
Start until The end.

The love Of Lunasila And Langit

Long before the world formed shape, there was nothingness in an empty space.

Soon Two demigods we're born naked and named Lunasila and langit, they were the very first in existence.

The two are born with unique features as such, Lunasila have black, long, curly hair, and curved and soft body.

While Langit(sky) have short white hair, and tall, rough, masculine features. He's much bigger than Lunasila.

They both became aware of eachothers existence, Feelings and genders did not exist but they found themselves loving eachother already, as soon as their gazes fell on eachother.

because of their love they created many things using their powers, Because of how they became aware with eachother they created many rules.

The created the word MAN(god) and WOMA(goddess), Clothes, and the highest form of heaven.

Lunasila and Langit spent time of thousands of years loving eachother, Lunasila and Langit never stopped loving eachother.

Langit promised Lunasila "I will gift you a univers" Lunasila was delighted and happy about langits gift.

Creating the univers will take a long time even if langit is a god, he has to make things all make sense, and create a system that will keep them all in existence. So langit said goodbyes with Lunasila.

"I'll be gone for a long time, but I promise you I will come back and present you the most beautiful universe" Lunasila was sad and shocked for how long will Langit will be gone for.

"Please come back soon..." Lunasila said her goodbyes to langit and watched his back disappear from her sight.

Millions of years have gone and Langit still hadn't come back, Lunasila was lonely and restless worrying for Langit.

Lunasila felt bored and lonely, but soon her boredom was gone when her husband came back.

"Oh Langit!" Lunasila was soo happy she ran to him and hug him tight but langit pushed her away, "I'm busy Lunasila, and I'm still not done yet, I'm here to let you know that I will be gone for a very long time... and I hope you can be patient with me" this broke Lunasilas heart, she thought she and him will be together again.

"Why don't I help? Im a goddess too!" Lunasila insisted to help but Langit declined.

"According to our heavenly rule, you're my wife, you shouldn't work.. and the universe is my gift to you so it would no longer be a gift if you see it and had a contribution with it" Langit argued, "I'm going back now" Langit said goodbyes again to Lunasila.

Lunasila is again lonely in the heavenly palace, she no longer cares for the universe but her husband.

Langit returned to his job, and continued creating the heavenly principles, and spent another millions of years and it's still not finish.

Lunasila became mad and used her power to spy on Langit, wanting to see why is it taking him more than millions of years to finish. Langit felt rhe presence of Lunasilas power and found out Lunalia was spying on him.

He was mad because of Lunasila breaking the promise, and how she did not listen to him.

He stormed his was to heaven and yelled at Lunasila as soon as he saw her by the stairs.

"Why are you being like this!?" Lunasila too became mad with Langit because he raised his voice against her.

"No why are you doing this to me!" Lunasila yelled back and Langit became even more angrier "Do you not trust me!?" he yelled again, "You broke our promise" he continued, Langit took her ornaments, and clothes, leaving her naked.

They were born naked so they will go back from when such rules was ever created, he doesn't acknowledge Lunasila anymore as his other half.

Lunasila who had embodied those rules and principles, felt humiliated with what Langit did, she left heaven as soon as possible and and never looked back to langit.

Billions years have passed and Lunasila still never came back, Langit felt sad and guilty for what he did to her, he reminisced all those lovely memories with Lunasila.

He felt even more depressed, in hopes of Lunasila coming back he took out all the ornaments of Lunasila, thinking that she might recognise it and understand his intentions.

He broke down lunasilas crystal hair ornament and turned them into stars, Her Golden Fan became the sun, and her crystal ball became the moon.

Langit put a lot of hopes that his Idea would work, Him and Lunasila will be happy again but Thousands of years passed there was no sign of lunasila, Millions of years, Billions of years... still no sign of Lunasila.

Langit cried for years thinking about lunasila, but soon he pushed himself too hard, to distract himself, he continued to work on the world and create more lovely creations that might reach Lunasila, even if she doesn't comes back he will still make creations that will make her happy.