
Lunar Veil: A Tale of Untamed Shadows

"Wasn't I supposed to be a werewolf? WTH IS THIS THEN?" A realm whispers, a call to the soul, Mystic echoes bidding one to stroll. Answer it must, this ethereal plea, For in that realm, a destiny may be. Adrian, the werewolf supposedly endowed with power but cursed to be unable to harness the moon's abilities, couldn't help but lament the idea of putting an end to his own misery. Leading a normal life in the human world proved challenging for him. It wasn't going well until he encountered the dream diver, experiencing a newfound joy in life and gradually shedding the feeling of being cursed. If only that joy could last forever. Follow Adrian on his journey as he grapples with the fate of his curse and unlocks powers he never thought he possessed. “WHAT'S THE POINT OF THESE POWERS IF IM GOING TO BE PUT IN SUCH SITUATIONS!”

samandridaku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
123 Chs


Observing their intense confrontation, Adrian couldn't help but wear a sly grin. It presented an opportunity to rid himself of the red-haired man and potentially establish some connections with the other two. Yet a lingering curiosity persisted in his mind, concerning the reasons behind the elusiveness of that foggy guy.

'Well, he's got some luck on his side,' Adrian concluded his thought with a wry smile as he turned his attention to Lily, who was playing the role of a honeymooning couple with remarkable conviction. It prompted him to reevaluate his own charm. He couldn't help but wish Emilie were here to witness this, as she had always been the one to underestimate him.

"I reckon it's time for me to hit the road. You folks can decide what to do with him, capture him, or whatever, but I've got some other matters to attend to," Adrian declared. As he attempted to extract his hand from Lily's firm grasp, he discovered it was no easy task; she held on rather tenaciously.

"You're not going anywhere," Lily declared with a notable shift in her tone, the gentleness replaced by unwavering determination. The abrupt change in her demeanor took Adrian by surprise. A thought flickered through his mind: 'Could she have been serious in her performance?' He responded by firmly withdrawing his hand from her grip.

As Adrian made his move to depart, a pained expression washed over Lily's face. "Why do you want to leave? We're so happy together. We were on our way to get married, crying out loud. Is there someone else in your life, someone other than me? Are you cheating on me?" she questioned, her voice trembling with uncertainty and concern.

As the barrage of unrelated questions filled the air, a chill ran down Adrian's spine. It became apparent that something about her was far from ordinary. A faint aura began to emanate from Adrian as he regarded her with a penetrating gaze.

Sensing his intense gaze fixed upon her, Lily met Adrian's dark, almost charcoal eyes with a touch of gray, causing her legs to wobble. "You're a great girl, Lily, and I'm confident our paths will cross again. But for now, I've got some pressing matters to attend to," Adrian explained. Just as he thought he had conveyed his message, he found Lily tightly clutching his wrist.

"I'm not one for repeating myself. I'm not requesting your presence; I'm commanding you to stay," Lily asserted, concluding her words with a manifestation of the same crimson energy that Gibs had.

Sensing the searing heat emanating from her hand, which could have scorched his wrist had it not been for his own resilient skin and genetic heritage – a lineage he harbored a deep disdain for – Adrian paid little heed to her words. In a casual, dismissive manner, he delivered a backhanded slap to her cheek.

The resounding slap was so sharp that it pierced through the din, catching the attention of both Gibbs and the red-haired man in the midst of their intense conflict. For a brief moment, they glanced in its direction.

The searing pain brought tears to Lily's eyes, leaving her bewildered and hurt by the unexpected slap. She gazed at Adrian with teary eyes, silently questioning the reason behind his action. In response, Adrian tenderly stroked her cheek and locked eyes with her, conveying a deeper message.

"Release my hand." His voice carried an unexpected gentleness, as if the one who had just delivered the slap without hesitation was someone entirely different.

Sensing his gentle touch on her cheek, Lily found herself compelled to release her grip on him; it felt like the right course of action. "When will we meet again?" she inquired, her tone akin to a wife seeking assurance from her departing husband before he headed off to work.

"Very soon. We'll meet again very soon," Adrian assured Lily before turning his attention in the direction of Gibbs and the red-haired man. A thought crossed his mind that Gibbs might not be capable of defeating the red-haired man, and it posed a potential problem. 'If he survives, it could be trouble,' he pondered briefly.

Turning back to Lily, he issued a directive: "Go help him. He's in trouble." With that said, he began to walk away, his focus redirected toward a specific destination, driven by an urgent purpose.

Lily was initially puzzled by Adrian's words, but as she shifted her gaze towards Gibbs, the situation became clear: a fierce battle was underway. Her frustration had already been mounting due to the red-haired man's interference in her time with Adrian, and now that Adrian had left as well, she felt a burning desire to vent her anger on someone. The red-haired man appeared to be the perfect target.

A cluster of small red petals began to bloom around Lily, seemingly in response to her intent. The air surrounding the petals pulsed with a searing heat that would have been painful for even Adrian, but he was no longer present to witness this extraordinary display. 

Lily gestured with her hand, and the petals streaked toward the red-haired man with the velocity of bullets.

As the petals closed in on him, the energy surrounding his fists began to radiate from his entire body, mimicking Gibbs' technique of extending his energy field to evade the whips. The energy field halted the petals at a certain distance from him, a sight that left Gibbs rather impressed. Capitalizing on this opportunity, he used the pause to put some distance between himself and the oncoming petals.

'He's a formidable adversary, and that ability to mimic any move is downright unnerving. Lily and I could find ourselves in a tight spot,' Gibbs thought, but his contemplations were abruptly interrupted when he observed the red-haired man casually running his hand through his hair, his expression void of emotion as he locked eyes with Gibbs.

"I'm just an ordinary guy." The moment his words concluded, the very atmosphere in their vicinity began to tremble. Gibbs, observing the escalating situation, sensed that the red-haired man was getting deadly serious, and it gave him a sense of foreboding.

As we chase stars in the dark, far and wide,

Remember the beauty in the everyday stride.

In the grand tapestry of our existence's song,

There's poetry in being ordinary all along.

samandridakucreators' thoughts