
Lust And Wizardry

Fate makes a seventh-year student at Hogwarts, the most powerful wizard in the world. Now instead of abandoning his final year, he returns to Hogwarts, determined to use his newfound powers to gain influence and live a hedonistic life. However, His power's dark influence begins to take hold, revealing its true nature as a conduit for an ancient malevolent force. As he navigates the school year, he is torn between his ambition and the threat of losing himself to darkness. Adrian Lanceworth, a libertine but talented and enigmatic student at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, receives an unexpected letter that changes his life forever. Due to a mysterious clause in his late father's will, Adrian is transferred to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his final year. With trepidation and curiosity, he returns to London, the city his family abruptly fled shortly after his birth. As Adrian navigates the ancient halls of Hogwarts, he is drawn into a web of secrets that challenge everything he thought he knew about his family and his past. The legacy of the Lanceworths is shrouded in mystery, and Adrian soon discovers that his father's death may not have been as natural as it seemed. Through cryptic clues and hidden messages, he uncovers a dark conspiracy involving powerful forces within the wizarding world. But a teenager can't overcome one this that is Lust. follow as he explores new boundaries with various intriguing characters However, danger lurks in the shadows. The wizarding world is on the brink of upheaval, with dark forces threatening to disrupt the fragile peace.

Playwright · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Nightshade Weed

I woke up to the dim light filtering through the small attic window, a slight draft chilling my skin. Naked on a dusty, creaky sofa, I glanced around and saw Selena lying beside me, her dark hair splayed out like a halo. The remnants of our reckless night were scattered around us—empty bottles, discarded clothes, and the lingering scent of sweat and magic.

Selena stirred, her eyes fluttering open to meet mine. She smirked, the memory of our wild escapade clear in her gaze. "Morning, Adrian," she murmured, her voice husky.

I sat up, running a hand through my disheveled hair. "Morning," I replied, my tone flat. There was no room for sentimentality, not in this fucked-up world.

I found my clothes in the mess, pulling them on with a practiced efficiency. The attic in the Slytherin dorm was our little secret, a hideaway for moments like these—moments when the weight of Highwill's plans and the dark power I wielded needed an outlet.

Selena watched me dress, her expression a mix of amusement and curiosity. "You're always so damn serious, Adrian."

I shrugged, buttoning my shirt. "Someone has to be."

Once dressed, I glanced at her one last time. "You should get going. We both have things to do."

She nodded, stretching languidly before reaching for her own clothes. "Right. See you around."

Without another word, I climbed down the rickety ladder from the attic, the familiar surroundings of the Slytherin dormitory coming into view. Students were bustling about, oblivious to the shadows lurking in their midst.

I made my way through the common room, the weight of the wand hidden beneath my robes a constant reminder of my purpose. The chaos of that long in the past night was behind me, but the path ahead was steeped in darkness and ambition.

As I exited the dormitory, my mind was already calculating the next steps, the next moves in the grand game Highwill and I were playing. There was no time for hesitation, no room for doubt. The future was mine to shape.

For Highwill. For the cause. For the power that now coursed through my veins. And I would let nothing stand in my way.

As I strode through the Slytherin common room, thoughts already swirling about my next move, Chris intercepted me. His usual cocky grin was plastered on his face, but there was a glint of urgency in his eyes.

"Adrian, we've got work tonight," he said, falling into step beside me.

I raised an eyebrow, not breaking stride. "What's the deal?"

"Carl Buck is organizing a rave party," Chris said, his voice low but brimming with excitement. "He needs a shitload of weed. Way more than we can nick from the Herbology room."

I paused, turning to face him fully. "So, what's the plan?"

Chris glanced around, making sure no one was within earshot. "There's a potion manufacturing plant near the old Malfoy estate. Should have plenty of the stuff. We sneak in, grab what we need, and get out before anyone's the wiser."

I considered it, my mind already calculating the risks and rewards. "And you're sure they've got enough to supply Buck's party?"

"Positive," Chris said, his grin widening. "We're golden if we pull this off."

I nodded, a slow smile spreading across my lips. "Alright. We'll meet up after dinner. Be ready."

Chris slapped me on the back, excitement practically radiating off him. "You're the man, Adrian. See you tonight."

As he walked away, I felt the familiar rush of anticipation. The mission was simple enough, but the stakes were high. A successful heist would solidify our position in the underground network and ensure our influence spread even further.


The night air was crisp as Cindy, Chris, and I gathered near the old Malfoy estate. The crumbling manor loomed in the distance, shrouded in shadows and the remnants of its dark history. We stood in a secluded spot, the faint rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl our only company.

