
Lunar Veil: A Tale of Untamed Shadows

"Wasn't I supposed to be a werewolf? WTH IS THIS THEN?" A realm whispers, a call to the soul, Mystic echoes bidding one to stroll. Answer it must, this ethereal plea, For in that realm, a destiny may be. Adrian, the werewolf supposedly endowed with power but cursed to be unable to harness the moon's abilities, couldn't help but lament the idea of putting an end to his own misery. Leading a normal life in the human world proved challenging for him. It wasn't going well until he encountered the dream diver, experiencing a newfound joy in life and gradually shedding the feeling of being cursed. If only that joy could last forever. Follow Adrian on his journey as he grapples with the fate of his curse and unlocks powers he never thought he possessed. “WHAT'S THE POINT OF THESE POWERS IF IM GOING TO BE PUT IN SUCH SITUATIONS!”

samandridaku · Fantasy
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123 Chs


"You're genuinely interested in my favorite dishes? I'd absolutely love to share! You see..." Lily's enthusiasm was palpable as she was about to embark on her culinary discourse. However, before she could delve into her explanation, the red-haired man abruptly launched an attack.

Twin spears, pulsating with searing crimson energy, materialized. They weren't composed of mere fire; they exuded an even more intense and potent heat.

As the attack bore down on her, just as she was on the brink of sharing her favorite dishes with the man who had captured her imagination, Lily's brows furrowed and her teeth clenched in a blend of irritation and frustration.

"How dare you interrupt our lovely conversation with your intrusion?" Lily retorted, her words laced with a mix of anger and indignation. In an impressive display of prowess, she expertly swatted away the two fiery spears aimed at her, her hand similarly enveloped in a red energy shield like Gibs, effectively defending herself.

The two fiery spears veered away from their intended mark, narrowly missing Lily and still managing to singe the sleeve of her left arm. The sight of the scorched fabric only served to stoke the flames of her anger.

Just as she was poised to retaliate, Adrian, who had been holding her hand from the start, gently restrained her, halting her impending attack.

"Take a deep breath. No need to get so agitated. The elderly gentleman over yonder will handle the situation, or should I step in to expedite matters?" Adrian inquired with an air of politeness, his voice brimming with warmth and affection.

The affection was so pronounced that, if Emilie had been present, her reaction might have inclined more toward nausea than admiration.

Adrian's words reverberated, but what Lily perceived, what truly resonated in her mind, was a different message altogether: "Don't do it. You might get hurt, and I couldn't bear that. I want you here, right here, by my side."

"Yes, I'll do as you say. I'll stay right here with you," Lily replied in a soft, almost tender tone, akin to how one might speak to their beloved.

As Lily's sweet voice reached his ears, Gibs felt a surge of emotion that nearly overwhelmed his senses. He was acutely aware of Adrian's formidable nature, having witnessed the red-haired man fleeing from him mere moments ago. 

He couldn't allow Lily to get too close to him. She was still so young. However, when he took a closer look at Adrian, he assessed that the man appeared no older than 24 himself. 

Gibs shook off his futile thoughts and turned his attention to Adrian, who was holding Lily's hand. He couldn't help but wonder if Adrian was using her as a hostage, and he couldn't fathom that Lily would be oblivious to the situation. Inwardly, he hoped that whatever she had mentioned earlier was not authentic.

All at once, it dawned on him the true intent behind Adrian's words: "He wants me to eliminate the red-haired man. Is he plotting to weaken me in the process, only to strike me down later? Such cunning for one so young."

Gibs's mind raced with numerous scenarios, as if he possessed the ability to decipher every conceivable plot. Yet, in reality, he was simply succumbing to a whirlwind of overthinking.

The red-haired man found himself in a perplexing dilemma. Should he launch an assault on both Lily and Adrian simultaneously or target the lone individual standing apart? Clearly, the second option appeared more favorable, yet he couldn't help but sense that the solitary man was no pushover.

Without hesitation, the red-haired man materialized his fiery energy into two whip-like constructs and swiftly lashed them toward Gibs. He didn't attempt to dodge, a choice that many would have made. Instead, he stood firm, permitting the whips to draw closer. As the attack unfolded, one of the whips ensnared his hand while the other took aim for his head.

Gibs remained composed, unfazed by the unfolding situation. The energy enveloping his hand began to surge outward, causing the whip coiled around it to recede. Simultaneously, the other whip's approach was stymied by the expanding energy, rendering it incapable of drawing any nearer to his body.

"You're rather unremarkable for a pure-blood, honestly. The individuals within our house are far more formidable and extraordinary. Some days, even a one-core bearer can outmaneuver me. But you, you seem utterly inconsequential," Gibs remarked, his tone carrying a hint of dismissiveness.

The red-haired man remained silent, fixating his gaze on Gibs as if pondering a matter of great significance. It didn't take long for Gibs to discern the unspoken message embedded in his intent scrutiny.

"Perhaps it went something like this, or no, it was more like this," the red-haired man mused aloud. In a reflexive gesture, he sheathed his fist in a crimson energy layer that appeared even more potent than Gibs. It was an almost perfect replication of Gibs' own move.

This time, Gibs was genuinely taken aback. He had invested years into mastering that particular technique, and he knew he wasn't considered exceptionally intelligent or a martial prodigy.

Yet, even among the pure-bloods within their house, few displayed such an adept grasp of these intricate techniques this quickly.

Not wasting any more time, the red-haired guy, determined and fierce, lunged at Gibs with explosive speed. Gibs, a seasoned martial artist, anticipated the challenge and gracefully took a defensive stance.

His fists were positioned in front of him, while he slightly lowered the center of his body, grounding himself for the impending clash. The battlefield crackled with energy as they engaged in a high-stakes martial dance, each move carefully calculated. 

In the beginning, the red-haired fighter's movements seemed somewhat erratic, but as time passed, they began to coalesce into a fluid, almost intuitive dance, as if he were discovering the art of combat on the spot.

Gibs observed in astonishment as his opponent adeptly mirrored his martial techniques. It was a rare sight, leaving Gibs in a state of profound shock. This adversary was more than just intelligent; he was a martial prodigy. In that moment, Gibs came to a profound realization about the vastness and diversity of the world around him.

The spark of brilliance, an unquenchable fire,

A gifted soul that never seems to tire.

In the tapestry of life, they leave their mark,

A prodigy, a legend, igniting the dark.

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