
Lust System: Monster girl Harem

Rated +18 Ethan (unlike many unlucky protagonists) was doing pretty well, he had just graduated from high school, he isn't a straight A student but he isn't so bad either. He was very popular in his high school days, with short black curly hair, average height and build, and a face any girl would die for, Ethan navigated through high school like a breeze. But before he could leave for college he was diagnosed with a strange illness and was told he had only six months to live. The news was devastating to Ethan but it was true, four months had gone in the blink of an eye and Ethan had only two left, he started trying things he hadn't done before. After getting a recommendation from a friend he bought a virtual reality game called Harem Online. Before he could play the game it glitched and was isekaied into a fantasy world where magic and women reigned supreme. Follow Ethan on his adventure as he navigates through a world dominated by women with his lust system. The early chapters might be a little clumsy but it gets really good, oh and lots of lemon, I mean like a lot of lemons. Additional Tags: Adventure - Action - R18 - Isekai - System - Harem - Weak to Strong - Handsome ML - Beautiful FLs - Smut - Elves - Vampires - Demons - Monster Girls. 2 chapter/day 100 power stones for 1 bonus chapter. 1 Magic castle for 5 bonus chapters. Check out my other work Lust System: Sword Genius in Women's World

Crimson_Blue · Fantasy
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216 Chs

Chapter 27 Fun in the Milk Shop

(Exactly, so first let's visit...hold up...look at that sign)

'What sign, ohh there... it says milk shop, what's a milk shop?'


'Wait, you mean they sell breast milk here?'

(Yes, where else does milk come from, go in I'm sure they'll be happy to have you, and you would probably get fed in exchange for you know)

'A milk shop...let's check it out, I'm really curious, is it like a restaurant or what, or do they just sell milk?' Ethan mumbled under his breath as he walked towards the shop.

Ethan pushed the wooden door open and walked inside the shop, he looked around the shop and it looked just like a tea shop, wooden tables and chairs were arranged around the shop and it was decorated with flowers.

'It looks just like a coffee shop in my world, oh there's someone behind the counter' 

Ethan looked behind the counter and he could see a head behind the counter, it seemed the girl behind was searching for something and didn't notice him.

(I think she's one of the cowgirls, you can see her horns)

"Hello," Ethan spoke as he approached the counter and the girl quickly turned around and stood up.

"Woah..." Ethan muttered as she stood up, the girl in front of him was beautiful with blue hair and pink eyes, she wore a tight-fitting top that displayed all cleavage and loose skirt.

But that wasn't the features that caught his eyes as both of his eyes were glued to her chest, even though she was petite her boobs were so huge that Ethan could get his eyes off it till she spoke.

"H-Hello there," she greeted him.

"Welcome to my milk shop. I'm Clara. How can I help you today? "She smiled warmly at Ethan, trying to control her racing heart, this was her first time seeing a human male in a while.

Ethan cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure after being momentarily captivated by what was in front of him.

"Oh Hello, Clara. I'm Ethan. I've never been to a milk shop before. What exactly do you offer here?" Ethan asked.

"Well, Ethan, this is a place where we serve a variety of milk-based beverages and snacks. We specialize in milk from our own cowgirls...wait did you say you've never been to a milk shop before?" The girl asked surprised.

"Yes, this is my first time" Ethan answered.

(Dude just cut to the chase, you don't have money to buy anything and if you don't bang this chick, I'm going to hate you for the rest of my life)

Ethan was distracted by what Hal was saying when a notification popped up.


Quest triggered

[Quest: Milk the shop owner to orgasm]

[Reward: New Fire spell]

[Penalty: -10 to a random stat]

(A new quest, and the reward is a new spell, this would save us points to buy another spell)

'How do you milk a cowgirl, do you just knead her breast and they start producing milk?'

(Cowgirls produce milk when they are sexually excited or aroused, so the best solution is to *cough* fuck her brains out while milking her)

"Since this is your first time, we usually have plenty of things of things, but today is a really bad day, and we only have the normal milk or chocolate milk, which do you prefer?" She asked.

"Today is a bad day?" Ethan asked.

"Oh, the milker didn't come in today, I don't know what's wrong and we don't preserve milk since most of our customers like it fresh, or if you have time, would you like to milk one of my girls, just one, I'll pay you for your time" Clara spoke.

'Please accept, please accept, please accept, I have a ton of delivering to do, please accept' Clara mumbled under her breath.

"Well I just happen to have time today, but I'd like to choose who I get to milk," Ethan said with a smirk.

"That's not a problem, the girls are inside their room, should I call them here or do you want..."

"There's no need," Ethan said cutting her off, "The girl I want is right here"

"Here, but none of my girls are..." Clara stopped as she realized what it meant, her heart beating rapidly as Ethan slowly walked towards her.

'Oh... he's coming towards me, why is it so hot in here, I need to tell him, I can't...I can't produce milk'

"Uhmm...I need to..." Clara's voice trailed off as her words were abruptly silenced by the sensation of Ethan's lips pressed against hers.

Clara's lips were soft and warm and Ethan couldn't help but want more, she quickly responded by placing her hands around Ethan's neck kissing him passionately, even more than him.

Ethan broke the kiss and Clara opened her eyes breathing heavily, she was licking her lips and she already felt a damn spot in her underwear.

"I need to tell you, I can't...hnng..." Clara moaned softly as Ethan's hands touched her breasts and their lips joined again.