
Lustful Sun God

Vlad is born with supreme talent, numerous resources at his disposal and a powerful father to back him up, he had everything to ensure his path and stand on top of the divine plane without any difficulty. He is certainly enviable, but fate has a different life in store for him. He acquires a system by chance, something was not intended for him. Thanks to this system, he ends up stranded in an unknown celestial plane, in a distant star cluster. He will have to reach the top of the cultivation to be able to return to his family, on the way he will find more than one problem and enemies that he will have to face. Of course, he will also find many beauties to embrace. “I risked my life to kill a mighty Heavenly Beast and the system rewards me with 1,000 points. However, taking a girl's virginity grants me 10,000 points and an immortal sword. What the hell do you expect me to become? The first chapters are the story before the story, since it deals a little before the birth of the protagonist, but it is necessary. Keep in mind 1.- In the world of cultivation, interests come first and feelings come after. 2.- Vlad is not a hero who fights for justice and love. 3.- Not all the women that appear will be part of the harem. There are many stories about protagonists who are born trash, with no talent, and who on their way become strong and fight to change their destiny. I want to write the story of the young master, talented from his birth, with thousands of resources at his disposal. At the beginning of the story his life is easy, but easy is not fun, along the way he will encounter many setbacks. This is my first novel, I'm a novice. I hope you like it. I hope to improve as the story progresses, thanks to the people who read this. English is not my native language, so please excuse the grammar. I do not have rights to the cover, if you want me to delete it, write me!

RedSky_4561 · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Next level [R-18]

Celeste's face is full of concern. "Husband, this tribulation is too cruel"

A combination of lightning and wind fell on Vlad. His skin was full of deep cuts. He was a bloody mess. Celeste remembers that her heavenly tribulation wasn't that scary, even Marek, whose talent is greater, didn't have such a harsh tribulation.

After the tribulation ended, Vlad's body was enveloped by a cocoon of fire. It wasn't normal fire. Marek felt a small threat coming from that golden flame that enveloped his son, which was strange due to the abysmal difference of cultivation.

Once everything was back to normal Marek looked at Celeste, "I need to talk to Vlad, please, you two go back first."

Feng Yao and Celeste nodded.

Marek approached Vlad and said "son, when you were born there was a very striking phenomenon, which made me think that you have a special physique, is that true?"

A complicated expression could be seen on Vlad's face, "Father, I have a special physique, but the method to wake him up is… I don't know how to say it, I'm a little embarrassed" he could only smile helplessly.

Mark lost his patience. "Brat, since when do you treat me like a stranger?"

Vlad smiled bitterly, "for my physique to awaken I need virgin yin Qi and for my physique to progress it is through normal yin Qi. A year ago I tried to absorb a treasure with a yin nature, but I ended up getting hurt, it has to be the yin taken from a woman."

"You mean to completely absorb the Yin of a woman, absorb to kill?" Marek didn't want his son to become a monster.

"No father, it is the yin Qi that is obtained naturally, it is not necessary to dissect a woman."


"Son, with your talent and looks you will have thousands of women after you, so don't worry. It's not shameful to talk about such things with your father. Let's go back. You must stabilize your cultivation."

At first Marek wanted his son to be monogamous like him, but on reflection he realized that would be too selfish of him. Now that he found out that he needs yin qi to cultivate his special physique, it was impossible to have such thoughts.

"A week later I will teach you everything I know about runes and arrays personally, I'm sure your mother is just like me and she can't wait to teach you everything she knows about blacksmithing."

"Let's go back father, please don't tell mom about this, let alone Yao."

For the next 2 years Vlad spent his days farming, learning runes and arrays from his father, and blacksmithing from his mother. He was finally able to learn the rune that allowed his father to enslave a Huang Feng, the rune is called "subdue souls".

This rune was capable of enslaving the soul of a God. Something that was considered impossible in the divine world, when the kingdom of God is reached, the soul undergoes a complete transformation and becomes inviolable.

His cultivation rose to the third rank of the Heavenly Realm. It is worth saying that Vlad did not use any special resources to increase his cultivation, he wants to form a solid foundation, all of his cultivation is due to meditation and the natural absorption of spiritual energy through the transformation disk. He also spent almost all his time learning about his parents' heritage.

When he took a break from all his activities he spent time with Yao and Zara.

There was an occasion when he tried to go out with both of them, but it all ended in a strong argument between the women.

When Vlad went out with his girlfriends, they traveled and ate various delicacies in different cities. They also visited some forbidden areas under the supervision of elders.

The Agora divine world is divided into 4 giant continents and hundreds of small continents, the continent where Vlad lives is the Taranaki Continent, this continent was very hot, there were about 100,000 huge volcanoes. So it was a paradise for the fire gods of the Rurik Clan.

