
Chapter 8 It's your job

This guy got no shame. A while ago, he was not interested in his fiancee and now he was wondering if he was interested in me or not.

"I am here for the job." I remained patient and said quietly before jerking my hand away from his grip. If I was being my real self he would have been beaten up already.

His jaw clenched as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I thought you are here for Jacob."

Shit, I was messing everything up. I hesitated. "Let's say I am here for both." Bravo, Cathy! You are so smart.

He shook his head. "You are here for neither job nor Jacob." He asserted. I wondered what type of vision he had to discern it so fast.

"What do you mean?" I pretended not to get affected. He was smart, so I should be acting smarter. There shouldn't be any chance to get caught.

He shrugged. "I don't know. Something is interesting about you."

Everything would be interesting about me if he discovered more. But shame, the game I was leading won't be ending before I found the answers to my questions. All these years, I was living in the darkness. I was tortured by fate. I was tortured by the world. The sun rose when I learned about my mother. I thought I would be living under her shadow.

Fate deceived me once again. And if it was him who helped, I won't be going too easy. Because of him, I couldn't meet my mother. I couldn't even see her after all these years.

As my eyes welled up with a warm pool of tears, I averted my gaze. "Can I leave now?" He was so annoying and distracting.

"You can't leave. It's your job to stay around me." said Lee.

I blinked the tears away and let out a soft sigh. "I need to take the tray to the kitchen."

He didn't agree. "You don't. There are cleaners, a butler, and other servants for that."

I could see that he had so many of them. Each person was assigned to each separate work. But the place itself was a workload, and that was why they all were always in the hustle. "They already have so many works." I argued, feeling pity for them.

"You too have so many works." He had a grin playing across his lips.

"What are they?" I asked curiously.

He walked away towards the large reading bookshelf and ran his fingers over the books in the third row. "Following me, watching me, talking to me, and being close to me." He said whilst grabbing a book and opening it in his hand.

"You are weird." My lips parted. A king would need no one. Why did this guy want me to get stuck around him? Was he flirting? Was he trying to get something from me?

He chuckled, eyes focused on the pages. "You are even more."

"Why?" I lifted a brow, knowing I didn't do anything that could imply me as a weirdo.

His gaze found me once again, slow and steady. "A maid would never talk to her boss like this. Forget about me being the king."

I had no experience in these serving jobs. I was always more interested in office jobs. And, there I seldom met my boss. When I met, most of the time I would lose the job. "I am always like this." Being polite was mandatory, but not to the person who doesn't deserve politeness.

"I like that attitude." He seemed very amused.

I nodded. "I am glad." I don't care!

He watched me for a while before scanning my dress and heaving a deep sigh. "I don't want you to wear these uniforms. Wear something warm and comfortable. Then, come back."

"I am okay. It's comfortable too." I lied when I was actually not so comfortable in these uniforms. It was cold and I was almost shivering.

"I am not okay seeing you wearing this." He said, insisting. "It's not comfortable enough for my eyes."

He was surely the biggest flirt in the entire universe.

"I don't have any more clothes." I replied.

He tilted his head. "What about the one you were wearing a while ago? It looked better." Wow, he noticed the dress I was wearing a while ago. He must be really interested in me.

"I have washed the dress." It was slightly torn as well though I didn't know when it happened. I just discovered it while washing.

"How come you have only one dress?" He paused and sneered at me. "By any chance, have you always been naked before?"

My cheeks flushed red. "What are you talking about? Of course, no." This little jerk.

I was so shocked and surprised after seeing Jacob and Tiffy. That was why I didn't remember about the clothes.

Placing the book back to its place, he trudged forward and opened the door. "Follow me." He ordered.

I didn't have any option but to follow him. "Where are we going?" He took me to the left, vacating his room behind.

"We are going to get you some dress. You better don't wander around wearing anything. I mean... naked." He said calmly but there was playfulness in his voice.

"I didn't bring clothes because..." I stuttered, quite flustered. "I was in a rush. I actually forgot about bringing clothes."

He didn't respond until he opened the door of a room and motioned me to go inside. "This room is built for my fiancee. My mom prepared everything here for her. The clothes here are all unused and new. You can start using them."

I widened my eyes. "No. I can't wear her clothes." How could he offer me his fiancee's clothes? Won't she be sad hearing this?

He sighed. "They were brought using my money. They are not hers yet. They still belong to me."

I still didn't admit it. "It's...."

He set his palm against my back and gently nudged me inside, glaring murderously. "Do you want me to remove your clothes and force you to wear the one I choose?"

I swear I was in the urge to kill him. Controlling my anger, I shook my head. "I am doing in."