
Luna in Disguise

Anora Windrunner was once the beloved Luna of the Forester Pack. Being unrivaled in beauty, compassion, and intelligence, she served her pack well. Even giving her mate, Luther Windrunner, a few pups to carry on their lineage. Life seemed perfect as she enjoyed her days of motherhood and being the doting wife of Luther. Until her son's 10th birthday when a rival pack planned a raid in their pack house. The raid resulted in the death of her beloved mate, her pups, and pretty much their entire pack. If it hadn't been for her pregnancy, she contemplated ending her own life. Being separated from the other surviors, Anora ended up in the woods of the Rouges, seeking refuge. Unfortunately, she comes to learn that the other rouges don't take so kindly to her pack. Having to hide her identity as Ann Wind to protect her unborn pup, she blends into the rouges. However, she experiences a lot of abuse and cruel words. Then one day they run her into the pack territory of Pinetop Pack, who captures her. After being brought to the pack house by the guards, she is spared by the Alpha who gives her the chance to join his pack. A new adventure awaits her and her unborn pup as she hides in her enemies territory under the illusion of being Ann Wind.

Dead_Gamer_Manx · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Prolouge: Birthday Party

Anora excitedly ran around the kitchen with a huge grin on her face. Today was her son, Erin's 10th birthday, and she wanted everything to be perfect. The whole pack was buzzing with excitement. Erin was their Alpha's heir and everyone wanted to give that pup the best birthday ever.

One of the omegas smiled as she spotted her Luna, "Luna Anora! The cake is almost done. We already got the ice cream in the freezer. The little Alpha should be pleased! We made sure the guards got his favorite, mint chocolate chip!"

"Thank you, Marie! I don't know what I'd do without you." Anora smiled and hugged the omega.

The guards had found Marie when she was 12 outside in the woods, abandoned. After taking the girl in, Anora felt like she had a little sister in Marie. She was always eager to help and a very sweet friend. Marie was also the personal babysitter of all Anora's pups. She was pretty much family.

"I can't believe the little Alpha is 10 years old! It feels like it was only a week ago I heard him call Luther dada tha first time!" Marie giggled.

"OH don't remind me! I have 2 more pups and one on the way." Anora winked.

Marie stopped in her tracks and widened her eyes, "You're pregnant again?!"

"Mhm," Anora smiled warmly, "but don't tell anyone yet. I haven't even told Luther. I got my results today."

"That's amazing! Congrats! The moon Goddess must have really blessed you for to have had so many pups! I can't believe you're about to have a fourth one!" Marie squealed in a hushed voice.

"I am blessed. These pups are my whole world." Anora stood up proudly.

The two she wolf's continued preparing the cake and setting up the table for the birthday party. The cake was a dark shade of blue and had white spots of icing to look like stars. Up in the top corner was a moon shaped cookie. Little wolves were sitting upon the of the cake and in neat writing read "Happy 10th Birthday, Erin Windrunner!"

There was a bench on one end of the table for all the pups. The spot in the middle had two birthday balloons tied to it. The whole set up made Anora's heart hurt as she thought about how fast her little boy had grown.

Erin had left earlier that morning with his dad, Luther, to go on a fishing trip while everyone else prepared for the party. Erin protested having to go fishing, insisting it was burning and how he rather go hunting like his father. Knowing his son hadn't got his wolf yet, Luther promised that when he was old enough. He would take his son to the old ruins for his first shift and they'd go hunting for deer to show mama later. Erin got excited and forgot all about how boring fishing was due to all his dreams of being a wolf.

The front door clicked and Anora turned to see her mate walking in. His ginger hair was trimmed short just like his beard that clung to his perfectly chiseled face. His eyes were a pretty blue color. Anora was immediately overwhelmed with love as she stared at her mate and his little twin that walked in behind him.

"Mama! Mama!" Erin squealed and ran over to her.

Anora reached down and hugged her pup, "Hi birthday boy! How was your fishing trip?"

