
Lurker at the threshold, Marvel.

Dissolutness, Abhorrent, Amoral, Evil, Obscene, Outrageous, Unethical, Unprincipled, Unconscionable, Turpitude, Depravity.

SnowofBlood · Movies
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6 Chs

Free will is a lie.

<p>~ Plaza Hotel, New York ~<br/>- August 6, 1968, 3h33 -<br/>Waking up out of breath and sweating as if he ran a marathon, Howard's eyes wander to the sleeping face of his beautiful wife Maria, he sits up and gets up from the bed. <br/>Closing the door of the bedroom behind him, he clap his hands one time and the hotel suite lights up in response. It didn't have this technological addiction but after he brought the hotel he made small arrangements to update it to his liking. <br/>Ignoring the magnificent view offered by the large glass windows, he enter the kitchen and serve himself a glass of water. While bringing it to his mouth, he can't help but thought back on his nightmare. <br/>A shivers run down his spine, he quickly drink the water and put it back in the sink. But as he turn back to walk back to his room, he freeze and stay still, paralyzes with fear his heartbeat raises so high he feel it'll jump out of his ribcage if it increases any more, luckily, when the lights abruptly goes out it don't happen. <br/>Seating on his 21 000 $ couch, the object of his nightmare is simply staring at him in the darkness of the penthouse, its eyes glowing in an eerie purple. <br/>Howard lived in times of war, even if he wasn't on the frontlines he was still involved with the armies and he saw his shares of horrifying sight. But nothing is as scary as what he is seeing and feeling right now, in front of whatever is looking at him with a piercing gaze that seem to make the primal part of his brain scream and shout at him to run as far as he can. <br/>" Howard do not be afraid, it's impolite and aren't you a scientist at your core ? Shouldn't you be excited and fascinated as you gaze upon my essence ? I find your scared reaction insulting but you're a pathetic human so it was a predictable outcome. " the thing speak, it's voice sounding surprisingly alluring and magnetic for Howard ears. Unfortunately he is too disturbed and in shock to give an answer to the thing seating on his couch, the more he look into these purple eyes the more he feel himself falling, drowning in a dark and cold abyss eager to swallow him all. <br/>It start as whispers. <br/>Everything around him seem to disappear and be replaced by purple, a deep and burning purple. His limbs refuse to obey him, and his eyes keep gazing into the ancient pool of knowledge and experiences contained in one color, purple. <br/>The whispers grow into loud voices, they reveal secrets of the universe and dark truths directly into Howard mind. <br/>Mathematical equations, law of physics, he lost himself in these purple eyes that hold untold amount of forbidden knowledge. <br/>The loud voice become shouts that make his head hurt, his eyes, ears and nose start to leak blood and finally he hear it, the song in the background covering the voices enticing him with his deepest desire. <br/>Thousands souls screaming in pain and agony, the slow and eternal tortures they experienced begin to pass through him and make him feel their suffering. <br/>Under these traumatic feelings, Howard finally regain control of his legs, using them as soon as he feel them back responding to him he start to run desperately toward what he perceives as his freedom. In the iris of his eyes, there is small purple dots tainting the original colors of his eyes, in a moment of madness, he rush through the glass windows, putting all his strength, his body break them and he find himself falling. <br/>" Ahh !! " Looking frantically around him, Howard is laying on the kind size bed, an incredulous expression on his face. Touching the satin sheets with his hands to make sure its real, he stands up to a seated position. <br/>' I should be dead ! I fall from a 17 floors building on the hard concrete floor. ' he think while breathing heavily because of the panic. Sparing a glance to Maria, he stand up and close the door of the bedroom behind him. <br/>Clapping his hand, the luxurious penthouse lights up, walking slowly in the small hallway, he slow down and look at his watch, he read 3h33. <br/>He stay hidden behind the wall for a minute, overcoming his fear he enter the living room and his eyes sweep across the whole room before they land on the empty black leather couch. <br/>He let out out a sigh of relief and walk behind the bar that separate the kitchen from the living room. <br/>" It was just a nightmare. A figment of my imagination. " He says to himself out loud while taking a glass out of the kitchen cupboard. <br/>" Really Howard ? Jumping through the window, that was your best idea ? I hope it was cathartic if not painful. " the deep suave voice he hoped wasn't real come back to haunt him once again, mechanically turning around he look at it because of the inherent curiosity of humans. Despite his basics instinct telling him to cover and submit or flee away without looking back he dare to look at these unnatural purple orbs. <br/>It look deceptively human, but there is odd details that betray its imposture. It's skin seem to squirm, it wiggle as if a monstrosity was contained in a ballon of flesh, bone and blood that is too small, there is also the fact it wore no clothes and it show a lack of genital organ and navel. <br/>The unsettling sight confort Howard in his idea that he is either still asleep or drugged or even worse he died and he's in hell. <br/>" What are you ? The devil, am I in hell ? " he asks the entity in front of him in a shaky voice, the pragmatic part of him that now have a little bit more control over his decision push him to eliminate the possibilities concerning his situation. <br/>" In hell ? No you're not, why would you think that ? You're in heaven of course ! " the entity answer sarcastically it's blank face twisting in a smile that increases its disturbing appearance. <br/>" To be honest with you Howie, I had a perfectly crafted plan to slowly erode your will with manipulation and mind control. But I think I have a better idea, a