
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Action
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59 Chs

CH 010: Natasha VS Raining Stars P2

(A/N: CH 3 has been rewritten. Please go and read the newly added section, Talent, and 2.1.2 Leveling up. They're important, alright? So go ahead and read them. They're short, but important.)


[Natasha: R? Assassin, Lv 57, ??? Stats, 3 Sacred Rings]


[Ignatz: R2 Mid-Rank Swordsman, Lv 55, 275 Stats, 3 Sacred Rings]

[R1 Low-Rank Spearman, Lv 40, 120 Stats, 3 Sacred Rings]

[R1 Low-Rank Swordsman, Lv 40, 120 Stats, 3 Sacred Rings]

[R1 Low-Rank Swordsman, Lv 30, 90 Stats, 2 Sacred Rings]

Ignatz :"Fuck, you ain't as talkative as before, huh? Fine, I'll cut off that useless tongue so you won't run your mouth ever again!"

Natasha, annoyed :"Oh for fuck's sake, are you gonna get a move on or no? I've already wasted enough time and breath on you dumbasses."

"What the fuck did you just say-?!" Ignatz shouted, but he was interrupted when Natasha suddenly appeared in front of him :"You're becoming more and more annoying by the second. Shut the fuck up already."

Before he could register anything, Natasha's fist suddenly met his face, sending him stumbling back a few steps. His friend tried to slash his sword at her, but she just delivered a bone crushing punch to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him as he bent over.

But just as he did, Natasha punched him in the cheek without hesitation. A *crunch* sound could easily be heard as she either broke or at least cracked his jaw. A few teeth also were sent flying out of his mouth. Not like he had that many to begin with.

However, Natasha didn't seem to like the idea of letting him go that easily. Just after punching him, she spun in place before spin-kicking him straight in the chest. Not even giving him a chance to fight back as he was sent back flying. Slathilia hissed at the cracking sounds he heard.

"Fuck, kill her already!" The spearman shouted, thrusting his spear to stab her. Along with him, the remaining swordsman also slashed towards her. But to Slathilia's amazement, a gust of Mana escaped them as their Sacred Skills were activated and their Sacred Rings shone.

[1st Sacred Skill: Powerful Slash (R1)]

[2nd Sacred Skill: Deadly Thrust (R2)]

But Natasha didn't panic. She stepped aside, gracefully dodging the sword slash that was coming down and the spear trying to stab her, before reaching out and grabbing the spear that passed beside her. Shocking the spearman before she pulled on the spear, pulling the spearman sharply before she headbutted him straight in the face.

As blood flowed from his nose, she grabbed his hair, before bringing his head down and kneeing him several times in the face, delivering some of the nastiest kicks Slathilia had seen.

"DIE ALREADY, YOU BITCH!" The swordsman shouted, swinging his sword at her. But Natasha was still as cool as a cucumber. She didn't panic, nor did she rush. She simply kicked the spearman one more time, harsher than before, to send him back flying with his teeth flying around him. Before using the momentum of the force behind her kick to jump into the air and spin, easily dodging the sword.

But as she flipped midair, her foot came down and kicked the swordsman's hand, causing him to drop the weapon that slid away on the ground. As she landed, not a moment was wasted before she grabbed his wrist. "HEEE?!" He freaked out, trembling as she looked at those uncaring and sharp eyes.

"Word of advise, don't announce your moves." She said coldly, before jumping slightly and bringing his arm down to her knee. She didn't show any sign of remorse as she delivered a merciless knee to the middle of his forearm with such strength that his hand literally broke in half :"UUUUGGGGHH??!!!?"

It wasn't cut nor torn off, but his hand from the middle of the forearm down was literally dangling because of his bones getting broken in half. His shattered bones sticking out of his flesh was the stuff of horrors. But even when she saw his crying and fearful face, she didn't show any emotions.

Her serious stare stayed the same as she punched him in the jaw, shaking his brain and causing him to spam in place before passing out. Even the Adventurers who were cheering winced at the poor guy's condition. Most of them, at least. There were still some that got even more excited.

Slathilia was one of them. He was looking at her with amazement. Not only was he not sad or mad that she was so violent, he was actually quite happy that she was so merciless. He didn't want a naive, hero-like girl who believed in justice and wanted to save everyone as his partner. No, he wanted someone like himself.

Someone who only cared about people dear to him. Someone who wouldn't even care if the world turned to ashes right in front of her eyes. Someone who would kill and torture without a shred of guild, sadness or fear. Someone that despite being so cruel, still knew and showed love to her dear ones. And fortunately, it seemed like he had found that kind of a person.

"Sigh, so fucking annoying..." She groaned, turning to the now fearful Ignatz shiver while holding his sword :"Is THIS all you got? Seriously? You were talking all that shit with just THIS? I'm honestly disappointed and just fucking annoyed. I thought that with how much you were yapping, you would at least be strong enough for me to play around with.

But this is just disgustingly weak. Are you sure you're adventurers? You sure you're not just some drunkards who happened to walk into the Adventurers' Guild? God, I'm even more annoyed because of wasting my precious time on trash like you."

"S-SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU BITCH!" He roared, rushing towards her. As he reached her, his 1st Sacred Skill was activated, lighting up his sword as he slashed at her. "Fine, I'll amuse you." She whispered, her hand shooting to one of her daggers and pulling it out.

He smirked, thinking that he would win if his strike landed. But Natasha easily blocked his sword with her dagger. "What?!" He shouted, shocked as she spoke nonchalantly :"Is that all?" Enraging him as he started swinging his sword again and again.