"It was so cool! I caught a catfish and while dad was trying to get it off the hook, it slapped him! I nearly peed myself laughing!" He giggled, making dramatic handmotions to imitate the fish slapping his father.

"Big talk coming from someone who was too scared to touch the fish." Luther laughed and clicked his tongue.

"I was not scared! I was just..." he paused and then yelled, "I just didn't want to be smelly on my birthday!"

"Fair enough my darling, but how about you go play with Jasmine and Max while I talk to your dad?" Anora asked while stroking his ginger curls.

"Okay!" He smiled and ran upstairs.

"Something wrong?" Luther peered at his mate with concern.

"No baby, nothings wrong. I have some great news for you and our little family." She smiled.

Anora went over to her purse and pulled out a piece of paper. It was her result from the examination she had got a few days ago. The results had finally arrived in the mail and her supsions had been true. She was pregnant.

She handed the document to Luther who eyes the paper with great confusion.

"Mrs. Windrunner, we are pleased to inform you that your illness isn't actually an illness. Your test results actually have revealed..." Luther started to read more slowly, "that you are five weeks... pregnant."

He stopped and looked up at her, "You're pregnant?"

Anora nodded and smiled, "Our little family is getting just a little bit bigger."

Luther ran up to her and hugged her around her waist, hoisting her into the air. He buried his face in her shoulder, spinning her around.

"We're pregnant!" He cheered.

"I can't wait to tell the pups. They're going to have another sibling to play with." Anora giggled, hugging her mate back.

"I'll go get them, I wanna share this with them right away! I can't believe we're having a fourth pup!" He grinned ear to ear and ran up the stairs.

When Luther finally came back down, Erin bounced down before him. While Luther held their daughters hand to lead her down the stairs. He held their five year old son, Max, in his other arm.

"Mommy! Dad said you had a surprise?" Erin hugged her around her waist.

"Yes." She smiled and rubbed her pups head.

"Can we have it too?" Jasmine peeked around her dad's leg.

"It's for all three of you." Luther stuck his chest out proudly.

"Pups... you're going to have another little pup to play with." Anora sat down on the couch and rubbed her belly.

"OH? Where is it?" Erin and Jamsine looked around the room in confusion.

Luther laughed and sat down beside his mate. Holding his youngest pup on his lap. Jasmine climbed onto her mother's lap while Erin sat beside her.

"It's here." Anora pointed to her belly.

Erin gasped, this wasn't his first time getting this sort of news. However, Jasmine was only 2 when Max was born and Max had never seen a pregnant she wolf.

"Did you eat the pup?!" Jasmine squealed in horror.

Luther snorted and laughed, "No silly. Your mom's pregnant. You're going to have a baby brother or sister!"

Jasmine whined, "I hope it's a girl! I don't want another brother!"

Erin rolled his eyes, "I hope it's another boy, girls are sooooo dramatic."

"Am not!" Jasmine growled.

Anora and Luther watched their pups banter with affection. Even their little fights were adorable to them. They loved their pups to pieces and treasured every moment with them.

Luther slide his hand over Anora'a belly gently and laid over on her shoulder. The couple leaned into each other. Their youngest pup nestled into his mother's shoulder and yawned. This was perfect. A loving mate, loving pups. An amazing pack. It was everything Anora could ever dreamed of and she was grateful for all she had. Not every Luna got to have so much and she knew it, but she still remained humbled and didn't treat pack members of lower ranks like they weren't as important. She tried to give everyone purpose to give back back the love the moon Goddess gave her.

"Mrs. Anora! The cakes ready. All the guests have arrived. We're ready for the birthday boy!" Marie poked her head out of the dining room. Flour was smudged her cute plump cheeks.

"Come on pups, we have a birthday party to crash!" Luther stood up and rounded his eager little pups up.

One by one, they all flooded into the dining room. Anora followed behind, pulling her phone out to get a picture.

"Smile birthday boy!" She called out to Erin.

