
Lustful Sun God

Vlad is born with supreme talent, numerous resources at his disposal and a powerful father to back him up, he had everything to ensure his path and stand on top of the divine plane without any difficulty. He is certainly enviable, but fate has a different life in store for him. He acquires a system by chance, something was not intended for him. Thanks to this system, he ends up stranded in an unknown celestial plane, in a distant star cluster. He will have to reach the top of the cultivation to be able to return to his family, on the way he will find more than one problem and enemies that he will have to face. Of course, he will also find many beauties to embrace. “I risked my life to kill a mighty Heavenly Beast and the system rewards me with 1,000 points. However, taking a girl's virginity grants me 10,000 points and an immortal sword. What the hell do you expect me to become? The first chapters are the story before the story, since it deals a little before the birth of the protagonist, but it is necessary. Keep in mind 1.- In the world of cultivation, interests come first and feelings come after. 2.- Vlad is not a hero who fights for justice and love. 3.- Not all the women that appear will be part of the harem. There are many stories about protagonists who are born trash, with no talent, and who on their way become strong and fight to change their destiny. I want to write the story of the young master, talented from his birth, with thousands of resources at his disposal. At the beginning of the story his life is easy, but easy is not fun, along the way he will encounter many setbacks. This is my first novel, I'm a novice. I hope you like it. I hope to improve as the story progresses, thanks to the people who read this. English is not my native language, so please excuse the grammar. I do not have rights to the cover, if you want me to delete it, write me!

RedSky_4561 · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Tragic history

One day the young master kidnapped a young woman he had never seen in the city. She was really beautiful so she didn't care about her origins. He abused her and then abandoned her in the forest near the city.

That was the worst mistake he made in his life. This mistake triggered disastrous consequences.

The young woman, Karem Ri, survived her abuse, thanks to some cultivators helping her.

When the young woman recovered, she went to look for Koutu Ri, her brother. After learning what her sister suffered. Koutu Ri went mad and went to the Wang clan to demand that the person he raped be handed over to his sister.

The patriarch of the clan agreed and wanted to deliver his son, but to his bad luck the young master was drinking in another city, with no one knowing he traveled alone to have fun with some friends.

Koutu Ri was an unreasonable person, so he took this as a challenge to his authority and slaughtered all the people of the Wang clan. It was a massacre. The only survivors were mother Wang Feng and her two sisters.

They were taken as prisoners.

When Wang Feng returned to the Wang clan, he was devastated at the sight he encountered. He did some research and found out why his clan was wiped out. Wang Feng made a mistake and pushed his entire clan to their deaths.

After learning about the situation, he ran out of the city and into the forest. He was willing to die under the claws of a beast.

Without the clan's backing, all the people he offended would come after him, even if Koutu Ri stopped looking for him.

Wang Feng didn't even have the courage to rescue his mother and sisters. So he chose the easy path, death.

To his surprise, the forest was silent, not even the insects could be heard. The young man walked to a cave, somehow he felt attracted to something in an inexplicable way.

When he reached the end of the cave he saw an old man in a very bad condition, even though the old man looked like a dying dog and was badly injured, Wang Feng had the urge to prostrate himself and worship this old man.

The old man introduced himself as Kaen Rurik, a god.

Kaen had been wounded by an enemy of the clan, both his body and his soul were about to collapse.

The Dying God did not want to die without leaving his legacy, so he offered Wang Feng an opportunity that he could not refuse.

The old man gave her the inheritance and blood essence from him. A stroke of luck or fate? On that day, the life of the young master of the Wang clan changed.

The young master agreed to both. After absorbing Kaen's blood essence. Everything changed inside the young master, his talent rose to a higher level, even that twisted personality he had before he met the old man.

Thanks to this chance encounter, Wang Feng was able to rapidly progress in cultivation. He trained to exhaustion for years and then searched for the man who wiped out his clan.

In the end the young master was able to kill the man, but his mother and sisters had died several years ago, so he was unable to rescue them.

The story did not stop, the young master entered a sect. There he made friends, he recognized a man as his teacher and fell in love with a woman. After a few years he was betrayed by his friends and the woman he loved died. The man he took as his master coveted his secrets and tried to enslave him, but somehow he managed to get out of that situation. He escaped from his master, left the sect, and moved to another continent. Bad karma?, maybe...