Chris stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Alright, here's the plan. We sneak in through the back, where the wards are weakest. There's a small window we can jimmy open, leads right into the storage room. We grab what we need and bolt. Easy peasy."

I folded my arms, skepticism written all over my face. "Chris, that's a bloody suicide mission. You're missing the big picture. Security's tighter than a Gringotts vault, and you think a small window is our golden ticket?"

Chris's grin faltered, and he shot me a challenging look. "Got a better idea, genius?"

"Yeah," I said, stepping closer and lowering my voice. "Listen up. Here's how we do it. First, Cindy creates a diversion at the front gate. Nothing too flashy, just enough to draw the guards' attention. While they're busy with her, we approach from the east side, where the old servant's entrance is. It's forgotten, overgrown, but the wards are weaker there."

Chris frowned but stayed quiet, listening intently.

"Once we're through," I continued, "we head to the second floor. There's a hidden passage behind the tapestry of Salazar Slytherin. Leads directly to the old potion lab. It's a bit of a maze, but I've memorized the layout. I've done my homework. We get in, grab the weed, and get out the same way. If Cindy times her distraction right, we'll be in and out before anyone's the wiser."

Cindy nodded, a smirk playing on her lips. "Adrian's right, Chris. His plan's got a better shot of us not ending up in Azkaban. I can handle the distraction easily."

Chris glanced between us, clearly annoyed but unable to refute the logic. "Alright, fine. We'll do it your way. But if this goes tits up, it's on you, Adrian."

"Relax," I said, a cold smile creeping onto my face. "It won't."

We moved with purpose, each step calculated. Cindy slipped off to her position, and Chris and I made our way to the east side of the estate. The overgrown vegetation provided cover, but I kept my wand at the ready, every sense heightened.

Cindy's diversion worked like a charm. The guards at the front gate were immediately drawn to the commotion—a harmless, but convincing, spellwork display. With the guards distracted, we approached the servant's entrance.

"Ready?" I whispered to Chris.

He nodded, and I muttered a quiet spell to disable the remaining wards. The entrance creaked open, and we slipped inside. The factory was silent, the air thick with the scent of dust and decay.

We navigated through the darkened corridors, avoiding the areas I knew would be patrolled. Finally, we reached the tapestry of Salazar Slytherin. I pushed it aside, revealing the hidden passage.

"Let's go," I said, leading the way.

The passage was narrow and winding, but we emerged into the old potion lab without incident. Shelves lined with jars of ingredients and various magical paraphernalia greeted us.

"There," I said, pointing to a shelf stocked with what we needed. "Grab as much as you can carry."

Chris, the careless git, knocked over a bloody cauldron. The clatter echoed through the corridors like a death knell. 

"Fuck," Chris hissed, his eyes wide with panic.

"Move!" I snarled, shoving him forward as we darted down the darkened hallway. The sound of hurried footsteps and shouts grew louder behind us.

We ducked into a storage room, the door creaking shut just as the guards rounded the corner. My heart pounded, but I kept my breathing steady. Chris, on the other hand, was practically hyperventilating.

"Shut the fuck up," I whispered harshly, my eyes boring into his. "They'll hear you."

Chris nodded, swallowing hard. We could hear the guards outside, their voices muffled but tense.

"Search every room!" one of them barked. "They can't have gone far."

I glanced around the storage room, noting the crates and shelves filled with old potion ingredients. "We need a distraction," I muttered, my mind racing. "Something to lead them away from here."

Chris looked at me, his face pale. "What do you have in mind?"

I smirked, reaching into my bag and pulling out a small vial of Exploding Fluid. "This should do the trick."

Chris's eyes widened. "You're gonna blow the place up?"

"Not the whole place," I said, rolling my eyes. "Just enough to make them think we've bolted."

I carefully poured the fluid onto a rag and placed it near the door. With a flick of my wand, I set a delayed ignition charm. "We've got about thirty seconds. When it goes off, we run like hell."

We crouched behind a stack of crates, waiting. The seconds ticked by, feeling like an eternity. Then, with a deafening bang, the rag exploded, sending a shockwave through the corridor.

"Now!" I barked, grabbing Chris by the arm and hauling him to his feet. We bolted out of the storage room, the guards' shouts of alarm filling the air. The explosion had created a thick cloud of smoke, obscuring our escape route.

Meanwhile, Cindy slipped into the factory like a ghost, her movements swift and silent. She regrouped with Chris and me, her eyes darting around the dimly lit room.

I surveyed our surroundings, the weight of our predicament settling heavy in my chest. Guards patrolled the perimeter, their footsteps echoing ominously against the concrete floor.

"There's no way out," I muttered, my mind racing for a solution. "We're trapped."

