
lust to gain the ideal

tayyiba_shoaib · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Few minutes of Fame

Kim was obviously not only theman of Kylie's dream but of almost every single girl at high school. Every girl was after him . Kylie spent day and night planning how to gain recognition in front of her ideal. The first and lost thought in her thoughts was to transcend every girl of her class by her looks.

Not everything that seemed easy was easy . she had to loose weight , learn to put on no makeup makeup look, learn etiquettes and to be sensitive.She immediately started to work on herself and slowly and steadily. She even started to get a few recognition by other classmates which was more than enough for her motivation to be consistent.

She indeed sacrificed alot e.g junk food which was her only stress reliever was totally eliminated. Minimum use of TV and phone to keep her eyes fresh . Saving pocket money in addition doing part time jobs for a bigger investment on her looks . rigorous training and development out of her limits.

During it she completely ignored her grades which became worst. Her parent's little expectations from her vanished to such an extent that they became hopeless of her and even stopped to invest their time to council her thoughts. She was determined more than anything even leaving her family behind. Was it even worth a little???

she was on the verge of her goal when she noticed Kim' s preference of intelligence over beauty. For a few moments she was in state of darkness. It seemed her all efforts of about one and a half year was all futile needless.

Worst fact was that from behind an average student she was now one of the worst in terms of grades.

Will she start from the edge again to gain Kim's attention.On which she once completely lost her investment of time, money , family etc.