
Luke dunphy last kryptonian

Luke dunphy the last kryptonian

Patrick_Templon · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter Two: A New Beginning

Luke Dunphy had always been the class clown, the one who never took anything seriously. But now, with his newfound powers and the weight of his destiny on his shoulders, he knew he had to change. He needed to buckle down in both life and school in order to be the most successful hero he can be. He's currently 14 years old standing around 6'2 with curly drown brown hair and steal grey eyes.

As he walked through the door of his family's home, his parents could sense that something was different. His parents, Phil and Claire, were sitting in the living room, watching the news on TV. They looked up as he walked in, and their expressions changed from confusion to shock as he asked his question

Luke took a deep breath, trying to find the words to explain what had happened. "I...I don't know how to ask other then go out and say it mom dad am I adopted? And before you answer, please be truthful I know more then you think."

Phil and Clair looked at each other and then back at Luke.

"Yes honey, your adopted we didn't want you to find out like this we wanted to tell you when we thought the time was right."

"We'll the time is right, on my way home I received a vision from my birth father telling me about my heritage and the powers I will possess"

Phil's eyes widened. "Superpowers? Like what, flying or shooting lasers out of your eyes?"

Luke nodded. "Yeah, like that. And more. I can understand every language in the universe."

His parents were silent for a moment, trying to process what they had just heard. Finally, Claire spoke up. "What does this mean? Are you...are you a superhero now?"

Luke shrugged. "I don't know. I just know that I'm here for a reason. I have a destiny to fulfill."

His parents looked at him with concern, but also with pride. They had always known that Luke was special, that he had a spark of something inside him that set him apart from the rest of the family.

But now, as they watched him stand there in his superhero suit, they realized that Luke was something more. He was a hero, with the power to do great things and change the world.

As the days and weeks passed, Luke began to explore his new powers and learn what it truly meant to be a Kryptonian. He spent hours practicing his flight and strength, testing the limits of what he could do. Using his kryptonian brain to quickly learn and study everything he can quickly advancing past Alex, which frustrated her greatly.

But he also spent time with his family, trying to maintain some sense of normalcy in his life. He helped his dad with his real estate business, went to school with his sister Alex, and even went on a date with a girl from his class.

But despite all of this, Luke knew that his destiny was calling him. And when the time came, he would be ready to answer it, with the courage and determination of a true hero.