The pup flashed her a big grin and just as she snapped the picture. He stuck his tongue out making a goofy face instead. Anora rolled her eyes chuckling.

Luther pulled her chair out and very gently helped her sit down. She laughed, "I'm not glass. You don't have to be so careful."

"Well... I know, but..."

"I know my love. I understand." Anora kissed him, stroking his cheek.

"Ewww!" Their pups all cried out in unison.

The candles were lit and the whole pack sung happy birthday to Erin. Who was very impatiently waiting to blow out his candles. Luther hugged his beloved wife to his side and planted a kiss on her forehead.

After the son was over, Anora yelled out, "Blow your candles out and make a wish!"

Erin quickly did and everyone cheered.

Then Luther stood up and cleared his throat, "Everyone I have an announcement. Not only is my heir turning the big double digits. My mate, your Luna, is pregnant with her fourth pup!"

Everyone gasped and cheered even louder. There was clapping and whistling. The guards and the omegas all started chatting about how there would be a new pup running around soon. Everyone was excited.

Anora shyly leaned back into Luther who showed his affection by peppering her face in kisses. Anora blushed and returned to watching the children play and eat their cake.

Just as she got comfortable, she noticed a guard sneak into the room. His face was as pale as a ghost as he made his way over to Luther's side. The guard leaned in and whispered something to Luther.

Anora noticed flinched as Luther growled in a hushed voice, "What?!"

She quickly grabbed onto his arm, "What? Whats wrong?"

Luther turned to look at her and his expression softened. Looking around to make sure no one was watching them, he whispered, "There is some scouts from Jasper's pack sneaking around the border. I am going to go check it out with the guards. Please just stay here and keep everyone calm."

Anora wanted to protest, but she understood. Luther was the Alpha and he had to put his pack first, so that he could protect his family. As his Luna, it was her job to be the protector inside the home. To keep the peace and help everyone.

She watched his back as he left with the guard. Something was wrong.

Jasper is up to something. He's never come into our territory before. Anora's wolf, Lady, paced back and forth growling.

Anora was concerned as well, but she had to keep a brave face for her family.

After about ten minutes, she hadn't heard back from Luther and things were really starting to seem off. Everyone else was still enjoying the party, but the guards seemed awfully on end.

Just then, the guard from earlier busted into the room. He was shaking and sweat poured off him. Then Anora noticed the gash in his leg as blood dripped onto the floor.

He panted, "We... are... being raided! Guards... go to the border... pups and women... hide!!!!"

He coughed up some more blood before falling over and that was it.

"OH my God! We're under attack!" An older she wolf cried.

"Mommy, I'm scared." Max clung to her side.

Anora's heart felt with dread and fear as she realized that her pups were in danger.

We have to hide our babies now! Lady snapped in fear.

"Everyone! I want to the guards to go help defend our border. Everyone who can't fend for themselves, I want you to come down into the basement. There's a route that leads out into a safety house in the woods. We have to hurry! Marie help me with the pups!" Anora commanded.

Marie nodded and ran over to her and picked up Jasmine in her arms. The gamma was a strong male wolf who picked up Max and quickly ran down into the basement. Marie followed after him. Slowly all the other she wolves fled down into the tunnels with their pups. The elders moved a little slower, but Anora made sure to not leave them behind. Erin run beside her and once they got outside. She turned back to make sure they weren't followed. Slammed the door and lead the group further into the woods.

Once they reached the safe house. She hurried everyone inside. Pushing her children in with Marie and the gamma. Giving each pup a kiss.

"Mama has to go check on daddy. Please stay here with the other!" She told them.

"But mama. I wanna go with you!" Jasmine cried out. How she wanted to comfort her little girl.

She shook her head, "No, stay here. I'll be back with your father."

Anora didn't give her pup time to argue and quickly shifted into her wolf form. Lady took over and her golden fur shined in the sunlight as she bounded back toward the pack house. Running around the side and toward the border.