Taranaki was in control of his family, publicly.

In the shadows Marek is the master of this whole divine world.

The relationship between Vlad and Feng Yao had progressed quite a bit, but they still hadn't reached the final base, they usually touched and rubbed their bodies. Their relationship was about to take the last step.

In Zara's case, she did not want to lose her virginity before officially getting married. Although they had already had oral sex and once they were about to do it through the back door.

The problem was that they couldn't get married yet since Feng Yao had to get married first.

Marek's Palace, inside the meeting room, father and son were talking.

"Son, when do you plan to wake up your physique?" Mark asked.

"Soon father, the problem is that Yao is stuck to me all the time, lately I haven't had much space to see sister Zara, but I think our relationship will progress to the next level soon, I'll ask her next time we meet "Vlad replied.

"Vlad, do you really love her?"

"Yes father, my feelings for her are true."

"Little brat, look at you, you grow so fast hahaha" Marek suddenly turned serious and said: "son I know you need a lot of Yin Qi to nourish your physique, but, never trick a woman into sleeping with her, you should always be honest with her. them, if you just want to enjoy their company without having a relationship, you must clarify from the beginning. You should not force a woman to reject you. Don't abuse a woman unless she conspires against you first. If she tries to kill you or rob you, have no mercy."

"I know, you don't have to worry father."

"Well, she trusted you. Son next week I want you to accompany me to a place.

"Out of the divine world?"

"It's closer than you think, within our clan, I want us to go to the underground part of this palace. There's something I want to show you."

Vlad smiled and said "why not today?"

Marek looked at his son meaningfully and replied, "Your girl is on her way, I'm sure she'll take you for a ride."

Almost immediately the door rang, it was Zara, "Vlad, can we go to Golden Fire City? I want to buy something."

"Father, see you later."

After Vlad left, Marek spoke, "Follow them and take good care of them."

A voice echoed in the meeting room, "yes master".


Outside Marek's palace.

Vlad took out the flying treasure from him, a red and black colored flying ship. Carved with the figure of 5-clawed dragons on the sides, "let's go Zara, hehe".

They got on the ship and programmed the destination, then entered one of the rooms inside the ship. Vlad sat on the bed. Immediately, Zara jumped on his lap and began to kiss him frantically.

All the doubts that Zara had regarding their relationship were buried in the past. Vlad showed that he really loved her and that he was not playing with her.

The rumors of the other goddesses bothered her.

Some said that she took advantage of her master status to seduce Marek's son. Others accused her of a divine fortune hunter. Others said that she was too old and should not raise a small child.

Every time her 'friends' made fun of her.

She replied: "And what if I seduced him? It's my ability!", although deep down, coping with this situation was difficult for Zara.

In a short time, Zara realized that all those comments were loaded with envy. And she started to ignore them.

As their tongues fought a savage battle, Vlad placed his hands on Zara's shapely ass and began to knead it.

"Annh…" Zara's lips parted and she let out a seductive moan.

"Weren't we supposed to go shopping? Why are you so passionate? Vlad put one of his hands under Zara's dress, moved her panties to the side and gently rubbed her soaked little cave, then slipped one of his fingers inside her, not going too deep, stimulating her pussy lips, while his thumb played with her clit.

Although they had moments of intense passion before, Vlad felt that this time was different. Zara was really horny.

"Ahnn, ahnn, stop bothering me, it's all your fault" She took off her dress and underwear so that he could touch her more easily, then she helped Vlad to take off his clothes. When Zara saw Vlad naked, she swallowed. His huge evil thing was fully erect, she calculated his rod was over 9 inches. Although she had already seen him naked many times, she was always impressed when she saw that monster.

'It's so big and thick. Will that thing enter me?' Zara thought.

"Vlad, I still can't lose my virginity, but we can do other things" The beautiful goddess took out a transparent vial. Inside it, you could see a transparent viscous fluid.

He looked at her confused, "What is that?"

"I bought it at a dual cultivation store, it's for you to slide your cock into my other hole gently," Zara said with a flushed face. While looking down, she was too embarrassed to look directly at Vlad.

Not even she herself knew where she got the courage to say those words...

Vlad was surprised at first, but then he nodded and smiled. "come here".

The young man carried Zara like a princess and made her lie face down on the bed. He immediately brought his face close to her mistress's ass and plunged his tongue into the little pink hole. As he attacked Zara's back door moved his hands under her body and pinched her nipples..

"Ahn…ahnn, ahnn…Vlad…yes…wait, why are you so good?" Zara asked with what little lucidity she had left.

[Vlad Rurik]

[Age: 18 years]

[Height: 185cm]

[Cultivation: Heavenly Realm, 3rd rank]

[Fiancees: Feng Yao, Zara Rurik]

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