


Natasha who had sex with David ( Sarahs boyfriend) and slept off naked with him woke up few minutes after, and tapped david.

"David...David... " Natasha calling David's name while tapping him to wake him up.

David woke up with  sleepy eyes as he tried to clear it by rubbing it

"Natasha, whatsup " he ask as he yawns

" We have slept for almost an hour now. I think its time for me to go " she said

"Yeah yeah that's true, but don't you think we should have more fun again " David asked as he smiled 

" More fun ? I don't understand," she replied looking at his already erect dick

" Don't pretend like you don't know what am talking about "

" I really don't have time for that I wanna leave immediately " Natasha said leaving the bed

" Where are my clothes " she asked looking around

" Have you forgotten you left it at the sitting room" David responded

" Oh l was so carried away by the sex that  I can't even remember " she said and walked to the sitting room naked

* Natsaha walked to the sitting room to get her clothes, as she was putting it on, David Left the bedroom and walked into the sitting room naked and smiling at her from  behind *

" Where are you rushing to, you don't look look relax, there is time for us to have fun or are you thinking of sarah ? "

" No, I have got somewhere I have to be now and it's really important. we can always see another time" she replied putting on her shoes. " Bye baby I have to run now " she pecked him and walked out of the house....


I stood  outside the gate waiting for a taxi to come. Suddenly, a taxi stopped   and I entered. I sat close to a man who's putting on shades and a cap 

" Take me to the nearest bus stop " I told the driver who didn't even turn back or responded to me then started moving. I noticed the driver looks at me through the drivers mirror and turn his face away if I try to notice that he's looking

The man with the cap and shade kept his head down and I knew there was something wrong with the car I entered but I never cared

When I noticed I was aporaching my destination i told reminded the driver on where to stop

" I will drop at that bus stop, get ready to pull over " I said to the driver but there was no response from him instead, he kept on going like he already understood so I remained silent

I got to the destination and the driver past without even looking back

" Hey I told you earlier where I am gonna stop now you just passed it " I said and the driver slowed down and stopped

" Hey why aren't you saying anything or are you dumb?. You ve passed my destination and you stopped in a different place for me to drop " I said angrily thinking he actually stopped for me 

All of a sudden, a huge man entered the car and sat beside me ( this made me to be in between two men in the cab). he was so tall and huge and I was scared of his looks

He got the looks of a kidnapper ( that's of he wasn't one) before I knew it, he shut the door and the driver drove off

" Where are you going driver, I thought you stopped for me to drop " I asked but there was still no response and then I began screaming in the car.....

Sounds of screaming.......

"Hey young girl don't scream like that here " the huge man said to me

" Why won't I scream?. I was supposed to stop at the last bus stop but he  just drove past it"

I said and the man wearing shades and  cap looking down suddenly raised his head and looked at me

"" In case you don't know miss, you have been kidnapped and you are going with us" he replied aggressively

" No....  no .... Who are you guys and who sent you to kidnap me " I said in fear turning around and looking at men in the car as my voice trembles

" Someone you would never like to see again " he replied and they both laughed so loud in a mischievous way but the driver remained silent as he continues to drive like he was being controlled

They continued laughing when I started stuggling in the car to come out

Let me go !  Let me go ! I have no business with you guys ! " I said struggling in the car then the huge man brought out the car Jack and hit it so hard on my head and I passed out...


I opened my eyes just to see myself in a small room with a different light.i tried to get up then I noticed my hands were tied to the chair I sat down

Where am I , my head aches " I said in a weak voice as blood rushed down from my head soaking my clothes

"Helllooo who is there" I managed to talk louderin pain and someone opened the door and entered the room

Door opens***

Well... Well... Well... I see our guest is awake remember me" he said smiling. I looked at his face and noticed it was the man on shades and cap in the cab I entered

"Who are you really I asked him" still feeling weak

" Hmm don't be too fast babe, well since you wanna know me I will not tell you about myself completely but would just give you a clue. I am a doctor so you can call me doc for now " he said

"Why for now, you don't like being called a doc for long " I asked

"Well not that, is just that when we start what we want to do to you know names wouldn't be important to you anymore but rather you would be fighting for your life which you cant even have again" he said as he smiled dangerously rubbing his hands

This words sent a chilled feeling down my spine and I began to afraid as I tremble

"Please who sent you please" I asked almost crying

"You wanna know who sent me ?" He asked me again

"Yes I want to know" I replied

"Am not sure you would like to know"

"Just tell me please !" I should in pain

"Ok then wait a second lemme go get the person" he said as he smiled and danced out of the room

I waited for him to know who planned this for me as I had no one in mind

"Have I offended anyone" I asked my self as tears rolled down my eyes