As she ran, she smelled blood. Lots of it and she feared the worse when she heard fighting from all sides.

Her pack members were locked in a brutal defense against wolves of the Saltmar. She watched in horror as one  of the Saltmar wolves ripped the throat of a member of her pack. A young male, barely 23 years old.

Feeling even more concern she looked for her mate who she spotted locked in a serious scrap with a large black male wolf. Luther's wolf, Greg was bleeding from a torn ear. He still held his ground, snapping at the male who was on top of him.

Lady wasted no time and jumped on the back of the attacker. Sinking her teeth into his throat until she could taste blood. The black male howled out in pain and flund her to the side. She hit the ground with a thud.

Lady! What are you doing?! Greg mind linked her. His voice was filled with terror.

Lady snapped back, Saving your ass! Be a little more grateful!

There little moment was interrupted as the black male sunk his teeth into her flank. She whimpered. Greg tackled the male, making a swift motion as he ripped his throat.

Lady caught he breathe and stood up. Panting and growling as the lain treckled through her from the bite. Greg licked her wound.

Are you okay? He asked.

Well enough, she responded, we have to go get our pups and run. They need us!

Before he could even respond, a gunshot rang through the clearing. A bullet struck Greg right in the chest and he yelped out before falling down to the ground.

Lady turned around to see more wolves coming over the hill and a man sitting in a tree with a sniper. This was bad.

She pressed her muzzle into her mates fur whimpering. He was whimpering as well. That was a fatal shot.

Go... our pups need you. He said sadly.

Lady stared down at him. She wanted to tell him to get up, but she could feel his soul slipping away. It hurt her and she howled out. Her mate was gone. Just like that.

Now she had to get back to her pups. She turned tail and ran back to the bunker, but to her horror. All that remained was the smell of blood and death. Guards laid on the ground outside.

She quickly shifted in her human form and ran into the house. Ignoring the stench of blood. She had to find her pups.

She climbed over the bodies and desperately searched for her pups among them. She spotted the body of Marie who was clinging to Max who had a tear in his back. Both were still.

"Noooooo!!!!!!" She screamed as hot teard streamed down her face.

"Ma...ma..." She heard a tiny voice.

Turning around, she spotted a little hand reaching out to her. Erin was sitting against the wall, a gash in his little chest, soaked with blood. He shakingly reached out to her.

Anora ran over to him and picked him up in her arms, "Oh my sweet boy... it's going to be okay... its...it's.... you can't."

"Mama.... I'm scared... it hurts..." he choked out.

She hugged him tightly as she cried uncontrollably, "Shhhh.... hush baby... I will get you out of here... you just save your strength..."

She went to stand and he howled out in pain. Her soul hurt hearing him in so much pain.

"Hold onto mama's neck..." She whispered.

His little arms clinged to her. She felt him tremble and she could see all the little wounds all over him. Anger filled her blood as she thought of how much she wanted to kill every last Saltmar for this. How much they had taken from her. Her mate, her youngest pup. Her daughter missing and her eldest barely alive.

She trunged through the forest. She was still naked after her transformation and the mud covered her legs. Thorns ripped her smooth white skin and she tried to ignore the pain, but every now and then she would whimper.

"Mommy..." Erin whimpered.

"What baby?" She tried to be brave for him.

"You're hurt..." he spoke quietly.

"I'm okay baby, I gotta get you to a hospital." She nuzzled his cheek with her own.

The little pup cling to her tighter. Then suddenly, his little arms fell limp again his chest. Anora panicked and sat down. She shook the little boy.

Fear filled her again, "Erin? Erin? ERIN?!"

There was no response. She was covered in his blood which now was dry and crusty against her bare breast. The little boys eyes rolled back into his head and when knew he was gone.

"Nooooo!" She screamed as she cried out again.

Her family. Gone. Her pack. Gone. Now it was just her. She held her last pup desperately in her arms as tears burned her once fair cheeks that were now blistered from crying.