively became one space shattering star that the man was sitting in front of with pure nothingness in all directions with an exception of an over sized star.

As he watched sitting on the throne at the world burnt to ashes and then boldly grew into individual multi planet sized suns, he didn't understand what just happened however he knew he was merely moments away from finding out. Once another couple minutes went by and the star stayed the same he decided it was time to go find out just what's going on, she had said to use the opportunity to quench his hunger for adventure and action and all he can think about now is a logical assumption of the situation, she had said "Transfer Everything" and then the universe ceased to exist for what it was during her time. This brought him to the idea of him being the new creator and he would have to decide what to do now in order to fight stronger enemies. Putting those thoughts aside he began to levitate and fly out of the throne room towards the newly formed star.

Although the star was infinitely expanding over space as far as the galaxy goes, it still took him quite some time to get to the star and once he reached it he put forth his hand and touched the atmosphere. As the man touched the atmosphere of the colossal star, he was enveloped by a whirlwind of energy, a gravitational force so intense that it pulled him inexorably towards the heart of the blazing inferno. In the blink of an eye, he found himself hurtling through space, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of swirling lights and images.

Visions of all of the time flurried before his eyes, revealing the vast tapestry of creation woven by the hands of 'I Am'. He witnessed countless memories of the goddess crafting stars from cosmic dust, shaping planets with her divine will, and breathing life into the vast expanse of the universe.

He saw the birth of galaxies, the dance of celestial bodies, and the ebb and flow of cosmic energies that pulsed through the fabric of reality. With each passing moment, he gained a deeper understanding of the profound power wielded by the goddess, and the immense responsibility that came with it.

As he descended deeper into the heart of the star, he felt the weight of destiny pressing down upon him. He knew that he was on the threshold of a new era, a time when he would be called upon to shape the destiny of the universe itself.

With a sense of awe and reverence, he embraced his newfound role as the architect of creation, ready to wield the power of 'I Am' with wisdom and compassion. As he gazed into the infinite expanse of space, he knew that his journey had only just begun, and that the fate of countless worlds hung in the balance.

With a resolute determination, he forged ahead into the heart of the star, ready to embrace the challenges and triumphs that awaited him in the boundless expanse of the cosmos.

In this chapter we look at God's life and passing of the torch.

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