
Luna in Disguise

Anora Windrunner was once the beloved Luna of the Forester Pack. Being unrivaled in beauty, compassion, and intelligence, she served her pack well. Even giving her mate, Luther Windrunner, a few pups to carry on their lineage. Life seemed perfect as she enjoyed her days of motherhood and being the doting wife of Luther. Until her son's 10th birthday when a rival pack planned a raid in their pack house. The raid resulted in the death of her beloved mate, her pups, and pretty much their entire pack. If it hadn't been for her pregnancy, she contemplated ending her own life. Being separated from the other surviors, Anora ended up in the woods of the Rouges, seeking refuge. Unfortunately, she comes to learn that the other rouges don't take so kindly to her pack. Having to hide her identity as Ann Wind to protect her unborn pup, she blends into the rouges. However, she experiences a lot of abuse and cruel words. Then one day they run her into the pack territory of Pinetop Pack, who captures her. After being brought to the pack house by the guards, she is spared by the Alpha who gives her the chance to join his pack. A new adventure awaits her and her unborn pup as she hides in her enemies territory under the illusion of being Ann Wind.

Dead_Gamer_Manx · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Identity

I walked through the forest, a husk of my former self. I was once a proud Luna, beloved by my pack and I loved them. I had a loving mate and three wonderful pups with my beloved. We had everything. It was perfect.

Now, I'm nothing. I held my son in my arms as he slipped away from this world. After coming to terms with his death, I carried him back to our home. The battle was over and we lost. Our whole pack laid strewn across the territory. I buried my two children in the rose garden Luther had made for me when we got married. Never thought my pups would be buried underneath my favorite roses one day. My daughter was still no where to be found.

After burying my children, I ran away. There was still life growing inside me and I was not ready to loose the last thing Luther and I had created. I prayed to the moon Goddess to allow me to keep this pup even if it killed me. Now after wandering the woods for a few days. I thought she may just be granting that last part.

My once beautiful golden and dusty brown was now colored dark brown with the mud that clung to it. I hasn't been able to stop and bathe, so I kept moving forward. My legs were caked in mud and my arms were still covered in dried blood. My once soft hands were now calloused.

That was not the only that had to change. I couldn't let anyone know who I was until I knew who my enemy was and why they raided my pack. I couldn't risk them finding me and finishing me off, not with the live I was supporting. The last true born Windrunner after my husband's death.

I never felt so alone in my life. Never had to be alone before. I grew up as kingdom wolf before moving out into one of the forest packs to be with my destined mate. Things were going so well. Too well apparently. The moon Goddess felt the need to take it all away from me. Part of me resented her and wanted to know why she let my pups get slaughtered. Another part of me blames myself for not having stayed with them.

My stomach growled and I had to push down my own discomfort to keep moving forward.

"Stop! Who goes there?" A male jumped out on the trail in front of me. Another male shifted into his wolf form stood beside him growling.

I open my mouth to respond, but to my surprise. My throats so dry all I can do is make a sound. I grab my throat and cough violently.

Seeming to have figured out my predicament, the guys lead me to a little shack deeper in the forest.

The one who was still in human form called out to a woman, "Nat, get her some water!"

A skinny little old woman brought a cup of water out to me and I hurriedly accepted it.

The main male snapped at me, "Sit."

Not wanting to upset him, I do as he says. I sip my water and quickly down the whole cup. I didn't realize how thristy I had been till I drank that cup of dirty water like it was my life support.

"Another victim of those dammed packs! Man they hoarde all the water while others starve." The other man, shifted out his wolf and complained.

I quickly realize I'm in the presence of rouges and stiffen up. Rouges were unpredictable and somwtimes even dangerous. They resented pack wolves because of their banishment from pack territories and here I was sitting here in front of people who would slit my throat first chance they got. I figured it was best to pretend I was one of them.

The main male asked me in a stern tone, "You don't look like anyone I know. Who the hell are you?"

I had think think fast about my new identity and I spoke softly, "My names Ann Wind. I was kicked out of my pack for not.... not letting the Alpha have his way with me. Even my mate shunned me for not obeying my Alpha."

The woman gasped, "That's awful! Back in my day, we respected mate bonds and didn't try to ruin what the moon goddess gave them."

"Back in your day, packs were still s***. That's why you don't have one." The main male rolled his eyes.

"Yes well... there isn't many days left in me." She mocked, seeming annoyed with his respo.

"Shut up." He snapped causing her to cower back.

I stared at him in disgust. How could he be so hateful with a little old lady? Her hands were bruised and it was fairly obvious she was the one who cooks based on the stains on her tattered clothing.

"As for you," he snapped and stood over me. "Put some f***ing clothes on after you bathe. You're filthy."

"I don't... have any." I frowned and turned away.

