


They both arrived at the inner Chambers and James sat down offering sarah a seat 

" C'mon sarah have a sit next to me, why standing like it's your first time here ? " 

" I'm not here to seat James. I want an explanation for what happened back there and I need it now" Sarah said standing with her hands folded 

" I didn't say I wouldn't give you an explanation ok, but just relax so we can talk better "

Sarah sat down next to him and looks at him, expecting an explanation from him

" What would you like me to offer you " James asked

" Hey James am really not here for jokes please, tell me what happened or get me outta here please I wanna go "  Sarah replied angrily

" Woah.....relax Sarah am sorry for that " James said and smirked

" Those guys out there are legions of vampire. They answer only to supereme vampires like us; that's to say they don't do anything without a command. They are the lowest in power in the vampires kingdom "

" Wait. ( She said in surprise) you just told me that they can't do anything without a command from a superior ?" Sarah said looking at James suspiciously " I don't want to believe what am thinking right now" she added

" What are you thinking....... Oh hope you aren't thinking I sent them to you right ? "

" What do you expect me to think ? "

" Well for the fact I said they only move with orders from supreme doesn't mean I sent them Sarah, I am not the only superior vampire here at least, there are few others "

" That means you would have an idea of who ploted this right ? "

" No Sarah I really don't have an idea I swear " he replied innocently

" Before we even get into digging who ploted this, can you tell me how I was driving on the highway and suddenly I discovered I was being covered by thick forest and clouds ?☁️? "

It's a magical practice Sarah, and only vampires who have studied that kind of  act can d it.not all Superior vampires can even do that you know.

Wow, can you tell me how it works ?

Yeah sure it is done by getting the picture of the victim and taking it to the goddess of the vampire making a request for an ambush. How it happens is that, the magical power would first be manipulated on the victims brain and he/she would start seeing forest covering in his/her imaginations. If the individual believes it to be real, the he would be taken away to the forest so that best way to escape this kind of manipulation is to force your brain not to believe that it is real when you notice it to be covering you.

Hmm it seems someone who ploted this would bhave known me or someone close to me, to have gotten my picture for this kind of act

Yeah sarah... but what am still asking is why someone would want to do this to you 

I don't know James, but the lady who stood at the front of my car on black way wearing a red mask similar to the one I saw you wearing the first time you attacked me in the cave

I did not attacked you

You did James

No you were the one who tresspassed

Whatever " as said as I waived the argument away swinging my hand..

Something was written on the mask James, it's was like a warning to me

" What was it ? " James asked curiously

It's stated that " YOU ARE PLAYING WITH FIRE" please do you know what that means "

" Hmm it seems you ve got scores to settle with someone but not too worry I shall find out who ploted this ok, don't be scared "

So hope you are ok now ?

No am still not ok my car was damage how would get to work now ?

Don't worry I will get you a new one" James said tapping my shoulder

Hahahahah you must be kidding right " Sarah laughed at James as he looks at her

What's ?

You would just get me a new car, just like that ?, It like you ve forgotten you have to buy it  "

Of course I know and I will do it so don't bother about that

" By the way how did you know I was in trouble " I asked him

James smiled at her " it's my intuition" he replied

I will like to get home now, I wanna go take a rest

Ok let me see you off" he told sarah and they both left........

          JAMES POV

I settled down in my chamber thinking of what happened ad who planned

"Who must have planned thia for Sarah" I said to myself in deep thoughts when I heard a knock on the door


Who is it" I asked 

" It's me master " seun my servant replied

Come in" I said and he entered and closed the door

Master I have been looking all over for you" he asked

I have been in here, it isn't quiet long I got involve in a fight to save sarah

A fight ?, What happened to her " he asked 

" She was ambushed by the lower legions of vampires, they were almost close to hurting her if I didn't come through her rescue " I said to him angrily and feeling sad

Hmm that's doesn't sound good, but do you have an idea of who must have planned this sir ?

No I don't and I can't even suspect anyone now but whoever must have done this would definitely see the other side of me , I would not let the fool go free "

Sure sir is there anything you I can do to help out ?

I want you to act like a spy now from now. get me every information you think would be valid for getting the person who planned this

I gently got up from my chair and walked to seun as I bend my head to his ear and whisper " your attention must be mainly on the other superiors " I said and he nodded his head in agreement and walked out .

I sat down frustrated on the chair again as I began to think who is actually after sarahs life, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her 

I was still meditating on how to get the culprit when my door was suddenly thrown open as Alicia cat walked into my chamber smiling mischievously

Hello sweetheart how are you today " she asked as she walked closer to me and put her hand on my shoulder

Why would you barge into my room like that" I asked her

Ooooo am sorry dear I never thought you would see that as a problem

Hey get your hands off me " I said as I gently pushed her hand off my shoulder " who wouldn't have a problem with what you just did now " I asked....

Oh my God an not ready for this now. You look worried, what's the problem ? She asked me but I didn't reply

" Or is it because of Sarah, well I guess that was a warning to her to keep away from what is not hers "

" What do you mean by that" I asked adjusting from my chair curiosily "how do you know what happened today, I didn't tell anyone about it apart from seun. and what do you mean that it's a lesson to her ?c

" Well in case you don't know I planned all these just for her to keep away from you "

 "Are you insane, how dare you " I asked standing up from the chair angrily

" I warned you James. I warned you to stay away from that girl but you wouldn't listen "

" You don't tell me who to be with and who not to " I replied loudly

" I will not let you go James I love you and will always do " she said to me romatically touching my chest