Chris's eyes widened in panic, but Cindy remained calm, her gaze steady. "We need a distraction," she said, her voice low but determined.

I nodded, the gears in my mind turning. I could not think of a solution that didn't involve the use of my power. I knew with a flick of my wand, I could render these guards unconscious, clearing our path to freedom. There was no other way. Therefore, I raised my wand, my movements precise and deliberate. With a whispered incantation, I unleashed a wave of dark energy, knocking all the guards out cold.

The room fell silent, save for the sound of their bodies hitting the ground. Chris and Cindy stared at me in awe, but I brushed off their admiration. "How the fuck did you do that?" they both said in perfect sync.

I looked at them for a moment, "We need to move," I said, my voice cutting through the silence. "Grab the weed and let's get the hell out of here."


The next day in Herbology class, the greenhouse was humid, the air thick with the scent of earth and blooming flowers. Professor Victoria Bliss was at the front of the class, gesturing animatedly to a cluster of plants.

"Today, we'll be studying the properties of Nightshade Weed," she announced, her voice cutting through the murmurs of the students. "A highly potent herb, used in various potions and, under the wrong hands, a powerful narcotic."

I leaned back in my seat, my mind still buzzing from the events of the previous night. Chris and Cindy sat beside me, trying to appear nonchalant, but I could see the tension in their eyes.

Bliss continued, her eyes scanning the room. "Nightshade Weed requires a delicate touch, an understanding of its volatile nature." She paused, her gaze landing squarely on me. "And, of course, a certain... finesse, to ensure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands."

Her words hung in the air, charged with unspoken accusation. I met her stare, unblinking, a smirk playing at the corners of my mouth. She knew. Or at least she suspected.

"Mr. Lanceworth," she said, her tone dripping with false sweetness, "I trust you understand the importance of handling such a delicate herb with care?"

I tilted my head slightly, my smile growing. "Of course, Professor. Wouldn't want to make any... mistakes."

The class tittered nervously, but I didn't break eye contact. Bliss's eyes narrowed, but she didn't push further. Instead, she turned back to the rest of the class, continuing her lecture.

As she droned on about the proper techniques for harvesting Nightshade Weed, I couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. She might suspect, but she had no proof. And as long as I played my cards right, she'd never get any.

Chris leaned over, whispering under his breath. "You think she knows?"

I shrugged, keeping my voice low. "Doesn't matter. We did the job, got what we needed. She can't touch us."

Cindy glanced between us, her expression unreadable. "Just keep your heads down. We can't afford any more slip-ups."

I nodded, my mind already shifting to the next move, the next challenge. Bliss might think she could intimidate me, but she was wrong. I was playing a different game, one she couldn't even begin to understand.

And I intended to win. No matter the cost.

Class ended, and the students filed out of the greenhouse, their chatter filling the air. I took my time gathering my things, feeling the weight of Victoria Bliss's gaze on my back. When the last student had left, she closed the door with a sharp click, the sound echoing ominously in the now-empty space.

"Mr. Lanceworth," she began, her voice cold and precise, "a word."

I turned to face her, slipping my bag over my shoulder. "Of course, Professor," I said, my tone dripping with faux innocence. "What can I do for you?"

She crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. "Drop the act, Adrian. We both know what you've been up to."

I raised an eyebrow, feigning confusion. "I'm not sure what you're implying, Professor."

Her jaw tightened, and she took a step closer, her voice lowering to a dangerous whisper. "Don't play dumb with me. The theft at the herbology storage, the sudden influx of Nightshade Weed among the students... it's not hard to connect the dots."

I smiled, leaning against the desk. "That's quite the accusation. Got any proof to back it up?"

Bliss's eyes flashed with anger. "I don't need proof to know when a student is up to no good. You've been walking a fine line, Adrian. One slip, and I'll have you expelled faster than you can say 'Expelliarmus'."

I shrugged, unfazed. "But until then, you've got nothing. Just suspicions and hunches. And we both know that's not enough."

She glared at me, her knuckles white as she gripped the edge of the desk. "You're playing a dangerous game, Lanceworth. Sooner or later, it's going to catch up with you."

I pushed off the desk, standing to my full height, my eyes locked onto hers. "I appreciate your concern, Professor. But if you want to take me down, you'll need more than just empty threats."

For a moment, we stood there, locked in a silent battle of wills. Then, with a frustrated huff, she stepped back, breaking the tension.

"Get out of my sight," she spat, her voice trembling with barely contained rage. "And watch your back, Adrian. This isn't over."

I smirked, giving her a mock bow. "As you wish, Professor."

Turning on my heel, I walked out of the greenhouse, the adrenaline still pumping through my veins. Bliss might think she had me cornered, but she had no idea who she was dealing with.