
Lustful Sun God

Vlad is born with supreme talent, numerous resources at his disposal and a powerful father to back him up, he had everything to ensure his path and stand on top of the divine plane without any difficulty. He is certainly enviable, but fate has a different life in store for him. He acquires a system by chance, something was not intended for him. Thanks to this system, he ends up stranded in an unknown celestial plane, in a distant star cluster. He will have to reach the top of the cultivation to be able to return to his family, on the way he will find more than one problem and enemies that he will have to face. Of course, he will also find many beauties to embrace. “I risked my life to kill a mighty Heavenly Beast and the system rewards me with 1,000 points. However, taking a girl's virginity grants me 10,000 points and an immortal sword. What the hell do you expect me to become? The first chapters are the story before the story, since it deals a little before the birth of the protagonist, but it is necessary. Keep in mind 1.- In the world of cultivation, interests come first and feelings come after. 2.- Vlad is not a hero who fights for justice and love. 3.- Not all the women that appear will be part of the harem. There are many stories about protagonists who are born trash, with no talent, and who on their way become strong and fight to change their destiny. I want to write the story of the young master, talented from his birth, with thousands of resources at his disposal. At the beginning of the story his life is easy, but easy is not fun, along the way he will encounter many setbacks. This is my first novel, I'm a novice. I hope you like it. I hope to improve as the story progresses, thanks to the people who read this. English is not my native language, so please excuse the grammar. I do not have rights to the cover, if you want me to delete it, write me!

RedSky_4561 · Fantasy
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94 Chs

My beautiful master Zara

After 6 months, Vlad could break through to the domination stage of the Great Emperor Realm, just by meditating and fighting with the puppets in the training ground inside the portable world.

Today the instructor stood in front of the class in the lecture hall and said, "One way to increase our battle power is not only through powerful skills or techniques, we can also use weapons. Properly using a weapon gives us the boost to win a battle when we are even with our opponent."

At that moment, a group of young men and women entered.

"Today the group is divided. Those who want to learn about the sword, can go with the instructor Zara, for the spear, instructor Jozef, for the hammer... and so they divided the group of 20 children."

Vlad and four other teenagers followed Zara into the forest, all of them intent on learning about the sword.

One after another, they spoke in a low voice.

"The instructor looks like an evil person."

"why is she wearing a hideous mask?"

"They say that she is hideous, and she is afraid that people will make fun of her."

Vlad sighed to himself when he heard the voice of his companions.

After a few minutes of walking, Zara stopped dead and said in a cold voice: "this is where we will practice. If you are lazy, it is better not to come tomorrow, you can ask for another instructor. I am very strict and I don't like to waste time. Tomorrow at dawn we will see each other in this place, you can retire for today".

I bet no one will come tomorrow, Vlad thought.

The next day, just as Vlad had thought, only he was present to receive the lesson.

Zara was surprised to see Vlad, thought no one would come today. She always scares young people into giving up before starting, so she would have time to focus on her activities. This woman doesn't like to teach, but she couldn't go against the clan's orders.

'Why is he here? Did he not get the message? Well, today I'm going to make you quit, little boy'.

Thus began Zara's plan to get rid of Vlad. She subjected him to hellish training. When the day ended the redhead could barely walk.

"See you tomorrow," Zara said with a smile full of sarcasm.

Vlad didn't have the strength to speak, so he just went to his cabin.

The next day the training was worse, and the day after that and so on, weeks passed.

After 6 months, it was finally time to go home.

The relationship between Zara and Vlad improved. She was a warrior and always praised the discipline and dedication that Vlad had when training. As well as being handsome and Vlad's background.

Zara was impressed by Vlad's attitude. Despite having the support of such a powerful father, she was not arrogant or despised others. In her eyes, he was the perfect man. The only problem is that he was too young.

Inside a room, four people were eating at a table laden with delicious delicacies. They laughed and chatted happily. These four people were Marek, Celeste, Vlad, and Feng Yao.

Celeste was the happiest, her son finally coming home to celebrate his 13th birthday.

'Hehe My son is getting more handsome. I'm sure I'll have many grandchildren in the future.' This was Celeste's selfishness. She didn't allow her husband more women, but wanted her son to have many wives and children.

A week later, Vlad returned to his routine training with Zara.

Time flew by too fast. Vlad turned 14, then 15. His face matured a lot, and he grew to be 1.78 meters tall.

Over time, the relationship between Vlad and Zara became closer, there were times when they spent entire weeks' training, talking and resting together, it was impossible for them not to develop feelings for each other. Despite the fact that all this time she didn't show him her face, Vlad was sure that he loved her even if she was ugly.

It was night when Vlad and his teacher finished training. After washing up, they lay down on the branch of a gigantic tree. While they rested, Vlad started a conversation.

"Zara, show me your face. I like you even if I don't…"

"Hahahaha, do you think I'm ugly?" Zara scoffed.