"Die, die, die!!" He roared, slashing as hard as he could, as fast as he could. But Natasha would simply block, parry or dodge his attacks with seemingly no effort. "Fuck, take this then!" He roared, and his 3rd Sacred Ring shone.

[3rd Sacred Skill: Hurricane Blade (R2)]

Slamming his foot on the ground, he started spinning his sword around at high speed. Making a mini tornado. This was his most powerful move. Something that had always dealt a pretty hefty damage to his enemies. But Natasha, serious as before, still looked unbothered :"Alright, I should wrap this up."

Perfectly timing her move, she stepped forward when the sword had passed. When it came back, in Ignatz's shocked gaze, her hands moved to his wrists. Performing accurate hits to his wrists and causing him to let go of the sword before she kicked it away.

"UGH WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!" He roared, panicking as he tried to punch her. But her foot suddenly shot up at lightning speed and delivered a merciless kick right onto his crutch. With a punishing force and no remorse.

Every single guy winced as some women did too from how much strength she used on that kick. Slathilia wasn't an exception either. In fact, with his senses, he actually heard a few cracking sounds from his crotch.

He gulped as he squeezed his legs together. An action every guy did. Even covered his crotch with his long tail :'Thank Crow my cock and balls are protected under my scales... rest in peace, that guy's unborn future children…'

Foaming from the mouth, Ignatz's eyes rolled back as he passed out. Body lying on the ground motionless. Cracking her neck, she stepped over his body and made her way back to Slathilia on the reception desk. Where Shyann had returned to and had brought Jaylin along.

"So, was that proof enough of my strength?" The redhead smirked, and Jaylin smirked back :"It sure was. You were pretty ruthless there. Don't really look the type though."

Natasha :"I guess looks can be deceiving then. But I don't see how looks have anything to do with something like this."

Jaylin :"Fair enough. Alright, as far as I'm concerned, you have my approval to take on higher Class quests even after reaching F-Class. Considering how easily you took care of an E-Class party, I think you're able to take on D-Class quests too. But not C-Class or above yet. That is another subject."

Natasha :"I see. Alright, I won't be hasty."

Jaylin :"Glad you ain't careless, missy. But anyway, you need to stick to G-Class and F-Class for now. You can take quests of only a single Rank above your current one. E-Class quests will have to wait."

Natasha :"Alright, no complaints here."

Jaylin :"Good. By the way, I was thinking..."

Natasha :"Hm? What's up?"

Jaylin :"Shyann already told you about Adventurer Parties, right? About how making one is extremely recommended because of not only making it safe, but also making it convenient with getting AP?"

Natasha :"Yeah, she has. Why, you've got someone to recommend?"

Jaylin :"Actually, I do."

She turned to Slathilia, causing him to point at himself, confused :"Gauw? (Me?)"

Jaylin, chuckling :"If you're saying "me?", then yeah, I'm talking about you."

Natasha :"Hm? You think me and Thilia should make a party?"

Shyann :"Aren't you already partners? I think that's actually a great idea."

Natasha :"Well, it is, honestly. But can monsters even register as Adventurers to begin with?"

Jaylin :"If intelligent enough, yes. Demons can register as Adventurers, so I don't see why dragons, hailed as beings smarter and stronger than all other races, shouldn't be able to."

Shyann :"Hm, Ms Jaylin is right. It's just that no dragon has ever registered as an Adventurer, so your partner here will be the first one ever."

Natasha :"Oh. Well, if it is possible, I don't see why we shouldn't do that."

Jaylin :"Right? What better party member than an actual dragon?"

Natasha :"True. But that depends on Slathilia's answer. What do you think?"

He thought of it as a good idea as well. If possible, he honestly wanted to become an Adventurer as well. You kill legally and get paid for it, what better occupation? He also gets stronger by killing too, so that's two birds with one stone.

Slathilia, nodding :"Gauw. (I'm in. That's a great idea.)"

Natasha :"Alright, he agrees too. Then, can we trouble you to register him as well, Shyann?"

Shyann, smiling :"Of course. Heh, this makes for a pretty unique story to brag about too. I'm the first person to register a dragon as an Adventurer. How cool is that?! Oh, ahem ahem, excuse me. Here you go. Just fill out the paperwork like before."

Jaylin :"Well, I'm glad to be of help. If you need anything, just ask. Don't be a stranger."

Natasha :"Thanks. Call me if you need help with anything too."

Jaylin, chuckling :"Alright, will do. Goodbye for now. Be safe."

As Shyann took out another paper and placed it in front of them along with a pen. Natasha picked it up :"I'll help you fill it out. I don't think you have the right limbs to use a pen."

Slathilia :"(Appreciated.)"

Name: Slathilia

Species: Dragon King


Gender: Male

Monster Class: SS-Class

Lv: 12

Looking at the age part, both of them were speechless. Natasha turned to Shyann awkwardly :"Hey, Shyann, what are we supposed to write for his age?"

Shyann :"Huh? Well, you're obviously supposed to write how old he is, sweetie."

Natasha :"Yeah, I already know that. There's a problem though."

Shyann :"With his... age?"

Natasha :"Yeah, weird, I know. But... Slathilia... was born just today..."

Shyann :"Uhh..."

Natasha :"Am I supposed to write his age in hours?"

Shyann :"... You know what, just leave it blank. Age is also optional to fill out anyway, so leaving it won't be a problem."

Natasha :"If you say so."