He eyed me suspiciously, then went to the back of the room. There was a dresser beside his cot. Which he opened up and threw me a really big t-shirt.

"Here. Ponds out back." He snapped.

I didn't want to anger him any further, though I didn't know what I did in the first place. Plus I hated the dirty feeling on my skin. So, I did as he said.

I walked out the back door and laid my gaze upon the little pond he was referring to. It wasn't the cleanest, but it was better than nothing. She didn't have much choice, but try to get in with these rouges. She was nearly 6 weeks pregnant and she hasn't eaten in 5 days. If she wanted this baby, she had to try and stay on his good side.

I stepped out into the water and the water turned muddy where my legs reached. I walked out into the center and washed the mud and blood from my limbs. Feeling a little relieved to see my skin again even if it was scrathed up pretty bad.

I washed my hair and seen the pretty golden hue show up again. I wondered if thus pup would get my dirty blonde hair or its fathers ginger hair. The hope of seeing this baby was all that gave me strength as I washed my own sons blood from my breast.

I still could hear his little voice and feel the bond I had with my children. The memories of my pups were still flooding my head and I remembered all the little moments I had witnessed.

Erin was a spitting image of his father with his ginger curls and fair skin. Even his dimples that formed when he smiled matched his father. Luther was so proud of his son and there were so many plans he had for his little boy.

I remembered the first day we took him to the sparring pit to watch the wolves train in combat. His eyes shined with curiosity as he watched the guards spar.

He turned around to me and Luther and confidently declared, "I'm going to be the strongest wolf ever!"

"That's right," Luther teased with a proud smile, "Just like your dad!"

The look on Erin's face when he heard he could be like his dad was one of amusement. He screeched, "I can be like daddy!"

The memory broke my heart as I felt my blood boil. My pup was innocent and pure. He wasn't even old enough to fight. Why did he have to die? Why would anyone want to hurt him?! Let alone Max was just 5 and Jasmine who had turned 8 a few months. I hated the Saltmar pack and I swore to myself I'd avenge my family.

"Hey!" I heard someone call out to me.

I turned around to see Nat standing in the backdoor with a towel in her hand. I hadn't realized how ragged the old woman looked inside, but I seen it now. Her pale skin was peppered in bruises and cuts. No doubt that damn male from earlier work. Her grey hair clung to the sides of her face in messy matted clunks. Her clothes were tattered and stained, looked like she had been wearing them a while. Despite her frail and weak appearance, there was a certain strength about her.

She had clearly been through a lot, but her blue eyes shined brightly with life. All she had suffered had not broken her spirit. In my pack, she would have had a place in the omega house. Except unlike other packs, out omegas weren't mistreated. I made it my goal to give everyone a purpose when I became Luna after bearing witness to so much unjust in the kingdom. We were like a family and everyone supported each other. Saltmar took that from me. The anger and disgust I felt for them was overwhelming.

I climbed out of the water and walked toward Nat. Accepting the towel she held out for me and wrapping it around my body.

Nat smiled at me and ushered me into the shack, "I got you some dinner. You looked like you needed something to help you gain some strength again."

I was surprised by her kindness and let her lead me to a table in the corner of the shack. Where she had fixed two bowls of soup, or rather watered down venison, and pushed two chairs down. I sat down and she sat across from me.

"Thank you." I smiled at her as best as I could.

She smiled back shyly, "It was no trouble. I just wanted to help a fellow she wolf."

I stared at her injured hand which she quickly hide under the table. She insisted it was a cooking accident, but I didn't believe that. After seeing how she flinched when that male snapped at her, I assumed he was a frequent abuser.

"Nat, why are you scared of that guy?" I was very direct about my suspicion.

She flinched and looked around nervously before whispering, "That's James. If I were you, I wouldn't anger him. He gets... mad when he doesn't have his way."

I knew it. Those bruises and cuts were his work. I growled, "I can't believe he did that to you."

"Did what?" His voice come from the doorway.

Nat jumped and frantically waved her hands, "You know, how Alpha Marcus banished me. We were talking about how awful pack wolves were."

Seeming pleased with her response, he snarled his lip up in disgust, "Damn pack wolves think they're all that. Well I'll show them when I get rid of that b*stard."

You're the bastard. Lady growled. Just let me kill this douche already.

We can't do that to Nat. Plus I need to know where the nearest pack territory was. I soothe her anger with reason.

Fine, but as soon as was got what we want. I'm tripping Jim throat out. Lady snapped her jaws together.

"How did you get banished?" I asked him.

He turned his glaring to me, "I told you to dress yourself you filthy b*tch. Though I gotta admit. You look a whole hell of a lot better now that you're not muddy."

I felt his gaze fall over my legs, poking out from under the towel. He was practically licking his lips admiring my body. I wanted to slap him and put him in his place, but now wasn't the time.

