
Chapter 5 - Reality

[Three hours have passed since Keily was rendered unconscious by Envy. Now, she awakes to find herself in an unfamiliar environment. What's more, the strange girl who sat beside her looked almost like a doll rather than a person. This fascinated and stunned Keily even more.] 

"She is in meditation... "

"W-Who is there!? "

"Easy, calm yourself -- I am Nevira. "

[Turning gently, Keily effortlessly met the gaze of Nevira, which shocked Nevira with a vicious smile of delight.] 

"You can withstand my presence and even look me in the eye. My, what an interesting little soul you have. "

"Sorry, who are you? Where the heck am I? Where is this place? "

[Leaning forward, Nevira slid her hand and caressed Keily's face. Slapping Nevira's hand, Keily sat unaffected as she surprised Nevira when she grabbed her wrist as if it were effortless.] 

"You-You can not only withstand my soul energy, but you can physically touch my spirit projection!? How incredible! "

"Sorry, but please. It is not nice to touch strangers. Just tell me where the hell I am? "

"Very well... But before that, tell me, from where do you hail from... Who are you and what do you recall as your last memories. "

"I recall... Agh... I... Recall... A little girl. Yes! I was saving a little girl from bad men. I ran away with her -- my chest, my lungs... They hurt, like as if they were lit on fire. I then saw headlights... I froze... Oh my god-"

[Shivering, Keily covered her mouth as she clenched her chest tightly and fell to the ground. Looking forward with a vacant gaze, Keily felt crossed as to what was happening as she herself could process she was dead.] 

"Hm... Interesting. You seem to have died a rather abrupt end. In my lifetime, I have never come across a soul that has wondered a great, vast distance. Your soul, that is... The energy that is keeping you alive. It is similar to a fire. Do you understand? "

"Sorry, soul energy, fire...? What do you mean? Who are you and how are you able to float? Is this a dream, am I really just dreaming? "

"Hoh-hoh'... No my dear. You are very much alive. However, you won't be for long. "

[Swaying in the air, Keily followed Nevira as she twirled playfully and elegantly around Keily.] 

"W-What do you mean by that -- aren't I dead? Didn't I die? "

"Yes. Your mortal body has perished. However, your soul is that of a boundless, Master level cultivator and even still, you retain your mortality. As I have said, your situation is mostly peculiar. Nothing like I have ever seen in my nine thousand years of coming into being. "

"Thousand years... Are you alright, lady? Okay, listen. I can accept I died... I can except that there is no going back... But, I simply just can't process everything that is happening after my death? Don't I -- I don't know, reincarnate or something? "

"Hm. You are, how do you mortals say, funny. No, silly. Since you, or rather, your soul has transcended time and space, you are without a doubt, a scrumptious feast for high level cultivators who see killing off two or three planets like cattle just to advance only a few hundred years. "

"Hold on... You want me to believe that I somehow managed to get mixed up in some god-knows-what fairytale fantasy, and now I am going to be hunted by bad people? "

"Hm... Precisely! Wow, you are a smart mortal! I like you now, cutie! "

"Then... What am I supposed to do? "

"Yes. Well, as far as I am concerned. I really do like you. What is your name? "

"K-Keily… my name is Keily Evergreen. "

"Keily… what a beautiful name for a beautiful soul. Right, Keily. I shall give you a piece of information. There is currently a soup, or rather, you are linked to the soul inside the body you are now in. "

"Body? What… huh?! "

[Surprised by the discovery that she was no longer in her own body, Keily raised her gaze and flinched as she felt the softness of Nevira's nose touch hers.] 

"W-What do you want?! "

"Simple. I want you to give my older brothers… How would you mortals say… hell! "

"Sorry? I don't think I quite follow any of this. "

"Huh… oh, my poor worried child. You have been thrown into the heart of a lions den. Very well, come, take a seat here on my lap. "

"Excuse me, what? "

[Gently sitting on the floor, Nevira patted her leg.] 

"Uh… why would I do that? That's sort of, weird. "

"Huh… fine. Sit, I will tell you only what I told your friend over there. "

"She's not my friend. I don't know her, or you by that matter. However, seeing how I am already here. Why not. "

"Good… Well, a hundred thousand years ago, a real broke out and erupted within the nine realms of existence. As what you might refer to as, " a tree". The soul energy from this tree gifted life to all living creatures and beings now in existence. It goes by many names yet, it has been bound to none. You mortals have created logic in an idea that there is such a thing as a controlled pattern. When in reality, that which you mortal's now is little less and farther understanding and or comprehending the truth. "

"Okay… you lost me. What does this have to do with me? "

"Hmm… well, Keily. From where I stand. I am able to see the soul presence of every living, breathing and existent entity I set my eyes onto. You, or rather, your soul, Keily… holds the very foundation of existence I have ever seen. A bright, golden color in constant upheaval. Restless and yet, calming. Look around, this planet's soul energy is vast and massive and yet, it bends its own laws in seeking for you. Your soup energy… is so staggering, that I myself grow dizzily memorized by it. "

"What does any of that have to do wIth me? What will happen to me in the future? "

"Suffice to say… you will be hunted down and your soul energy will be torn apart and consumed. Should that happen, you will no longer cease to exist in any form or plane. You will simply disappear into the void of the unknown for all eternity and ever more… should you die that is. "

"W-What? Does that mean, I have a chance to live? "

"Indeed. Keily, as it stands. Your soul is now immortal however, the body you inhabit is not. Sure enough, should your vessel become damaged in any way, your soul will begin to peak out and in that moment, many will know your exact location and come for you regardless if you are willing to part with your life or not. "

"Then… I'm basically screwed. "

"Whatever that means… yes. You are very much, screwed, dear. "

"What can I do to stay alive? Is there anything at all? Like… I don't know, a magical mirror or even a feeble old man who can grace me with a blessing to protect myself? Anything? "

"Hmm… there is a Solten Battle Spear of the Mythic Level in Tesma. A planet closest to this one by I would say… a few several hundred thousand miles or so… you can go there and find the war-spear. "

"A spear? Seriously, this is my life we are talking about here. "

"Hah! Wow, never have I laughed so effortlessly before. Now I simply want you more. But rest easy, the war-spear once belonged to the most powerful worried of that planet several hundred years ago. She long since perished in battle and her spear remains firm in the battlefield where she died. Go there and retrieve the spear. "

"What will happen if I do -- wait, before that, how will I even get there? "

"I can open a portal using my soul essence -- for you and a select few, I can send you on your way however, when you get there, you are on your own as my involvement will be noticed by those who know of my existence. "

"Thank you. Miss Nevira. Had I not met you, I would have surely lost my mind over everything that has happened. I still can't believe any of this, but I can feel that I am somehow different from how I was before. "

"Oh? Why is that? "

"I found something worth doing to found a way back home to my world. I have unfinished business I need to take care off… what about her? "

"Oh, she is your vessel's Sister… of some kind. She brought you here. All she wants is to save the other soul of the vessel you inhabit. "

"I see… There is another inside me. I can feel her, I think. Though, I never thought I would say such a sentence before, I really am dead. "

"Right! Call my name if you ever need to talk. With your current power, I will hear you regardless of where you are as we are linked with the vessel you posses. "

"Right. See you later, I suppose. "

"Hmm! Hey --"

[Turning in surprise, Keily felt her soul leave Luna's body for a moment as Nevira held Keily's spirit in her hands and kissed her passionately while quickly disappearing into the air. Returning back to Luna's body, Keily stood shocked and frozen as Luna's face remained flushed. While heading over to Envy, Keily stood and sat down beside her. Waiting, ready to explain everything she knows to Envy.] 