"So you accept the fact that I like you?" Vlad responded with another question.

"Haha just by looking at your face I know, you always look at me with puppy dog eyes. I am just a childhood sweetheart. With time, you will forget me".

For some reason Zara felt a pain in her chest when she said that. In a year Vlad will leave and it is possible that they will not see each other again.

Vlad is too young and the son of the most powerful God in the clan, not to mention that he is engaged to the daughter of the phoenix clan. Despite being a goddess, she belittled herself in front of a mortal brat.

Since she was a child, she devoted herself fully to cultivation. She didn't even have a boyfriend, and closed her heart to the love of a man. This kind of feeling would not let her cultivation progress, or so she thought.

Zara sighed internally.

Vlad didn't like the direction he was taking the conversation.


"Did you remember that I'm your master?"

"Tell me, why don't you take off your mask? Even when we eat, you create an illusion and I can't see you."

"I always thought that love was an obstacle to my cultivation, so I promised myself that I'll take off my mask once I'm ready for love. That way the person who sees me without the mask for the first time will become my husband."

This took Vlad by surprise.

"Actually, I think you are a romantic person, teacher."

"Hahaha it's just my nonsense, my dear disciple."

Vlad walked over to her and put her hand on Zara's mask.

"Vlad, that promise is very important to me, it may seem silly to you, but I have kept that promise for 10,000 years. Please don't play with the mask. If you take it away from me, I'll be very angry."

"Are you going to be mad because you don't like me or because you think I'm playing with your feelings?"

Zara blushed behind the mask. Despite her age. Zara had 0 experience in the romantic realm.

"That is important?"

Vlad pulled the mask revealing a beautiful face, blue eyes, a straight nose, thin lips and high cheekbones, the outline of his face seemed to be hand-carved. Without a doubt, Zara was one of the most beautiful women Vlad had ever seen.

Zara was furious, although she was able to stop Vlad, something prevented her from doing so. Anticipation? Maybe…

"Master Zara, marry me…"

The woman froze. Although she deep down she hoped for this, she didn't think it would actually happen.

"You because…?"

Before Zara could say another word, Vlad kissed her.

Marek taught Vlad that the world belonged to the strong and those who dare. If you don't, it won't happen by magic.

At first the beautiful goddess was very clumsy and she tried to push him away (weakly). But after a while she got hooked on the soft lips of her young lover.

Vlad did his best to convey his feelings to her through these kisses. He knew that Zara was full of doubts, so the best he could do was reassure her and show her sincerity.

When the kiss stopped, Zara stared at the young man in front of her.

"If you're playing with me, I'll talk directly to your mother."

"Hahahahahahaha, do you really see me as a child? Are you seriously threatening to accuse me with my mother? Trust me, I'll marry you."

Zara snorted.

The next year passed without any further problems, Vlad dividing his time into training, spending time with Zara, and doting on Yao.

In order to get Zara, the redhead neglected her wife phoenix's a bit, so it was time to reward her.

Relations with both girls progressed at a good pace. Although Yao seemed more into character as her wife. She had fully accepted Vlad as her husband.

The last day before concluding the family training.

Zara looked at Vlad, smiled and said: "You are definitely a genius, your comprehension ability is amazing, I feel like I can't teach you more about the sword, it's time for you to go your own way, at first I thought you would only last one day, but after these years you never cease to amaze me".

"Hahaha I owe it all to you. My beautiful teacher, you spent a lot of time training me." Vlad smiled.

Suddenly Zara got a little sad, "I hope you don't forget me".

"Oh really? I promised to marry you, besides I already talked to my father, you don't have to continue teaching here. I know you hate doing this" said Vlad

After kisses and groping. Vlad looked into Zara's eyes and said: "soon you will be my wife." After saying this, the redhead left.

Today was Vlad's 16th birthday.

The young man was having breakfast with his family.

"Father I want to face my tribulation today" Vlad said.

Marek was a bit surprised, "Are your body and soul strength at the same level as your Qi?"

"Yes father, I can't contain my advance anymore" Vlad replied.

"Wow, it looks like you only focused on cultivating."

"No, I also practiced introduction and sword mastery, right now I am in the final stage of sword mastery." Vlad gave his parents an apologetic look. "I didn't have time to check the scrolls you gave me, I'm sorry"

"You little brat, do you want to make fun of me? It took me 100 years to reach that level and people called me a genius." Marek gave him an angry look. "Very well, let's finish eating and then we will go to a place away from the clan so that you can face your tribulation."

"It's all thanks to Zara, she dedicated all her time to training me" Vlad said embarrassed.

They all laughed as they knew their relationship. Well, almost all. Yao's face was gloomy, she did not like the new relationship of her future husband.

Come back, I'll try to update regularly.

I had a lot of personal problems and couldn't update sooner, sorry. Thank you for reading. Sorry for the grammar, I hope this is readable.

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