"I will." I stood up, taking Nat's advice, I slipped the oversized t-shirt on.

He watched as if he was about to rip it right off my torso. How did aLuna of a powerful pack end up being being ogled and at the mercy of a rouge?" I mocked myself.

"That's better. I'm too disappointed." He smirked, "I got banished for trying to hit on the Alphas daughter. She was playing in the lake and I watched her. She was freaked out and told her dad I was stalking her. So he banished me."

Luther and Greg would've have his head and then his manhood for watching our pup. Even if it were an accident. Lady rolled her eyes.

I agreed with her, Luther was very protective and so was I. I would've banished him and worse for what he did.

"That's horrible." I lied, to make him believe I sympathized with him.

James huffed, "Yeah. I'm going to go check the roads and see if Luke is back. Nat watch our guest. Make sure she stays out of my stuff."

Nat nodded and James hurried off. Once he was done. Nat turned her gaze back to me.

There seemed to be something bothering her as she studied me. "You're not a rouge." She mumbled.

I tensed up, "No, I am. I told you my banishment judgment was made because I-"

"You were a Luna." She whispered loudly.

I didn't know how she figured me out. I never said anything about my pack and I had barely been there more than a couple of hours. How could she have guessed?

"What makes you say that?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Your back, you have a marking. A little moon symbol. I know that marking. That's the marriage claim symbol of the Forester pack. Why are you here?" She stared at me in confusion.

"My pack was raided and killed. I'm all that's left." I admitted.

Her expression softened and speak softly, "I'm so sorry. I just didn't understand why you were out here... I won't tell anyone. Promise."

Again Nat had surprised me. Only wolves of my husband's pack knew what that symbol meant. When a new Luna was named, they were branded after being married to the Alpha. Now she was promising to keep my secret?

"Why? Don't you hate pack wolves?" I asked, titling my head.

"No. I wasn't banished. I left because... well... I was James nana. His father was my Alpha. We were childhood friends. Marcus's father forced him to marry some she wolf from some other pack. Marcus had James with another she wolf in retaliation and asked me to take care of him. When James was banished, I just followed after him. It was the least I could do for the pup I failed, but he... he changed." She seemed sad talking about her past and like a burden had been lifted off her.

I had a new found hatred for James. This old woman gave up her home and family to help him and all he does is hurt her. Her voice was raspy every time she mentioned him as if she thought it was all her fault.

I reached over and put my hand over hers, "Nat. You can't blame yourself for who he is."

She stared up at me in surprise and gave me a weak smile, "I know, but I still wish I could've stopped him."

"Letting him hurt you isn't going to make things better." I frowned.

She looked off at the wall and sighed, "I'm getting too old for his abuse. It takes me longer to heal now then it used to."

I squeezed her hand, "Well now I'm here. You don't have to be alone with him anymore."

A tear ran down her cheek as she smiled down at the table sadly, "Thank you."

That was probably the first kind thing she had heard anyone say in years. I admired the strength behind those eyes that still had the desire to remain strong despite her aging body and injuries. I couldn't imagine how long she had been locked in this shack with no one to talk to. I could tell she was emotional because of what I had said and I let her break down.

After a few minutes, I helped her clean the dishes and clean up a little. She had difficulty moving the furniture by herself, so I have her a hand. We got things straightened up a little, I hoped it would be enough to keep James from getting angry with her.

Not long after, James returned with Luke following in behind him. James was a scrawny dusty brown haired man while Luke was even skinner and had pale brown hair. Luke was clearly in worse condition, but he didn't argue.

"What's that smell?" James sniffed the air with a cocky grin.

"Dinner!" Nat called out. Nat and I had went out and gathered herbs to make a hardy meal to help build up strength. I went along with it because I needed to make sure my pregnancy wasn't going to be affected due to my malnourished body.

James peered down at Nat with a cocked eyebrow, "It looks cleaner in here as well."

I spoke up to get his attention off Nat, "We made a bit of a different type meal. Instead of soup, I helped her make a roast with the leftover venison.

"I'll see if it's any better, if it's not. I'll have to punish you for wasting our meat." He glared.

With a huff, he took a fork and broke off a part of the meat. He shoved it in his mouth. I could tell by the way he twisted his hand it was better than he thought.

"You can cook?" He asked me.

"I know a few things. I used to be a maid in my old pack." I lied. I learned to cook because I wanted to make meals for my husband and pups every now and then, but he doesn't have to know that.

James took a moment to think, "You can stay. As long as you help clean to house and cook the meals. I'll allow you to stay. Just remember, I'm the boss. Don't do anything without asking me first."

I nodded. Poor James couldn't realize I wanted his head because of how vain he was. I couldn't wait to get him back for all the hell he put Nat though, but I needed more info first.