
lust to gain the ideal

tayyiba_shoaib · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Ungratefulness, inferiority or complex??

In every class there is most often one hardly two girls who surpass all others. Unfortunately every second girl wants to attain that limelight ,most of the people are not satisfied with their lots. But every upcoming has a outcome not anyone who seems to be in limelight is happy deep inside.

Same was the case with thirteen years old Kylie who was much younger then most of her classmates but not in the limelight which was her long urging wish . Average appearance , poor grades and with no speciality she was totally ignored and a no-one in every one's life. Even most of her classmates doesn't knew her.

Kylie's family was also not so much well off . They hardly used to provide their children bread and butter. She had two sisters and one brother .In total they were four siblings. Her family was also the most poor in their whole social circle. They actually belonged to upper middle class the class which neither lowest nor highest.

Her life was just like a defected slowly moving train with 60/ chances not to reach a destination.

One moment passing by the slums she would be full with a sense of gratitude that she has facilities which some people are not blessed with. The other moment in school or family gatherings she would envy everyone band would be full of anger and desperation to get rid of it. But this envious nature and desperation was so much flaming that it every time killed the sense of gratitude. She was actually not aware of the fact that she is better than many many people but worse then only few. Sometimes in the search of more we lost the less but the best .

Kylie's life of always been left in the corner completely changes when a transfer student Kim enters the school with a bang 💯 in every aspect grades or looks, sports or debate, rich or strong connections.

At one glance she knew he was the one she had been longing for. But with her current image her desperation to be noticed by Kim was increasing like adding petrol to 🔥.