The young Wang became an adult and married 3 women. But 2 of them died of old age because they had no cultivation talent. After a few years he ascended to the heavenly plane with the only woman he had left.

The first few years in the heavenly plane were difficult, they didn't know anyone and had no background so they had to move carefully.

One day, misfortune once again knocked on his door. His wife, the woman who was with him for many years, was stolen by a dual cultivator. That man entangled her so much that she couldn't escape from it. In the end Wang was abandoned by his wife.

The inheritance that Wang Feng received was powerful, with time he became stronger. He killed that dual cultivator and the woman he once loved.

After that, he went on with his life, remarried, this time forming a harem with 10 wives and having many children. Unfortunately his women did not have much talent and at some point his cultivation stagnated.

Unlike them, Wang Feng's cultivation did not stop and he climbed to the top of the Heavenly plane. In time it was not difficult for him to ascend to the immortal plane, then to the ancestral plane. He eventually became a God and ascended to the divine plane.

During his lifetime, Wang Feng watched his lovers, children, and friends die. He took part in several wars and saw the horrors of the world. All this experience was passed on to the children for a year.

One day after Vlad's 10th birthday, he left the artificial world with Yao and visited his family.

The young woman was worried about Vlad's change, usually the redhead was always taking advantage of her or making silly jokes, but after the last year his attitude changed about her. On the other hand, his parents chose to remain silent, they know what is happening with his son and they know that he must overcome this stage alone.

After a week off, Vlad returned to the conference room.

This time, a tall and muscular man was in charge of this group of children.

"My name is Darius Rurik and I am in charge of your physical training. You will train with me for a year and I will see that you raise the power of your bodies to the maximum."

The children moved into a special chamber, where gravity could be manipulated and there was a lot of special equipment to train the body.

It was one of the most difficult years for Vlad. The training was exhausting and every day the instructor made the children break their limits.

The good news is that during this year the children, including Vlad, returned to being the same as before. Sure there was a certain maturity in his eyes. Everything they experienced served to give them an idea of how ugly the face of reality was.

Vlad returned home to celebrate his 11th birthday and surprised his parents, his body had undergone a major transformation. He was now 165 cm (5'5''). His muscles seemed well defined, but his face still kept childish features.

They noticed that Vlad was smiling a lot and that his attitude was the same again. This lifted a weight from his heart.

A week flew by, Vlad and Yao returned to the artificial world.


Forest, inside the artificial world.

"My name is Mardux Rurik, my training consists of forest survival and beast hunting."

"Sir, will we live in the forest for a year?" asked a boy.

"No, you can rest in your cabins 3 days a month" said Mardux.

Since no one else asked anything, Mardux started her lecture.

"Before we go into the forest, tell me, how much do you know about beasts?"

Beasts are categorized by their bloodline into Common, Rare, Special, Earth, Heaven, King, Emperor, Ancient, Divine, and Primordial.

For a beast to open its intelligence, its bloodline must be at least earth grade.

In order for a beast to take human form, its bloodline must be at least king grade.

Beasts rely heavily on their bloodline grade to progress in their cultivation.

Just like humans, beasts also cultivate, their classification is mortal beast, heavenly beast, immortal beast, holy beast, ancestral beast, and divine beast. Their cultivation realms were divided by stars.

For example, a 10-star mortal beast is equivalent to a great emperor realm cultivator.

A 1-star Heavenly Beast is equivalent to a Heavenly realm cultivator.

A 2-star heavenly beast is equivalent to a Heavenly manifestation realm cultivator.

A 3-star heavenly beast is equivalent to a cultivator in the Heavenly nature realm.

After the instructor finished giving his lecture, he took the children to the inner forest and taught them how to fight against the beasts, he instructed them on the weak points and the patterns that the beasts usually have when attacking.

Time flew by and soon another year had passed.

Vlad was sitting in a conference room. After a week of rest, he renewed energy. Living in the forest was exhausting. They were in constant vigilance. If a beast attacked them while they were sleeping, the instructor would not help them. Sometimes they went days without sleep because they were tracking beasts.

Vlad's face seemed more mature. He was currently 12 years old; he noticed that more and more girls were paying attention to him, even some instructors were sneaking glances at him.

"Kids, pay attention," an authoritative voice echoed in the room.

A new year began, what Vlad's group learned; killing people.


Vlad's training ends in the next chapter.

I'm on vacation, out of town. I will update periodically from January 2. Thank you. I wish you all a good start to the year

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