
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Action
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59 Chs

CH 009: Natasha VS Raining Stars P1

(A/N: Small change, there won't be a Regeneration Stat anymore. Because if there was, then everybody would basically be Wolverine and Deadpool on steroids. So, yeah, it's not in the Stats anymore.)


Shyann :"By the way, you can also take on quests of a higher Class if the Adventurers' Guild approves. And for that, we need to see if your strength is enough for that to happen. Because, unlike normal times where the entire responsibility falls on the Adventurer who accepted a quest, the Guild also takes responsibility since they gave the approval when the Adventurer wasn't at the appropriate Class to accept the quest.

So it can be just a bit tricky to do that. But it's worth it, since not only is the reward of a higher Class quest better, the awarded AP is also a lot better. And that's why Adventurers work hard to rank up in Class or gain the approval that they can take on quests of a higher Class.

By the way, this is only for G Ranks, but they can always take on quests of one rank higher, F Rank quests. Since G Rank quests are meant for ordinary people to get some pocket money and don't have any dangers, G Rank adventurers can also take F Rank quests.

4: Adventurer Parties. By teaming up with one or more Adventurers, you can form an Adventurer Party. This way, even though you would need to split the reward, the risks will get a lot lower. After all, you can get more rewards by completing more quests, but you only have one life. If you die, that's it. So I would recommend that you form a party yourself with someone as soon as possible.

For Adventurer Parties, although the reward will need to be split between the party members, the awarded AP will be the same for everyone. So it's definitely a good thing. Also, Adventurer Parties also have Classes of their own. The Class of the party will be what the average Class of the Adventurers in the party is. For example, if there are 6 members in the team, 2 B-Class, 3 C-Class and 1 D-Class, the Class of the party will be C-Class.

But if the party has only two members where they have different Classes, the Class will normally be the Class of the weaker member. However, if they're deemed strong enough by the guild, the Class will be the stronger member's."


"And that's the end of the introduction. Please remember everything, and if you have any questions or need to know something, please ask without hesitation. For adventurers, even a tiny mistake at the wrong time can lead to death." Shyann explained calmly. But the seriousness in her voice was very evident.

Natasha, nodding :"Thanks, Shyann. I'll definitely keep everything in mind. Now, about those assholes who have been waiting for me..."

Shyann, annoyed :"Sigh, technically, the Adventurers' Guild isn't allowed to interfere in a fight or issue between adventurers unless it's on a big scale. The reason why Ms Jaylin helped was because she was annoyed at the ruckus and she wanted to help you, a newcomer. So please be careful."

Natasha :"Hmph, don't worry. The only thing I should be worried about is not accidentally killing them."

Shyann, smirking :"Glad to hear that. By the way, wanna hear my suggestion?"

Natasha :"Hm? What suggestion?"

Shyann :"Get closer. Remember how I said you can accept quests of a higher Class if the Guild approves of it?"

Natasha :"Yeah, I do."

Shyann :"The Guild determines if you're strong enough by keeping an eye out on your quest history. Basically, if you have a lot of completion rate for subjugation quests of the same Class, then you can gain the approval. But there is another way. The reason why it's like this is because the Guild can't see the Adventurers in action. But if a Guild examiner or such sees you in action, then that person can give you the approval easier."

Natasha, smirking :"And that means right now you want to..."

Shyann :"I don't like those jackasses who always start trouble, and I find you and your little dragon buddy interesting. So if you want to, I can call for someone to testify for your approval later on."

Natasha :"Then I'd be thankful for your help. But will it be fine to fight here in the building? Or should I take it outside?"

Shyann :"Believe it or not, fights aren't really rare here. So the Guild building has been strengthened to not take damage just from a small fight."

Natasha :"Alright then, thanks."

Shyann :"Don't mention it. Then give me a second to call someone."

Natasha :"Alright, thanks."

As Shyann got up and walked into the room behind the reception area, Slathilia turned to his partner with a smirk :"Gauw. (Let me help too.)"

Natasha :"You wanna help?"

Slathilia :"(Yeah, lemme at them hoes!)"

Chuckling at his cute want for violence, Natasha scratched his cheek, letting him enjoy her nail on his scales :"It's alright, I can handle it. As I've said, the only thing I need to be careful of is holding back so I won't accidentally kill them. You just need to sit back and watch how your partner will teach them some manners. Manners that every adult needs to have."

Slathilia :"(Alright then, be careful.)"

Natasha :"Don't worry, I'm always careful."

"Psst, Natasha." Shyann's whisper was heard. When the two turned to the door, they saw her peeking through it and give a thumbs up. Natasha smirked, before turning serious. Looking back, her gaze turned sharp at the drunkards looking at her :"Oy, ass faces, ready to learn some manners?"

"Hmph, bitch, you're the one who'll be learning some nice manners." One of the drunkards said, getting up as his buddies stayed seated. Walking towards her with heavy steps, he reached out menacingly :"I'll teach you to not act like shit-"

But before he could finish, Natasha turned sharply, and freaking socked him in the face. As her forearm slammed into his face like a train, the poor drunk bastard freaking flipped in the air. She hit him with a critical hit right in his face. As the poor man flipped from the force behind her blow, his head hit the counter with enough force to break it.