straightforward approach would be much more amusing. What do you think ? " the malveillant entity asks rhetorically, it's voice an impressive imation of a mocking tone. <br/>" Do you have any idea of who I am ! You think you can.. " the brave and threatening shout of Howard is interrupt before he can finish by the sound of the entity snapping its fingers. A strange sensation of displacement invade him and in the time he take him to blink he find himself in his bedroom, his wife Maria still sleeping on the bed. <br/>" Wait ! Please don't do anything to her ! I'm begging you. " Howard start to plead and move toward the entity but with a wave of the hand he is projected against the wall and stuck against it by an oppressive force. <br/>" If you do something to her, I swear on everythings I have that I will destroy you ! I will burn everything you ever cared about and every person you ever interacted with ! No one will sa.. " A twirl of a finger snap him his mouth shut and no matter how much he tries Howard can't open it. <br/>" I have to confess something Howie. You remember earlier when you asked me if you were in hell and I told you that you were in heaven. I apologize Howard, but I lied, I think you're in your own personal hell. " the entity says with an almost gentle smile and kind voice, it's hand reach her cheek and lay a sweet caress on it. Despite the tragical events happening in her room, the beautiful blond haired Maria stay deeply asleep. <br/>Stuck on the wall, the powerless Howard have tears streaming down his face and an expression of horrors. Straining his muscle he try to rush toward his beloved to save her but it have no effect, he is still pressed against the wall by the entity powers. <br/>" She look delicious Howie, do you think she could please a superior entity such as myself ? She could have the rare chance to worship a god capable of offering her sinful pleasure. " the impostor wearing a human construct taunt the poor man, a sadistic grin on his bland face reveal its evil intentions. <br/>It make a twisting motion with his hand and before her husband eyes, Maria's neck start to turn on itself, the cracks coming from her broken bones and the blood seeping from her tears up skin on the white satin sheets paint an image that burns itself in Howard excellent memory. <br/>" It was fun Howard, a true bonding moment between us. So we do it again ? " it asks with a devious smile on its face before snapping its fingers. <br/>Opening his cold and glassy eyes Howard look at the ceiling, putting his feet on the floor, he stand up and walk out of the chamber without sparing a glance to Maria. <br/>Stopping in the bathroom as he started to do at the 156 iteration of the loop, he observe his reflection in the mirror, more particularly his eyes. <br/>They've been tainted by the disgusting purple color of the entity. At first it was a small dot, but each time he abandoned all hope it grew until it covers almost entirely Howard's iris. <br/>Leaving the bathroom, he goes toward the living room where it all begun. <br/>His mouvement have long since lost their hesitation and fear of what he'll find in his living room. Now, there is only despair and tiredness, he feel exhausted and at the end of the rope. <br/>He clap his hand and advance toward the kitchen, the paintings hanging on the walls gave him no pleasure anymore, he only see in them worthless assembly of colors. <br/>Repeating automatically the same actions he's done hundreds of times, he serve himself a glass of water and he seat in the armchair positioned in front of the couch.<br/>Looking at his watch while he wait for the inevitable entry of the demonic entity, he notice that as always its 3h33.<br/>" Howie, I good is it to see you on this wonderful day ! Should we celebrate, share drinks and stories of the past ? " it appear on the couch from nowhere and says in a friendly tone to Howard.<br/>" I... I give up, so please stop I'll do whatever you want and I'll give you anything you want but please make it stop.. I don't want to live in this eternal nightmare any more." Howard start to says but the each passing second his voice breaks a little more until it end in a trembling, pleading cry.<br/>" I want everything that make you up. Your mind, your heart, your soul and your body. Submit all that you are to me. You just have to say yes and it will all end, your suffering, your pain, everything will vanishes to leave only the bliss of freedom. " the entity propose a way out to Howard, one that he knows in the deepest part of his being is a trap, a mirage. An entity that forced him to witness hundreds times the death of his wife and other horrible acts committed on her would never offer a genuine good offer. <br/>But after all these vicious years of torture, the answer easily escape his mouth. <br/>" Yes." Howard just says one word, but it is charge with emotions. His tone express joy and relief beyond words, like if he finally obtained the most precious object of his desire or the sweet release from an infernal life. <br/>The illusionnary world around them is suddenly bath in a bright color. The sky turn purple and the penthouse lights turn a similar color. <br/>However the most blinding source of light come from the entity, the humanoid shell it used evaporate and let its place to a massive ball of purple energy that seem to grow indefinitely until it engulf the whole surrounding leaving only Howard intact. <br/>Kneeling on the ground, Howard mouth opened wide and the gaseous mass of purple energy rush into it until it completely enter his body.<br/>Waking up once again in his bed Howard slowly open his eyes but it's apparent that something is different. Two purple glowing eyes indicate that this is not exactly Howard who woke up.<br/>" Honey ? Everything alright ? " Maria asks with a half-awake voice. Howard's eyes cease to glow and regain their original brown color. Looking at her barely covered form with desire, Howard put his hand on her waist and bring her closer against him, a satisfied and devious smile on his handsome face.<br/>" Yes everything is perfect my sweet Maria, go back to sleep. " he whisper in her ear and lay a kiss on her tender neck.</p>