But Shyann's words had truth to them. Because even after he hit the desk like that, there still wasn't a scratch on it. Not the same could be said about him though. If Natasha's ruthless punch to his face wasn't enough to knock him out, his head hitting the desk with THAT force was sure enough to do the job.

As he hit the floor, body unconscious and a tooth or two missing thanks to Natasha, the redhead in question simply fixed her posture. Rolling her head and cracking her neck as if she didn't just disrespect someone so bad the entire place went silent. "Who's next?" She asked coldly, not even looking at the guy she just knocked out.



"Now that's what I'm talking about!"

"Golly, this chick got some moves!"

The entire building broke into a fit of cheers. They were shocked by the sudden turn of events, but they all sure loved it. Well, at least those who were looking forward to the fight. There were some poor people who wanted to eat their meals. But even they turned their attention to the redhead who suddenly kicked the passed out guy next to her feet in the chest, sending him flying towards his buddies as a loud cracking noise was heard.


"Shit, what happened?!"

They quickly grabbed the guy who came crashing towards their table. Checking him, they all glared daggers towards the beauty walking to stand in the middle of the building :"Now, time to teach you some manners." She said, turning on her heels to stare coldly with her emerald green eyes.

"Fuck, kill the bitch!"

"Let's show her what we're made of, boys!"

"Damn it, I'll fuck you up!"

As they all got up, pushing away the seats and dropping a few of the cups they had, they all drew their weapons and walked towards her. Stopping several meters away as they glared at her.

"We'll make you regret it, bitch!"

"Yeah, nobody messes with the Raining Stars!"

"You'll know not to mess with an E-Class party!"

"Yeah, and our party leader, Ignatz, is a D-Class Adventurer with a Rank 2 Job!"

Ignatz :"Yeah, bitch! I'll definitely kick your ass!"

As they stood meters away from her, with Ignatz standing in the center, a sharp wave of energy emitted from them. Making a gust of wind blow as a colored aura rose from them. Green from the three lackeys, and blue from Ignatz. When Slathilia saw a bunch of circles the same color as their energy rotating around their chest, around their hearts seemingly, as if their chests had become transparent, he thought he was seeing things.

But even after wiping his eyes, he still saw those circles staying in place as if they were the rings of Saturn. Not exactly like them though. These circles moved in a way that two of them made an X. They seemed to be placed in a way to form a sphere once there were more of them.

'The heck? Well, guess more things to ask and learn from Natasha.'

[Explanation: Spirit Rankers, people with Jobs, and monsters, will acquire a Sacred Skill every certain Level. Specifically, at Lv 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 200, 400, 600, and 800. They're special Skills said to be bestowed upon by the gods, and they differ for every Job or creature. With each Sacred Skill, a Sacred Ring will form, which will contain the Sacred Skill. The color of the Sacred Rings differ according to the Rank of the Job or monster.

Rank 1: Green

Rank 2: Blue

Rank 3: Red

Rank 4: Silver

Rank 5: Black

The Sacred Rings strengthen the individual exponentially, but their Stats won't change. Unleashing the Sacred Rings can be used to intimidate using just the aura, or to show the Rank of the Job.]

(A/N: There are quite a few mangas, manhuas and such that use this method of stars in the heart of circles in the heart, so I used that too to make the gap between levels bigger than just Stats. But they never really do much, and are a sign of someone just being in a higher realm. So that's where the Sacred Skill part came. The Sacred Skill part, I got that inspiration from Douluo Dalu (Soul Land), since I really love that series. And as some of you may know, I've written several fanfics for it lol.)

However, even in the face of their power, she just stood in place. Simply staring coldly with her menacing eyes. She wasn't glaring, but those eyes were definitely enough to terrify people. If not for being partly intoxicated by alcohol, the drunkards would definitely think twice before doing anything when they saw her current gaze.

"Yeah, you scared, bitch?!"

"Hahaha we're gonna skin you alive, you damn whore!"

"You're gonna pay for what you did, fucking ginger!"

But still, Natasha simply stood there. Silently staring menacingly like a bear ready to tear its targets to pieces. She didn't even take out a weapon. She simply stood in place, arms next to her, waiting for them to try anything.

Ignatz :"Fuck, you ain't as talkative as before, huh? Fine, I'll cut off that useless tongue so you won't run your mouth ever again!"

(A/N: If someone is just Lv 50, 80, or like, 160, then it doesn't mean that's their exact Level. That's just where their Level is, and I didn't give an exact Level. The Stats are also where the range of their Stats are.)

[Natasha: Rank ? Assassin, Lv 57, ??? Stats, 3 Sacred Rings]


[Ignatz: Rank 2 Mid-Rank Swordsman, Lv 55, 275 Stats, 3 Sacred Rings]

[Rank 1 Low-Rank Spearman, Lv 40, 120 Stats, 3 Sacred Rings]

[Rank 1 Low-Rank Swordsman, Lv 40, 120 Stats, 3 Sacred Rings]

[Rank 1 Low-Rank Swordsman, Lv 30, 90 Stats, 2 Sacred Rings]